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Top Channels

Network Name Topic Users
RetroNode #physics 4
Libera.Chat #kdtest 4
Undernet #king The Greatest Value in Life is Not What You Get; ( The Greatest Value in Life is What You Become. ) 4
OFTC #debian.de-offtopic 4
OFTC #!ccc 4
IRCnet #szeged 4
Libera.Chat #fedora-uk 4
Libera.Chat #bioinfobistro Boisson, Bioinfo, et Bonne humeur, bienvenue sur #BioinfoBistro. Attention: zone de râlage intensif, et d’humour discutable. 4
RetroNode #test <script>alert("hello!")</script> 4
OFTC #mch2021-info MCH2021 Team:Info | https://wiki.mch2021.org/Team:Info | Next meeting: https://pad.ifcat.org/p/team-info-meeting-4 4
Rizon #rss RSS Anime Feeds Currently: tokyotosho (!tokyotosho) manga-updates (!manga) 4
Libera.Chat #bosng BOSng - Die Welt ist schlecht - Loggen verboten! 4
Libera.Chat #linux-india Please join ##linux-india 4
Rizon #baltchan https://baltchan.net/ | IRC: #baltchan @ rizon.net | Discord: https://discord.gg/5Pg7suB8QB 4
Libera.Chat #stutter 4
RetroNode #sci A place where you can talk about Sierra Creative Interpreter (SCI) code and hang out 4
IRCnet #ragusa 4
IRCnet #fit 4
OFTC #debian-meh 4
Undernet #uno Type !uno ... and enjoy the game !!! ( use: !unocmds [available commands] ) 4
IRCnet #praedor 4
freenode #osaa 4
Undernet #m@trix 4
IRCnet #physik 4
freenode #dfhack 4
OFTC #theology 4
RetroNode #hamradio VHF/UHF, HF, DMR, LoRa/Meshtastic, APRS, Amateur radio satellites 4
freenode #angularjs 4
Rizon #calytmi CALY IS GETTING MARRIED NOV 3 2018!!!11 4
Undernet #magyar-ops 4
Undernet #baby Welcome Kids 4
freenode #libvirt 4
Rizon #mgq Monster Girl Quest discussion https://roguetranslations.wordpress.com/ - https://dargoth.com/ - https://bitbucket.org/dargothtranslations/mgq-paradox-2/commits/all - Channel needs to be Active again, Come chat about MGQ and Paradox 4
Libera.Chat #chatircd The "official" unofficial channel for the ChatIRCd IRC daemon. Primary support channel is located at #ChatIRCd at irc.chatlounge.net | ircs://irc.chatlounge.net:6697/chatircd 4
IRCnet #otit.hallitus2017 4
freenode #gentoo-security 4
freenode #wiiubru 4
Libera.Chat #armbian-broadcom armbian - Linux for ARM development boards | Broadcom SoC | www.armbian.com | This channel is relayed to the equivalent Discord channel 4
Undernet #adolf_hitler Welcome to the official channel of the great Adolf Hitler the great leader of Germany :D ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adolf_Hitler https://en.wikipedia.org/w 4
freenode #mpd 4
Undernet #malaysia 4
Libera.Chat #dexterelevator 4
OFTC #framebufferphone Framebufferphone - Mobile linux UI that runs in the framebuffer and is efficient, minimalistic, scriptable. Works best on the Pinephone. Fbp and f_scripts! https://sr.ht/~mil/framebufferphone/ 4
IRCnet #geocaching.cz 4
RetroNode #nederlands 4
RetroNode #osdev Operating System Development 4
Undernet #cebolinha 4
OFTC #mysql Have a question about MySQL? Try #mysql on freenode :D 4
Libera.Chat #pastebinit Pastebinit .:. Latest version: 1.7.1 .:. https://github.com/pastebinit/pastebinit 4
Libera.Chat #kde-mac 4