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Top Channels

Network Name Topic Users
QuakeNet #egghelp 4
freenode #esp32 4
QuakeNet #midair.pug 4
EFnet #dwbots ( Welcome @ #DWBots :: {[Bots:} ON #DWBots \] {[} ZNC: ON #DWBouncers \]:: For requesting type ?request for bots type ?bots :: :: IRC Server https://darkworld. 4
DALnet #dani 4
Libera.Chat #jsgolf 4
QuakeNet #diabotical 4
Libera.Chat #freetz This is the developer channel of ##fritzbox forwarding automated news about the Freetz project - see https://boxmatrix.info/wiki/Development | Please discuss non dev stuff in ##fritzbox. | Realtime feed and backlog: https://boxmatrix.info/wiki/RSS-Feeds#.23freetz | All dates are GMT. 4
SkyChatz #fb 4
QuakeNet #aq2.no 4
SkyChatz #40an 4
Libera.Chat #networking-ops #networking ops channel. invite only, use /chanserv invite #networking-ops if you need to join | /ban foo!bar@baz$#networking-ops /kick foo to redirect someone here for an attitude adjustment - disable +i first, and re-enable it when done. 4
Libera.Chat ##weather-us-mi EXPERIMENTAL | NOAA Active Weather Alerts for the state of Michigan | For questions, help, and discussion: ##weather 4
Libera.Chat #bitcoin-pit 4
QuakeNet #irc.fi 4
IRCnet #408 4
QuakeNet #act-ac 4
QuakeNet #crazycraft 4
QuakeNet #mummotunneli 4
freenode #archlinux-it 4
Libera.Chat ##weather-us-sc EXPERIMENTAL | NOAA Active Weather Alerts for the state of South Carolina | For questions, help, and discussion: ##weather 4
Libera.Chat #kcshoptalk 4
QuakeNet #superninja 4
OFTC #django you probably want to be in #django on Libera instead 4
QuakeNet #riitasointu 4
EFnet #|*|23 4
EFnet #bordersee 4
freenode ##windows-social Welcome, this is for idle chat and off-topic chat from all the ##windows channels. | For support questions please hit up the appropriate windows channel. Use /list ##windows* 4
QuakeNet #cs.hu 4
QuakeNet #hattrick.fi 4
EFnet #nix 4
EFnet #borderland 4
IRCnet #testinki 4
EFnet #irc.awknet.ca 4
Libera.Chat ##pizza 4
QuakeNet #postmortem 4
Libera.Chat #solus Solus Support (Moving to Matrix: https://matrix.to/#/#solus:matrix.org) || Development Tracker https://dev.getsol.us || Forums https://discuss.getsol.us || A New Voyage: https://getsol.us/2023/04/18/a-new-voyage/ | https://discuss.getsol.us/d/9180-want-a-cdn-powered-repo-check-these-instructions 4
QuakeNet #bor-clan 4
freenode #devhosting Welcome to DevHosting// Where we will host CHEAP webhotels for CHEAP prices, And guaranteed 99,999 % UPTIME // NEWS: DevHosting launches soon! =) 4
QuakeNet #5on5.hu 4
freenode #rider ¡|[Welcome to #Rider unlimited friendship for everyone, tranks you visit]|! 4
SkyChatz #bff 4
OFTC #kali-janitor 4
Libera.Chat #fg_cantene 4
SkyChatz #city city city city city city city city city city city city city city city city 4
EFnet #pakistan 4
Libera.Chat #tnnt-dev Please start commenting on feedback and suggestions in the etherpad! https://hardfought.org/etherpad/p/TNNT_Development_Discussion 4
DALnet #speakeasy <><><><> Welcome to #SpeakEasy grab a seat and chill with the rest of us <><><><> 4
DarkWorld #asia A fusion of cultures, flavors, and traditions — where East meets West! 4
Libera.Chat #voidlinux-es Canal no oficial de Void Linux en español. Siéntete libre de hacer preguntas o ayudar a otros en lo que puedas. | Telegram: t.me/voidlinux_es | Matrix: #voidlinux-es:matrix.org 4