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Top Channels

Network Name Topic Users
EFnet #strangerthings { Stranger Things - Season 5 is in production! RELEASE DATE: ~2025} -- {(shared from IRC4Fun.net amongst several networks)} 4
OFTC #asm 4
QuakeNet #egghelp 4
EFnet #🇨🇦 🇨🇦💪 4
QuakeNet #tm-production 4
Libera.Chat #obsd 4
HybridIRC #worldchat.co.in Welcome to #worldchat.co.in .. you can start chat from now https://www.worldchat.co.in 4
EFnet #k3-add 4
Libera.Chat #pcolalug Pensacola Linux Users Group chat - join us! 4
OFTC #osm-in 4
Libera.Chat #themesh The Mesh - floating in space: an odyssey of 2022; a contemplative experience of 2024 4
Libera.Chat #fomu 4
Libera.Chat #wikimedia-translation 4
QuakeNet #midair.pug 4
freenode #macaronic 4
OFTC #mch2022-tickets 4
EFnet #tones.be Tijd voor een nieuw topic. Dat werd tijd. 4
Rizon #somnolescent one! two! you know what to do! 4
OFTC #osrc Boring channel 4
EFnet #snacks you write for the atlantic and you have fewer followers than me, a guy who writes plays about energy drinks and boners. 4
EFnet #mrdirty 4
Libera.Chat #librenms 4
EFnet #germania 4
OFTC #bip https://bip.milkypond.org | bip 0.9.3 out. | Only registered nicks may talk. 4
QuakeNet #diabotical 4
Libera.Chat #gentoo-ua 4
Rizon #chonkybonk cHONKy bONk iN 2o24 ! | #bonkychonk 4
Libera.Chat #constatus 4
EFnet #raspberrypi 4
QuakeNet #irc.fi 4
Libera.Chat ##alloy 4
Libera.Chat #nixos-infra 4
QuakeNet #crazycraft 4
Rizon #a_corner_cafe ¸ø¤°'°¤ø¸ WeLcOmE tO #A_Corner_Cafe ¸ø¤°'°¤ø¸ 4
Libera.Chat #wikipedia-fr-liverc 4
EFnet #hrh 🐇📻🕐💰Harelip Radio Hour💰 | Welcome Enometh! 🚽🧻 4
Libera.Chat #opendev 4
Libera.Chat #calyxos-dev Matrix Bridge has been disabled, https://gitlab.com/CalyxOS/calyxos/-/issues/1936 4
EFnet #prive 4
EFnet #wizardry 4
Libera.Chat #zhdel 已删百科管理员联系频道 | https://zhdel.miraheze.org | 收集中文维基百科上被删除的内容 | 机器人活动监视:https://zhdel.miraheze.org/m/4LL 4
EFnet #turks 4
EFnet #|*|23 4
EFnet #bordersee 4
Libera.Chat #ubuntu-mir 4
EFnet #borderland 4
QuakeNet #superninja 4
EFnet #phrozen-hell 4
EFnet #ph-ops 4
Libera.Chat #fsfepotteries Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) Potteries | Information: https://fsfe.org/potteries | Matrix: https://matrix.to/#/#potteries:fsfe.org | A local group based in the UK around the North Staffordshire region, part of the wider European Free Software movement. 4