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Top Channels

Network Name Topic Users
QuakeNet #underworld 4
Libera.Chat #fedora-ruby 4
QuakeNet #ensidia 4
OFTC #alterwesh c'est l'autre wesh 4
RetroNode #hamradio VHF/UHF, HF, DMR, LoRa/Meshtastic, APRS, Amateur radio satellites 4
RetroNode #sci A place where you can talk about Sierra Creative Interpreter (SCI) code and hang out 4
RetroNode #test <script>alert("hello!")</script> 4
RetroNode #physics 4
Libera.Chat ##saltwolf 4
Libera.Chat #mdadm 4
QuakeNet #qnet.vip 4
RetroNode #security SECURITY Did you know that *FONTS* can contain viruses?! What you don't know CAN hurt you: https://googleprojectzero.github.io/0days-in-the-wild/0day-RCAs/2020/CVE-2020-15999.html SECURITY 4
freenode #yosys 4
Libera.Chat #7thguard test 4
freenode #hackvana 4
RetroNode #textart Welcome to #textart A place for love and appreciation of text art of all kinds. Please don't interupt when someone is posting. Enjoy your stay! 4
Libera.Chat #feneas https://feneas.org | Forum: https://talk.feneas.org | Issues: https://git.feneas.org/feneas/association/issues | CoC: https://feneas.org/coc | Status: https://status.feneas.org | Space: https://matrix.to/#/!TznXPHLOGAYStwBeWZ:feneas.org?via=feneas.org&via=federator.dev&via=jasonrobinson.me 4
freenode #amarok 4
QuakeNet #tot 4
OFTC #zfs 4
QuakeNet #thd 4
Libera.Chat #openstack-kolla 4
freenode ##teamcrustacean Talk about ricis mom only : you mean his two dads? : He is his own dad - MY EYES 4
Libera.Chat #nmstate Find some of us in #nm 4
RetroNode #palestine State of Palestine | Israel is an illegal terrorist organization occupying the sovereign territory of the State of Palestine and it must be abolished 4
OFTC #openstack-heat OpenStack Heat developer discussion channel 4
RetroNode #freespeech "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." 4
QuakeNet #asmjoulu 4
freenode ##hts 4
freenode #webtech 4
RetroNode #paranormal Welcome to #paranormal, the channel about paranormal and/or unexplained phenomena: Ghosts, Psychics, Aliens, UFOs, ESP, the Afterlife, Cryptids, Crop Circles, Conspiracies, Illuminati, the Occult, ... 4
CyberArmy #g3k.solutions g3k Solutions: https://g3k.solutions | GitHub: https://github.com/genius3000 | Modules for Anope: https://github.com/genius3000/anope-modules 4
Rizon #effortposting-scans Well lads, it's time to stop shitposting and time to make a real effort post scan. 4
RetroNode #retronode-ru Официальный канал поддержки и обсуждения сети RetroNode на русском языке 4
QuakeNet #pite 4
OFTC #crocus 4
Libera.Chat #bmesh #bmesh | https://bmesh.org | gemini://gemini.bmesh.org | xmpp:hacklab@conference.bmesh.org?join 4
Rizon #thecat'sbell Welcome to #TheCat'sBell. Please check in your knives, snakes, cardboard boxes, chairs, j.c, and infinites at the front desk. Now presenting: White Len's Illusionary World. 4
OFTC #open-infrastructure Open Infrastructure | https://open-infrastructure.net 4
freenode ##dc801 4
QuakeNet #medan 4
Libera.Chat #labitat Backup channel for Labitat - https://labitat.dk/wiki/IRC 4
RetroNode #turkey Hoş geldiniz! 4
QuakeNet #eatslugs 4
Libera.Chat #belphegor Trägheit, Erfindergeist und Inspiration 4
Undernet #?? 4
freenode #systemd-unregistered 4
Libera.Chat #cow mooing | to moo is bovine 4
freenode #inspircd 4
Libera.Chat #nofap 4