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Network Name Topic Users
Libera.Chat #netbsd NetBSD 10.1 now available | NetBSD 9.4 | https://www.NetBSD.org 318
Rizon #chat Welcome to #chat the go to place, to kick back and well chat. | Do not eat the duck of provenance, no one knows where it's been. 312
Libera.Chat #reddit-sysadmin Home of r/sysadmin | NO Politics, Religion, Doxxing, Racism, Drama | DoTheNeedful! https://dotheneedful.online | Channel Stats: https://stats.donger.io | Keep it (mostly) safe for work. 311
Libera.Chat #commonlisp Common Lisp, the #1=(programmable . #1#) programming language | Wiki: <https://www.cliki.net> | IRC Logs: <https://irclog.tymoon.eu/libera/%23commonlisp> | Cookbook: <https://lispcookbook.github.io/cl-cookbook> | Pastebin: <https://plaster.tymoon.eu/> 308
IRCnet #polska <@kofany> zielu: ja to biały murzyn na usługach niemca (...) 305
OFTC #virt libvirt, virt-manager, gtk-vnc, virt-top and virt-p2v | For oVirt, goto #ovirt | Please STAY and wait for an answer.. | https://libvirt.org 300
Rizon #computertech (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ 300
Rizon #horriblesubs Website: https://horriblesubs.info (Farewell) | XDCC parser: https://nibl.co.uk/bots | Status Arutha: Happy leeching! | Suggestion: Come join #SubsPlease the one stop shop for new anime 298
Libera.Chat #gnu Official channel for the GNU Project | See https://gnu.org/server/irc-rules and https://gnu.org/philosophy/kind-communication | Please keep discussions related to the GNU project, GNU development, and the GNU GPL. For other topics see #gnu-offtopic | Consider donating to the FSF: https://my.fsf.org/donate 298
Libera.Chat #opnsense 25.1 released. https://forum.opnsense.org/index.php?topic=45460.0 297
Libera.Chat #fsf Official IRC home of the Free Software Foundation | Please follow these rules: https://www.gnu.org/server/irc-rules.html | Already an FSF associate member? #fsf-members 294
Rizon #download #DOWNLOAD :: ITA :: NeWs CiNe:Biancaneve*Mickey 17*Heretic*Bridget Jones Un Amore Di Ragazzo*Captain America Brave New World*Bagman*Companion*Wolf Man*Io Sono La Fine Del Mondo* DvDRip: C.e.Ancora.Domani.2023*Ripo 292
Libera.Chat #tmux tmux is a terminal multiplexer | http://tmux.github.io/ | FAQ: https://github.com/tmux/tmux/wiki/FAQ | man page: http://man.openbsd.org/OpenBSD-current/man1/tmux.1 292
OFTC #alpine-devel Alpine Linux distribution development | release 3.21.3 is out! 291
DALnet #channel Coward can find 36 soLutions to his probLem, But he did not like anything onLy1 *EscapE* 4 290
Libera.Chat #musl https://musl.libc.org | Ask questions; treat others with respect; stop off-topic discussions for musl questions; do not publish logs; no sexism, homophobia, or other forms of asshattery. 290
Libera.Chat #crypto Cryptography theory and practice, not cryptocurrency (try ##altcoins -- or better yet, just don't) | Resources: https://gist.github.com/atoponce/ef0c369546abb4b2936f8725b95909f6 | Morality is an inextricable part of our work: https://web.cs.ucdavis.edu/~rogaway/papers/moral-fn.pdf 290
Libera.Chat #c++-general C++ algorithms, libraries, practices, projects, tools. || pastes: https://godbolt.org || stats/logs: https://i.pjj.cc/lb || channels: #c++ #c++-basic #c++-social #geordi 286
OFTC #why2025 WHY2025, Aug 8-12 2025 % Tickets https://tickets.why2025.org/ % Check out https://why2025.org for volunteering info 286
OFTC #tor Welcome to #tor, which is for asking questions about using Tor | FAQ: https://support.torproject.org/ | Forum: https://forum.torproject.org | Developer discussion on #tor-dev | Relay operator discussion on #tor-relays | It's 'Tor', not 'TOR' 285
Libera.Chat #ircv3 https://ircv3.net | Roadmap: https://git.io/IRCv3-Roadmap | Code of conduct: https://ircv3.net/conduct 280
OFTC #asahi-dev Asahi Linux: porting Linux to Apple Silicon macs | Non-development talk: #asahi | General development | GitHub: https://alx.sh/g | Wiki: https://alx.sh/w | Logs: https://alx.sh/l/asahi-dev 280
OFTC #ceph http://ceph.com/get || dev channel #ceph-devel || test lab channel #sepia || dashboard channel: #ceph-dashboard 279
Libera.Chat #kubernetes Welcome to #kubernetes :) It's an unofficial IRC channel for the kubernetes community. Note that IRC is a slow medium and you sometimes need to stick around for an answer 279
Undernet #undernet 276
Libera.Chat ##politics welcome to ##🔥, please be civil & mindful of disinformation | channel policies/ops list: https://bit.ly/3I2DwLz | banned? oh no! join ##politics-appeals | links!=endorsement | x.com links = ban 275
EFnet #lrh Buy l0de's new story here, it's SHINY https://frictionlit.org/magazine/the-gods-issue/ * https://frictionlit.org/the-chimeras-error/ - LRH THIS WEEK: STORYTIME 274
Libera.Chat #node.js Register to talk: https://git.io/vaTS2 | Latest: v23.9.0 (LTS: Jod v22.14.0; Iron v20.19.0; Hydrogen v18.20.7; EOL: Gallium v16.20.2, Fermium v14.21.3, Erbium v12.22.12, Dubnium v10.24.1, Carbon v8.17.0, Boron v6.17.1, Argon v4.9.1, v21/19/17/15/13/11/9/7, <= v5) | Mission Stmt: https://j.mp/node-irc-mission-statement | code of conduct: https://j.mp/1RFlyvr trolling: https://j.mp/2CW9KIE 272
Libera.Chat #zfsonlinux https://openzfs.org 269
Libera.Chat #osdev Operating System Development || Don't ask to ask---just ask! || For 3+ LoC, use a pastebin (for example https://gist.github.com/) || Stats + Old logs: http://osdev-logs.qzx.com New Logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/osdev || Visit https://wiki.osdev.org and https://forum.osdev.org || Books: https://wiki.osdev.org/Books 269
Libera.Chat #elixir Elixir and ecosystem channel | https://elixir-lang.org | Latest v1.18 https://elixir-lang.org/blog/2024/12/19/elixir-v1-18-0-released/ 267
Libera.Chat #kde-new-contributors 265
Libera.Chat #kernel Linux kernel discussion | BOOKS lwn.net/Kernel/LDD3 | BROWSER elixir.bootlin.com | PASTEBIN privatebin.net codepad.org | HOWTOASK goo.gl/zi5V | CONTRIBUTE goo.gl/1Fb2VG 264
DALnet #seks ★·.·´¯`·.·★ Welcome to Channel SEKS @ DALnet - The Biggest +18 channel in the World! ★·.·`¯´·.·★ 264
Libera.Chat #riscv RISC-V instruction set architecture | https://riscv.org | Logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/riscv | Matrix: #riscv:catircservices.org 261
Libera.Chat #hexchat First time on IRC? Register your nick: https://libera.chat/guides/registration | HexChat Development Ended: https://hexchat.github.io/news/2.16.2.html | Manual: https://hexchat.rtfd.org | Want to identify before joining channels? See https://libera.chat/guides/hexchat | Do not randomly PM people 260
Libera.Chat #gentoo-dev Gentoo Development Channel | Arch bugs: https://gentoo.akhuettel.de/bugs/arches.php | Family tree: https://dev.gentoo.org/~dilfridge/ecosystem.pdf | What's a learning curve? 256
EFnet #elonmusk Elon "Boiled Chicken" Musk Hate Channel 253
Libera.Chat #freebsd-irc This is the overflow channel for #freebsd, which requires registration to join. To register: https://libera.chat/guides/registration We *highly* recommend using SASL: https://libera.chat/guides/sasl If you have questions or need help, just ask in #freebsd-irc 250
DarkWorld #darkworld (Welcome to #DarkWorld Official Network channel. :: General help channel #Help ) - [-WEB-]: https://darkworld.network - [-WIKI-]: https://wiki.darkworld.network. [[ #DWBots #DWGames #DWStats #DWZnc #TheLounge ]] https://games.darkworld.network // https://darkworld.network/latest/ 249
Libera.Chat #postfix The Postfix MTA ** 3.10 released 2025-02-18 UTC || Register with Nickserv to speak: libera.chat/guides/registration || || Register with Nickserv to speak: libera.chat/guides/registration || See !getting_help and show a paste URL of !relevant_logs & !showconfig before asking questions / check your *LOGS* / know your Unix basics || On using IRC: workaround.org/getting-help-on-irc 249
Libera.Chat #mediawiki MediaWiki support | https://www.mediawiki.org | FAQ: https://bit.ly/mwFAQ | Stable release: 1.43.0 (LTS) 1.42.5 1.39.11 (Legacy LTS) | Bugs: https://bugs.mediawiki.org | Don't flood, use https://dpaste.org/ | Channel logs: https://wm-bot.wmcloud.org/logs/%23mediawiki/ 249
Libera.Chat #ipv6 We prefer the term "Legacy IP." | http://howtodisableipv6.com/ | "basically, allow all ICMP6 and you'll be fine." otherwise RFC4890 | Pastebin: https://p.6core.net/ (Don't redact addresses!) | Tunnels: https://tinyurl.com/v6brokers | IPv4/6 Indicator, Firefox: https://tinyurl.com/ffIPvFox - Chrome: https://tinyurl.com/ChIPvFoo 248
Libera.Chat #netfilter Linux Networking, esp. Netfilter, iptables/nftables, iproute2 | https://netfilter.org/ | https://blog.thermicorp.de/?p=12 | show iptables-save -c, not iptables -L/-S | We don't help with scripts | copy&paste > prose, use a pastebin 247
Libera.Chat #podman Podman (https://podman.io) is a tool for running PODS and OCI Containers. Mailing lists at lists.podman.io. Current version 5.4.1. Relayed with #podman on libera.chat IRC and with the #general channel on Podman's Discord (https://discord.gg/x5GzFF6QH4) 245
SkyChatz #n9 Please Do Not Use Foul Language. No Racism. No Cybering SEX. No Scamming. Do not provoke. No Porn Materials. No Promotions. No Advertisements. No Unmanners Attitude. Kindly respect each other and do not freely reveal your personal information. 245
Libera.Chat #opensuse Welcome to the openSUSE support channel | Rules: https://bit.ly/3lfN09u | Services: https://status.opensuse.org/ | Search: https://search.opensuse.org | Bugs: https://bugzilla.opensuse.org/ | FAQ: https://bit.ly/3PqSmfQ | Off-topic: #opensuse-chat 244
Libera.Chat #php This is a code help channel. Stable PHP versions: 8.4.4, 8.3.17, 8.2.27, 8.1.31 · /msg php-bot guidelines · Be respectful & keep your language clean · Use a paste site for code · http://hashphp.org has some useful links 242
EFnet #asian 🛑 Asian H8 242
Libera.Chat #java Welcome! || Read Channel Rules at https://javachannel.org/ before participating. || Paste limit is two lines; ~pastebin lists options. || No applets, please. || Minecraft, Android, and Javascript all have their own channel. || You are being logged. 242