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Top Channels

Network Name Topic Users
OFTC #osm-foss We promote the use of Free and Open Source Software (FOSS). Feel free to ask anything! FOSS policy committee of the @openstreetmap Foundation (OSMF). 4
freenode #kwin 4
Libera.Chat #jedipedia Jedipedia, suomenkielinen Tähtien sota -wiki | https://www.jedipedia.fi/ 4
OFTC #debian-dns DNS packaging and maintenance in Debian -- https://salsa.debian.org/dns-team -- https://tracker.debian.org/teams/dns/ -- https://wiki.debian.org/Teams/DNS 4
TechNet #admins Welcome to #admins || 4
QuakeNet #somerset.esports 4
freenode #sympa 4
Libera.Chat #mcfproj ヾ(o◕∀◕)ノヾ | https://gcc-mcf.lhmouse.com/ | https://github.com/lhmouse/asteria/ | #c_lang_cn 4
OFTC #pythran 4
Libera.Chat #alcove Le chan des anciens Alcoviques 4
HybridIRC #haryana_mangalsutra 4
Libera.Chat ##weather-us-wy EXPERIMENTAL | NOAA Active Weather Alerts for the state of Wyoming | For questions, help, and discussion: ##weather 4
OFTC #kitinfo-colors Nur für hochmoderne Farbdisplays und IRC-Clients mit Farbsupport. 4
Libera.Chat #dosystems 4
OFTC #fai NEWS: fai-project.org/FAIme | we encourage all to set their real name 4
OFTC #debian-containers 4
OFTC ##panfrost-offtopic not-panfrost 4
Libera.Chat #ubuntu-app-devel 4
Libera.Chat #monochrome https://perkele.cc/software/monochrome | version 1.4.4 4
Libera.Chat ###bots about bots 4
OFTC #atr0phy #atr0phy [www.atr0phy.net] | Support the Electronic Frontier Foundation - http://eff.org 4
IRCnet #exex 4
QuakeNet #kc12 BIGGEST QUIZ WINNERS 2024 LFGO (*..o*.* Merry Coristamas - https://youtu.be/J0NXY89WsxY *~.*'*.*) 4
Libera.Chat #rml Richmond MakerLabs makerspace/hackspace in Richmond (Ham), Greater London United Kingdom 4
IRCnet #ahs 4
freenode ##buddhism 4
OFTC #inferno 4
OFTC #haskell-by 4
Libera.Chat #wikipedia-cs Status: OK | https://cs.wikipedia.org | Potrebujete spravce? Napiste !spravce nebo !admin 4
HybridIRC #morningmusic 4
EFnet #milf 4
Libera.Chat #novavideoplayer 4
Libera.Chat #reddit-tennis-politics hello mero 4
Libera.Chat #ystv York Student Television | https://ystv.co.uk 4
Libera.Chat #wikipedia-en-cbngfeed 4
OFTC #mch2022-logistics 4
IRCnet #g@te 4
Libera.Chat ##site131 4
OFTC #lowrisc Discussion for the lowRISC project to produce an open-source SoC. Join our discussion list http://listmaster.pepperfish.net/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/lowrisc-dev-lists.lowrisc.org 4
IRC4Fun #fixyourconnection ℹ️ If you have been redirected to this channel, it is usually because your IRC client is unstable or flooding with joins/parts/quits/etc. 📓 You must be registered and identified with NickServ to speak / ask about how you ended up here. 4
OFTC #vidalia Vidalia | https://www.torproject.org/projects/vidalia.html.en | GeoIP Server Down, Please use at least 0.2.10 | Source Code: https://gitweb.torproject.org/vidalia.git 4
Libera.Chat #clubnix 4
Libera.Chat #43oh 4
OFTC #cyclosm Official channel for CyclOSM render - https://github.com/cyclosm/cyclosm-cartocss-style 4
OFTC #neurodebian Open is not Enough: http://www.frontiersin.org/Neuroinformatics/10.3389/fninf.2012.00022/full 4
OFTC #deblyon 4
OFTC #pipe These are not the pipes you're looking for... 4
IRCnet #$b$i$0$k$c$m$/(b 4
QuakeNet #tea4 4
IRCnet #l'aquila 4