DALnet |
#casablanca |
4 |
Libera.Chat |
#grpc |
Welcome to gRPC |
4 |
Libera.Chat |
#wikipedia-zh-arts |
維基百科文科及社科群︰與Telegram群 @wikipedia_zh_humanities 及Discord群77n7vnu (https://discord.gg/77n7vnu)互聯。 |
4 |
Undernet |
#malaysia |
4 |
DALnet |
#chatseks |
4 |
IRCnet |
#cyber.cz |
4 |
Rizon |
#starlink |
4 |
IRCnet |
#sigmanet |
4 |
freenode |
#/dev/tal |
4 |
DALnet |
#juventus |
4 |
##emudev |
Emulator Development - The World's Most Painful Hobby |
4 |
Libera.Chat |
#linuxac |
غرفة الدردشة الحية لمنتدى مجتمع لينكس العربي Linux Arab Community www.linuxac.org | قنوات تلغرام https://t.me/aosus |
4 |
Undernet |
#baby |
Welcome Kids |
4 |
Libera.Chat |
#baugsburger-bubs |
4 |
Libera.Chat |
#froscon-orga |
4 |
SkyChatz |
#kiosk |
4 |
freenode |
#inspircd |
4 |
DALnet |
#bandarlampung |
Welcome to #BandarLampung |
4 |
IRCnet |
#go |
4 |
freenode |
#startrek |
Picard Season 2 Trailer: https://www.digitalspy.com/tv/ustv/a36743089/star-trek-picard-season-2-trailer-villain/ |
4 |
Undernet |
#magyar-ops |
4 |
DALnet |
#survivors_nest |
A Place for teens and kids that suffered Childhood abuse to talk and heal ... 18 and under please |
4 |
Libera.Chat |
#shadowmite |
Telegram #shadowmite - https://t.me/joinchat/uVARAGhnmr04ZjI5 |
4 |
Libera.Chat |
#dreamhost |
This is not an official support channel for DreamHost. Please use the Contact Support page in your Web Panel for any issues you are having. Thanks! |
4 |
#debian.de-offtopic |
4 |
QuakeNet |
#midair.pug |
4 |
QuakeNet |
#pekalongan |
4 |
HybridIRC |
#cf |
Welcome to #cf You can save https://kiwiirc.hybridirc.com/#cf to directly come here! Or you can use /msg NickServ AJOIN ADD #cf Locked yourself out of room? Use /msg ChanServ INVITE #cf | Find interesting stats at https://stats.hybridirc.com/cf | Use /mode username +Rc to avoid notice abuse |
4 |
Libera.Chat |
#spacevim |
SpaceVim - A community-driven vim distribution https://spacevim.org/community/ |
4 |
Rizon |
#werewolf |
To use the bot: /msg nr rpm WereWolf message |
4 |
Rizon |
#chatarea |
💬Welcome To ChatArea4. |
4 |
Libera.Chat |
#ifreund |
currently inactive, feel free to use #river to discuss any of ifreund's projects |
4 |
QuakeNet |
#vallasvuo |
4 |
Libera.Chat |
#krebs |
we're at irc://irc.hackint.org/#krebs |
4 |
QuakeNet |
#arsch-bande |
4 |
DALnet |
#istanbul |
\\\\\\-\\\\\\- DALnet #istanbul -//////-////// |
4 |
Libera.Chat |
#libssh |
4 |
DALnet |
#world-chat |
ωєℓ¢σмє тσ #World-Chat@DALnet...May this wonderful time of the year touch your heart in a special way.!! Support #America *** |
4 |
DALnet |
#windowsxp |
If you want help with Windows XP, any other Windows version or computer issues, describe the problem or what you need. If anyone here and can help they usually will. You may wish to join #Windows7 or #Windows10 instead. Please be patient in waiting for a response; don't ask to ask, just ask. |
4 |
Libera.Chat |
#easybuild |
https://easybuilders.github.io/easybuild - 6th EasyBuild User Meeting (virtual, Jan 25-29 2021), see https://easybuild.io/eum21 - EasyBuild v4.4.2 is now available! |
4 |
#bibliomansion |
!weather LKE |
4 |
DALnet |
#ircpagan |
)O( Welcome to #ircpagan... Come and join us in some fun. Merry Meet everyone and Merry part.. Blessed be. )O( |
4 |
Rizon |
#vamb |
4 |
#k8vavoom |
Official k8vavoom Doom Sourceport Support Channel -- https://doomer.boards.net/thread/2260/ |
4 |
SwiftIRC |
#alerts |
alerts |
4 |
Libera.Chat |
#lunduke |
Lunduke Open Source development | https://lunduketeam.github.io |
4 |
Rizon |
#blackhat |
ᓚᘏᗢ https://interdo.me/ ᓚᘏᗢ |
4 |
Undernet |
#roate |
4 |
Rizon |
#irchorseracing |
Welcome, type !start to watch the thoroughbreds race. Register /msg IRCHr register password - Login /msg IRCHr login password, IRC dollars are given after registration for betting. Save for a thoroughbred horse and build your stables. Aim to become the Top trainer of the month. Good Luck (https://pastebin.com/7jA60U81, check all horses for sale) |
4 |
SkyChatz |
#wrestling |
4 |