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Top Channels

Network Name Topic Users
Rizon #roleplaying Welcome to #roleplaying | Your stay in here will be greatly appreciated. | Questions, complaints or suggestions? Feel free to share it! | Official channel rules: http://is.gd/9MUvtG | Unofficial channel for IOMods: #iomods 4
QuakeNet #stickrunners 4
Rizon #404 flood check lowered to 8 seconds | almost everything fixed, image db probably not coming back 4
IRCnet #collant 4
IRCnet #elm 4
OFTC #dulwich https://www.dulwich.io/ | https://github.com/jelmer/dulwich | If nobody is around, try the mailing list: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/dulwich-discuss 4
QuakeNet #qwnet 4
EFnet #os2world 4
OFTC #interlock Interlock, Rochester's first hackerspace | www.interlockroc.org | Interlock is going full virtual until further notice. Help keep everyone safe! 4
QuakeNet #listekklonu 4
QuakeNet #heikkilä 4
IRCnet #animalsex 4
IRCnet #annunci 4
QuakeNet #shad 4
HybridIRC #malaysia Welcome to 🇲🇾 #malaysia on HybridIRC :hybridirc: | 🛠️ Create your own chat room: https://www.hybridirc.com/help/create-your-own-chat-room/ | 🆓 Add free webchat client with audio/video conferencing feature to your website: https://www.hybridirc.com/embedding/ | For IRCop assistance, please /join #Help | Thank you for using HybridIRC! 🙏👍😊 4
OFTC #portugal Bem-vindo(a) ao #Portugal - http://znc.serv.monster - em, contacto com #portugal/##portugal em outras redes atraves do "redetuga" 4
Rizon #manga-dev https://ghostbin.com/paste/rrnjg https://manga.sh/ reader-test: relevant githubs: https://github.com/NyaaPantsu/manga https://github.com/desureader/desureader-components 4
QuakeNet #dolserver 4
OFTC #asm 4
Rizon #physics Physics |(ノ゚ヮ゚)ノ彡ʍʍʍʍ Lovely expriment: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Einstein%E2%80%93de_Haas_effect Question: What would happen with the prism on the iconic pink floyd album cover, if we waited for long enough. Can you quantify the effect with time and index of refraction as variables? 4
Rizon #bots 4
QuakeNet #k4f 4
OFTC #osm-in 4
IRCnet #incesto 4
Libera.Chat #ludd-offtopic 4
Rizon #pahang "((( Pahang Darul Makmur 4
Rizon #litecoin Welcome to the unofficial Litecoin IRC Rizon Channel|Wallet: https://litecoin.org/#download |Block Explorer: https://litecoinblockexplorer.net/ |no flooding, no colours, no stupid ascii crap, no repeats/spam, NO ALL CAPS TYPING 4
QuakeNet #pda 4
OFTC #mch2022-tickets 4
OFTC #osrc Boring channel 4
QuakeNet #christmas 4
QuakeNet #ckras 4
OFTC #bip https://bip.milkypond.org | bip 0.9.3 out. | Only registered nicks may talk. 4
QuakeNet #2337 4
Rizon #foss Official Channel for freely open source software | RIP LordTerry 4
EFnet #bong 4
Rizon #hi10anime (=´∀`)人(´∀‘=) Visit us at → http://hi10anime.com/ ▬▬▬ ლ(́◉◞౪◟◉‵ლ) Zash is recruiting for Daisei Fansub Group ▬▬▬ (ノ´ヮ´)ノ*:・゚✧ Anime Chart → http://anichart.net ┌(・。・)┘♪└(・。・)┐ 4
IRCnet #trsi 4
Rizon #dulm Do you like memes? http://dulm.blue/ webdev,php,minecraft,autism 4
QuakeNet #swos 4
Rizon #ploo 4
Rizon #otaku.cz Sabbato zalohuje - obrazky: http://sabbato.imgur.com/ | obrazky + linky: https://delicious.com/sabbato 4
QuakeNet #raaky 4
QuakeNet #ut-gameserver 4
Rizon #tardplants 4
Rizon #recanon VTuber/Lewdtuber Archival & Recording Discussion | Twitch Archive Guide shorturl.at/ejkQZ | #/vt/ for more general VTuber talk 4
QuakeNet #valorant 4
EFnet #dj 4
QuakeNet #grodan.admin 4
Rizon #lainchan [Unofficial] lainchan.org :: Join the official server at lainchan.org:6697 TLS only 4