* related to indexed networks only

Top Channels

Network Name Topic Users
QuakeNet #superninja 4
DALnet #condet '%%,'%%,'%%, Welcome To #Condet DALnet '%%,'%%,'%%, 4
Undernet #es %,`%%,`%#Es%,`%%,,4 4
Libera.Chat #amiga-ie Welcome to Amiga Ireland - Next event: January 16th & 17th 2026 in Athlone 4
Rizon #eurocup UEFA Euro 2024 Final Spain 2 v England 1 | See you 2028 4
Undernet #schrek 4
IRCnet #bongwater 4
Libera.Chat #akiraux Native Linux App for UI/UX Design built in Vala & Gtk | | 4
QuakeNet #crazycraft 4
freenode #google-ops Welcome to #Google 's Office Kawan2, ada keluhan mengenai Channel #Google, Silakan Chat disini ya?? 4
QuakeNet 4
freenode #barrier 4
Undernet #tanaweb 4
freenode ##kodapor 4
Libera.Chat #articlealerts Article Alerts | 4
Libera.Chat #haloonline Hello! This is the unofficial Halo: Online channel made in hopes of reviving the IRC heyday of the ElDorito project (official channel is on Snoonet, #eldorito) 4
Libera.Chat #coronavirus Please chat in ##coronavirus 4
EFnet #freenode 4
IRCnet #hexchat 4
IRCnet #usa 4
Libera.Chat #dmoj 4
DALnet #ircnewbies Welcome to the channel :) Have a happy New Year ! 4
DarkWorld #chanstats ( Welcome to #ChanStats. Request your Stats bot here and wait for admins to respond. - [-WEB-]: - [-WIKI-]: ) 4
EFnet #dj 4
Libera.Chat #arg 4
QuakeNet #diabotical 4
DALnet #mindanao Join 4
EFnet #midn1tetest 4
EFnet #sony 4
QuakeNet #midair.pug 4
freenode #inspircd 4
freenode #/dev/tal 4
EFnet #d4rk3gg 4
QuakeNet #egghelp 4
Libera.Chat #ddnet Web: GitHub: 4
QuakeNet #nos 4
Undernet #hotfm 4
Libera.Chat #liguros LiGurOS - Linux Operating System - - join our chat platform at 4
Undernet #jimbolia CService has appointed LiNU as new channel MGR after old one went missing 4
QuakeNet #hobby-rhetoriker GULUPP 4
Libera.Chat, the channel where we don't talk about technology, computers, and programming every microsecond of every day 4
DALnet #cilegon Welcome to #Cilegon 4
QuakeNet #naag 4
Libera.Chat #pwnies 4
DALnet #manipur Welcome to #Manipur 4
freenode #ctrlh 4
freenode ##luminolblue ##LuminolBlue - TikTok, IG, X, Threads & YouTube: @LuminolBlue 4
Rizon #4walled Welcome to the 4walled IRC channel || 4walled [.org] [.cc] || || 4walled is very much dead right now, thank you. 4
Undernet #extreme 4
Libera.Chat #radioastronomy 4