Random Network
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  • Users: 50
  • Channels: 15 indexed
  • Top Channel:
    #antisocial (37)
  • Last Indexed: 2 hours ago
  • Zoite is the biggest, medium-sized, small IRC network mentioned in this sentence. We've been around for a little over 18 years now, welcoming users new and old alike. Drop in and say hello!
* related to indexed networks only

Top Channels

Network Name Topic Users
Libera.Chat #ubuntu-tn Salon IRC de la LoCo Team approuvée Ubuntu en Tunisie | ubuntu-tn | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TunisianTeam 4
Libera.Chat #thepark 4
OFTC #debian-nantes Salon public de Debian Nantes | https://nantes.debian.net | Archives du salon sur https://nantes.debian.net/irc/archives 4
DALnet #a Haters are my favorite 4
DALnet #8 blah 4
DALnet #surau ()()() Welcome to #SuRau DALnet ~ Jika engkau meminta, mintalah kepada Allah. Jika engkau memohon pertolongan, memohonlah kepada Allah. - (HR. At-Tirmidzi) ()()() 4
OFTC #beijinglug Beijing GNU/Linux User Group | 北京 GNU/Linux 用户组, 主要讨论 GNU/Linux, FOSS, Online Rights and Privacy 相关话题 | XMPP: add chatirc@beijinglug.club as your friend | Please introduce yourself when first online. 4
EFnet #outlaws 4
OFTC #openpgp-ca In-house, Federated OpenPGP Key Management for Groups - https://openpgp-ca.org/ 4
DALnet #england Have a smidgeon of Wookiee poop. 4
Libera.Chat #pandorabox-lag 4
Undernet #dwbots 4
OFTC #monkeys Trumsonaro slashfic 4
Libera.Chat #freeems Welcome! | Don't ask to ask! | Can't speak? Register on libera.chat! | #freeems-ot for non-FreeEMS related chat. | IRC rules: http://forum.diyefi.org/viewtopic.php?f=41&t=1711 4
IRCnet #elämä 4
IRCnet #bongwater 4
EvilNET #routing 'Routing application status: OPEN - https://routing.evilnet.org/ 4
Libera.Chat #lopsa-live 4
Libera.Chat #kanboard https://kanboard.org/ | Discussions | Assistance | everything else 4
Libera.Chat #dexterelevator 4
DALnet #ph Welcome To #PH - The Filipino Channel in DALnet 4
Undernet #hardrock&metalmp3 4
freenode #mpd 4
OFTC #mirc INDECISION is the key to FLEXIBILITY. Little Ghost Bot By LGN 4
freenode #wiiubru 4
OFTC #ntb Channel for Linux NTB driver support 4
SkyChatz #kampong 4
EFnet #bozradio The BEST Music from the 60s Onwards! https://boz.radio 4
QuakeNet #no-limit 4
OFTC #mysql Have a question about MySQL? Try #mysql on freenode :D 4
DALnet #drug drug 4
DALnet #borg We are the Borg. Your biological and technological distinctiveness will be added to our own. Resistance is futile. 4
DALnet #adventist May the smiling face of Jesus shine upon all. :) 4
Libera.Chat #oceanen 4
DALnet #cilegon Welcome to #Cilegon 4
FreshChat #lovechatpk 4
OFTC #framebufferphone Framebufferphone - Mobile linux UI that runs in the framebuffer and is efficient, minimalistic, scriptable. Works best on the Pinephone. Fbp and f_scripts! https://sr.ht/~mil/framebufferphone/ 4
QuakeNet #speedxs 4
EFnet #amsterdam 4
Undernet #thee 4
Libera.Chat #thelounge-botabuse 4
EFnet #arstechnica "God save the Queen, man" 4
OFTC #theology 4
DALnet #teenlounge Welcome to #TeenLounge - Enjoy your stay and have a nice chat! 4
Libera.Chat #tuxhacker tux hacker 4
DALnet #idling Welcome to #Idling, a classic IdleRPG game channel. | To login: /msg idlebot Login YourCharacterName Password | To register: /msg idlebot register YourCharacterName Password CharacterClass | http://idlerpg.net/ for more info | Game was reset on 2021-04-13 4
Libera.Chat #sysadministrivia 4
freenode #lainchan 4
QuakeNet #gsps 4
ChatLounge #zncmonitor2 Private ZNC Monitoring Channel for Ben. If you are not authorized to be here, you will likely be K-Lined. 4