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Network Name Topic Users
Libera.Chat #tikiwiki 4
Libera.Chat #python-doc Let's talk about Python documentation 4
Libera.Chat #dilos 4
Libera.Chat #linuxforen.de User helfen Usern - linuxforen.de 4
Libera.Chat #lug-saar.de 4
Libera.Chat #akku Akku 1.1.0 · https://akkuscm.org/ · Scheme language package manager 4
Libera.Chat #atlanta welcome to #atlanta where the players play while the rest of us sit in traffic | visit #atlanta on snoonet for more people 4
Libera.Chat ##edgecrash bankruptio 4
Libera.Chat ##sandiego FOSS and the software community in San Diego California 4
Libera.Chat #quassel-draft 4
Libera.Chat #fossgovernance 4
Libera.Chat #tuxhacker tux hacker 4
Libera.Chat #oceanen 4
Libera.Chat #lopsa-live 4
Libera.Chat #packetfence 4
Libera.Chat #piraten-kaost 4
Libera.Chat #mageia-forums liberachat channel for the Mageia Forums Team. 4
Libera.Chat #fedora-desktop 4
Libera.Chat #node-dev Get registered ( https://git.io/vaTS2 ) | Node.js Current: v16.2.0 | LTS: Fermium v14.17.0, Erbium v12.22.1, Dubnium v10.24.1; EOL: Carbon v8.17.0, Boron v6.17.1, Argon v4.9.1, v13, v11, v9, v7, <= v5 | -- https://nodejs.org/ -- IRC Logs: http://logs.libuv.org/node-dev/latest -- Newcomers welcome: http://nodeschool.io/ -- dev channel for all things node core 4
Libera.Chat ##linux-msm 4
Libera.Chat #ius https://ius.io 4
Libera.Chat #talk Welcome to #Talk 🌟 Discussing Tech, Culture, Politics, Health, Hobbies, and More! 🎨🌍💡 4
Libera.Chat #readthedocs Read the Docs | http://readthedocs.org | Community discussion is at: https://gitter.im/readthedocs/community | Issues: https://github.com/rtfd/readthedocs.org/issues 4
Libera.Chat #sentry 4
Libera.Chat ##roehrenbude 4
Libera.Chat #outerspace-tms http://tms.outerspace.dyndns.org/ 4
Libera.Chat #marketcult 4
Libera.Chat #opendatahacklab 4
Libera.Chat #pouchdb 4
Libera.Chat #greasemonkey 4
Libera.Chat ##madhouse O.o 4
Libera.Chat ##dipre-test 4
Libera.Chat #cvn-wp-hr https://hr.wikipedia.org/ | Help: #countervandalism | To ping staff, use !staff followed by your request 4
Libera.Chat #sos https://github.com/sosreport/sos - sos, sosreport, sos-collector, and related projects 4
Libera.Chat #minechat moon https://ciechanow.ski/moon/ 4
Libera.Chat #openslx 4
Libera.Chat #bluzgi 2025 iChuj. | EEch, lubmil, Domin i 2 boty | | kurwa mać. | raz na wozie, raz pod wodą | 4
Libera.Chat #constructive-math 4
Libera.Chat ##motim 4
Libera.Chat #qt-qa 4
Libera.Chat #burningman Chat for Burners and Fans: We burn year-round. 4
Libera.Chat #hakierspejs-offtop 4
Libera.Chat #vuurmuur Vuurmuur Firewall | Homepage: https://www.vuurmuur.org/ | Stable: 0.8.2 4
Libera.Chat #outerspace-tmof http://tmof.outerspace.dyndns.org/ 4
Libera.Chat #firm 4
Libera.Chat #trivialand-ops #trivialand operations channel. If you need help in #trivialand, this is the right place. || Please don't idle in here if you're not waiting for an admin 4
Libera.Chat #blame_dagored A joke gone too far. "Cthulu201: Damn. Whoever said "sneezing is the closest thing to an orgasm" is a liar. heh" 4
Libera.Chat #fsf-campaigns 4
Libera.Chat #chef 4
Libera.Chat #spotify 4