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Top Channels

Network Name Topic Users
QuakeNet #lantrek 4
Undernet #deutsch 4
Libera.Chat #jsgolf 4
freenode #unvanquished Get game on https://unvanquished.net • see https://unvanquished.net/chat for details about chat 4
QuakeNet #clgaming 4
Undernet #unoland .( #unoland ). The UnderNet's leader in UNO! Type: .( !unocmds ). for commands! Type: .( !unobot ). to play the bot! 4
Undernet #internet 4
Rizon #r-sonic umbreon sucks 4
Undernet #dumbraveni https://youtube.com/shorts/V6t2XzbugPE?feature=share ( http://ro.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dumbr%C4%83veni ) 4
Undernet #amos 4
Undernet #maieru 4
QuakeNet #hauum 4
Undernet #tijuana 4
QuakeNet #jkon 4
Libera.Chat #burp_suite 4
Libera.Chat #flossuk 4
Libera.Chat #shitstream.tv 4
OFTC #powervr-ci 4
Libera.Chat ##helpmebot Maintenance and debugging channel for the Helpmebot IRC bot 4
freenode #herbstluftwm 4
Rizon #nova-casual-chat 4
Libera.Chat #esil 4
QuakeNet #ibash.de 4
OFTC #notmuch main channel is on irc.libera.chat. See you there! 4
Libera.Chat #gentoo-apache Apache development in Gentoo :: https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Project:Apache :: Have a question? Ask it and wait for answer. This is a low traffic channel. So please be patient. :: PHP question? Join #gentoo-php 4
Libera.Chat #tacobeam Topics? Where we're going, we don't need topics! 4
Undernet #idioteque 4
Undernet #tl Mirc /server Tulcea.home.ro:6667 ( Web Chat http://Tulcea.home.ro ! ) 4
Libera.Chat #qutebrowser-bots 4
Libera.Chat #96boards 4
QuakeNet #lancs 4
freenode #devicetree 4
OFTC #binary-transparency Binary Artifact Transparency: accountability for software distributors: https://pad.riseup.net/p/binary-transparency -- https://github.com/FreeBSDFoundation/binary-transparency-notes 4
Undernet #rdl 4
Libera.Chat ##camping General camping discussion 4
Libera.Chat #ix 4
KampungChat #html #HTML - hyperText markup language 4
Libera.Chat #vandevops 4
Undernet #anne noone is FREE 4
Libera.Chat #mediawiki-gadgetkitchen 4
freenode #snapcraft 4
Libera.Chat #ganarchy The libera chat home to https://ganarchy.autistic.space/ and https://ganarchy.github.io/, as well as the GAnarchy project listed on those instances. | #genderdiversity 4
Undernet #bong 4
Undernet #1/[a!(n-a)!]x1/[b!(n-b)!]xa!(n-a)!=b!(n-b)!=[happyplace] 4
QuakeNet #div99 4
OFTC #bufferbloat Discussions about Bufferbloat - https://bufferbloat.net 4
OFTC #osm-sotm-ct There are several different ways to attend SotM 2020. Check the website for info: https://2020.stateofthemap.org/ 4
QuakeNet #trancebase »» #TranceBase ¤ www.TranceBase.FM ¤ We aRe oNe ¤ http://listen.trancebase.fm/tunein-mp3 «« 4
Undernet #matane 4
Undernet #c++ C++ and related discussions | Paste: https://wandbox.org/ | Just ask! ( https://cppreference.com/ ) 4