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Top Channels

Network Name Topic Users
freenode #armbian 4
OFTC #lttng-commits 4
OFTC #freedombox-ci 4
DALnet #ranjit Welcome to #Ranjit. 4
OFTC #debian-dpp Debian Partners' programme — building long-term relationships with our sponsors 4
OFTC #grumetes midget loves SLASH 4
OFTC #debian.de-offtopic 4
OFTC #mch2021-info MCH2021 Team:Info | https://wiki.mch2021.org/Team:Info | Next meeting: https://pad.ifcat.org/p/team-info-meeting-4 4
OFTC #theology 4
OFTC #framebufferphone Framebufferphone - Mobile linux UI that runs in the framebuffer and is efficient, minimalistic, scriptable. Works best on the Pinephone. Fbp and f_scripts! https://sr.ht/~mil/framebufferphone/ 4
OFTC #mysql Have a question about MySQL? Try #mysql on freenode :D 4
OFTC #ntb Channel for Linux NTB driver support 4
OFTC #mirc INDECISION is the key to FLEXIBILITY. Little Ghost Bot By LGN 4
freenode #cccc 4
OFTC #monkeys Trumsonaro slashfic 4
OFTC #openpgp-ca In-house, Federated OpenPGP Key Management for Groups - https://openpgp-ca.org/ 4
OFTC #beijinglug Beijing GNU/Linux User Group | 北京 GNU/Linux 用户组, 主要讨论 GNU/Linux, FOSS, Online Rights and Privacy 相关话题 | XMPP: add chatirc@beijinglug.club as your friend | Please introduce yourself when first online. 4
OFTC #debian-nantes Salon public de Debian Nantes | https://nantes.debian.net | Archives du salon sur https://nantes.debian.net/irc/archives 4
DALnet #diabetic-survivors Support chat for all diabetics, abuse survivors welcome 4
DALnet #abuse-survivors A Safe Place for Survivors to Talk 4
OFTC #exim Unofficial support channel for the MTA exim, official channel with more activity and sometimes devs is on libera.chat 4
OFTC #ubuntuce Ubuntu Christian Edition | Bring Linux to the Christians | Idle here and help us make an active UbuntuCE community! | Grab iso's now from: http://phillw.net/isos/uce | Things we need to do: http://negativeflare.xyz/htmlize/ubuntuce.html | 4
OFTC #debian-js-changes 4
DALnet #tcl-help This channel has been recently re-opened by DALnet. 4
OFTC #mapreri Channel with the aim to do varius test on IRC releated things by mapreri. If you want information about me or this channel please email me at <mapreri@mapreri.org>. 4
DALnet #cilegon Welcome to #Cilegon 4
OFTC #openvas OpenVAS - Open Vulnerability Assessment System - http://www.openvas.org | OpenVAS-9 is out! 4
OFTC #tor-research 4
OFTC #chlor 4
OFTC #mesa-ci the new jenkins is up and running at mesa-ci-jenkins.jf.intel.com. Update your bookmarks! 4
OFTC #mch2022-shuttle 4
OFTC #purgatory Purify and make yourself worthy! 4
DALnet #thornhill Welcome To #Thornhill - http://www.ThornhillHistoric.Org | http://www.ThornhillFestival.Org 4
OFTC #void void ofallConversation() 4
DALnet #casablanca 4
freenode #wikipedia-en 4
OFTC #russian Russian language chat and help || Same as http://russian-freenode.nfshost.com 4
DALnet #bandarlampung Welcome to #BandarLampung 4
DALnet #survivors_nest A Place for teens and kids that suffered Childhood abuse to talk and heal ... 18 and under please 4
OFTC #debian-jwilk Welcome to all jwilk fans! 4
DALnet #windowsxp If you want help with Windows XP, any other Windows version or computer issues, describe the problem or what you need. If anyone here and can help they usually will. You may wish to join #Windows7 or #Windows10 instead. Please be patient in waiting for a response; don't ask to ask, just ask. 4
OFTC #lttng-ci 4
OFTC #openstack-ceilometer 4
OFTC #irpg Nergahak's IdleRPG Channel 4
freenode #octoprint 4
OFTC #allvm allvm | http://allvm.org | GitHub: https://github.com/allvm 4
DALnet #oldies The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, and wiser people so full of doubts. - Bertrand Russell - 4
OFTC #tcpdirect ircd.chat/6697 | unwfzxog4zi6crfjcxwbgrxkdde2halgzrft6gbhkzhlgo7onuzlecyd.onion/6697 4
OFTC #ech-dev 4
SkyChatz #maria 4