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  • Users: 16,659
  • Channels: 2,644 indexed
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    #undernet (278)
  • Last Indexed: 4 hours ago
  • The Undernet is one of the largest realtime chat networks in the world, with approximately 40 servers connecting people world wide.
* related to indexed networks only

Top Channels

Network Name Topic Users
Rizon #eurocup UEFA Euro 2024 Final Spain 2 v England 1 | See you 2028 4
HybridIRC #twisted Welcome To #Twisted 4
Rizon #/vr/_netplay I only keep this channel up so I can use the dice bot 4
OFTC #u-boot 4
Rizon #hf-modders HF-Modding/Translation Club Since 2006| Part of : #hf-network | Server Status: [ UP ] | Current Project : [Illusion] Honey Select | Next Game : [Illusion] <Not Announced Yet>- | News : -We currently releasing our mods in anime-sharing.com as well, give it a hit | To notify a member, please write there name exactly as it 4
Rizon #bbbbb 4
QuakeNet #jeff-xonotic 4
QuakeNet #anarchyonline.no 4
Rizon #johor " Selamat Datang Ke Channel (* JOHOR. 4
QuakeNet #yourmum 4
Rizon #asianmedia 4
QuakeNet #cirebon 4
OFTC #wireless Anything about Wireless Networking. Idle here and we can make a community! • Our other channel is #wardriving • Everybody now goes to #Corsair 4
Rizon ## 4
Rizon #7 #7 ::: prime's home ::: prime is a C/C++ evaluation bot. Give him a C/C++ snippet, he'll run it and display the output. ::: Syntax: prime: { cout << "Hello world!"; } ::: also try: cout << "Hello world!"; ::: for(;;){}? Nice try. ::: OH GOD IT'S DEAD! 4
Libera.Chat #armadeus 4
Rizon #u #ul7tra 4
Rizon #@ 4
Libera.Chat #gentoo-laptop 4
Rizon #/b/radio oldfag autojoin graveyard 4
IRCnet #geocaching.cz 4
EFnet #bastards 4
OFTC #btrfs 4
EFnet #amigaguiden 4
Libera.Chat ##weather-us-ky EXPERIMENTAL | NOAA Active Weather Alerts for the state of Kentucky | For questions, help, and discussion: ##weather 4
Rizon #kawaii-scans Welcome to Kawaii Scans! | Visit http://kawaii.ca for New Releases | Latest Releases: Ohana Holoholo Ch. 11; Virgins Empire Ch. 27; Moon, World, and Stars Ch. 4 4
Rizon #trivia !topic HKM HAMSTER KAFFIR MIDGET 4
OFTC #discord 4
OFTC ##emudev Emulator Development - The World's Most Painful Hobby 4
EFnet #killah-p 4
EFnet #dragons 4
DALnet #windowsxp If you want help with Windows XP, any other Windows version or computer issues, describe the problem or what you need. If anyone here and can help they usually will. You may wish to join #Windows7 or #Windows10 instead. Please be patient in waiting for a response; don't ask to ask, just ask. 4
QuakeNet #china 4
Rizon #leftypol The bot is back 4
OFTC #bibliomansion !weather LKE 4
Rizon #bear http://i.imgur.com/SWgpaBz.jpg | idle so hard you miss the channel's birthday | im gay | ok | bike chat | HAPPY BIRTHDAY #BEAR!!!! 4
Rizon #lilies Trump confirmed for #1 anime of all time 4
OFTC #debian-django :: #debian-django :: Django 1.8 reached EOL 1st Apr 2018 :: Salsa: https://deb.li/RFwN :: Upstream versions https://deb.li/3zVex 4
QuakeNet #helios 4
OFTC #inn inn #pensjonisttilværelsen 4
Rizon #kedah " *KEDAHSelamat datang ke negeri #Kedah Darul Aman. Negeri Jelapang Padi. 4
Rizon #minecraft Welcome to #minecraft! Official channel located at irc.esper.net/#minecraft | Need help? Is no one responding? See: http://minecraft.gamepedia.com | 1.10 has been released on June 8th 4
QuakeNet #id 4
OFTC #entanglement https://entanglement.garden - an experimement in collaborative self-hosting 4
QuakeNet #gameofthrones 4
Rizon #kumple 4
Libera.Chat #belphegor Trägheit, Erfindergeist und Inspiration 4
QuakeNet #miungie 4
QuakeNet #weltherrschaft 4