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Top Channels

Network Name Topic Users
freenode #hackerspaces 4
Undernet #cool-canal Cea mai tare retea IRC /server -m irc.europeirc.eu sau direct de pe pagina ( www.Chat.EuropeIRC.eu mersi va asteptam cu un click sau de pe mIRC ) 4
OFTC #mch2021-info MCH2021 Team:Info | https://wiki.mch2021.org/Team:Info | Next meeting: https://pad.ifcat.org/p/team-info-meeting-4 4
OFTC #btrfs 4
Rizon #a_corner_cafe ¸ø¤°'°¤ø¸ WeLcOmE tO #A_Corner_Cafe ¸ø¤°'°¤ø¸ 4
Libera.Chat ##mz 4
Rizon #8chan-/int/ 72% obsessed | For more ebin menes visit https://8ch.net/int/ :DDDDDD | no fun allowed 4
DALnet #thornhill Welcome To #Thornhill - http://www.ThornhillHistoric.Org | http://www.ThornhillFestival.Org 4
EFnet #fredrikstad 4
QuakeNet #miungie 4
Libera.Chat ##jesus 4
EFnet #xboxunity 4
freenode #backspace 4
freenode ##nlp 4
Undernet #cebolinha 4
QuakeNet #lastgasp 4
Libera.Chat #xcsoar XCSoar 7.43-rc0 - the open-source glide computer 4
KampungChat #friends Don't fear the enemy that attacks you, but the fake friends that hugs you.. Indah langit kerana awannya, indah persahabatan kerana ukhwahnya." | Semoga dapat menjaga tutur kata sesama kita ;) 4
Rizon #canv.as CANVAS IS BACK!~ish: https://scribbl.es | http://imgur.com/a/vjahD | List of quotes: https://pastebin.com/X9JF9qXj | http://steamcommunity.com/groups/o_q Where is everyone I miss you ;( | ( ´_ゝ`) 4
DALnet #abuse-survivors A Safe Place for Survivors to Talk 4
Libera.Chat #bot 4
freenode #sql 4
IRCnet #hjk 22.3.2025 13:00 HJK-Hammarby 4
Libera.Chat #zsh-users 4
DALnet #diabetic-survivors Support chat for all diabetics, abuse survivors welcome 4
Rizon #tonari. Idle in der Cloud: https://discord.gg/5buvcwG | Projektstatus: ded. http://goo.gl/n7z4gB ||| XDCC: !list ||| Aktuelle Folgen: Senyuu. S2 EP7 | Tsuritama EP6 | Hibike! EP2 | Sabagebu! SP3 | Kochinpa! EP01 - EP02 QC ||| Besucht uns doch auf https://tonari.ga 4
Rizon #tubes 4
Libera.Chat #sish sish - an open source tunnel to localhost (ngrok, serveo, localtunnel) that only requires SSH - https://github.com/antoniomika/sish 4
Rizon #mibbit Help channel for Mibbit clients | For questions regarding the Rizon network please /join #help .:. Please forgive any turbulance - adding a new executive washroom 4
Libera.Chat ##freenude 4
Libera.Chat #video-dev 4
DALnet #baguio 4
Libera.Chat #akku Akku 1.1.0 · https://akkuscm.org/ · Scheme language package manager 4
Libera.Chat #xshellz-ops xShellz's 2021 year in rewind and 2024 New Year's resolution: https://www.xshellz.com/paste/1499s8h6yr 4
Rizon #mafiazone If you want one of the bots added, have your channel owner leave a message here and I'll add one as soon as I'm at the computer 4
Libera.Chat #codex Welcome to #Codex - Cybersecurity and IT related discussion lair 4
freenode #rosedu Romanian Open Source Education www.rosedu.org 4
Undernet #history CService has appointed jdoe as new channel MGR after old one expired by majority of votes 4
freenode #fedora-unregistered 4
Libera.Chat #sshc 4
QuakeNet #root24 4
Libera.Chat #gnu-webmasters GNU webmasters! | Take the quiz today and join us! https://www.gnu.org/server/standards/webmaster-quiz.html 4
QuakeNet #tfom-db 4
IRCnet #physik 4
SkyChatz #channel Channel Room! !port http://exsiteteam.blogspot.com/ copy and pasted from another team remote and make it yours! 4
DALnet #taal 4
IRCnet #slackware.de 4
OFTC #discord 4
SkyChatz #kinabalu 4