Random Network
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  • Users: 50
  • Channels: 15 indexed
  • Top Channel:
    #antisocial (37)
  • Last Indexed: 2 hours ago
  • Zoite is the biggest, medium-sized, small IRC network mentioned in this sentence. We've been around for a little over 18 years now, welcoming users new and old alike. Drop in and say hello!
* related to indexed networks only

Top Channels

Network Name Topic Users
DALnet #baguio 4
QuakeNet #projectreality 4
QuakeNet #bd 4
Libera.Chat ##botted continue the idling. 4
EFnet #phrozen-hell 4
EFnet #ph-ops 4
SkyChatz #netbus 4
SkyChatz #barcelona 4
freenode #mexico Pos un canal pa'gente de mexico y así vedá 4
freenode #unix All UNIX Systems # 4
Libera.Chat #tumpa Tumpa: OpenPGP made simple | https://tumpa.rocks| Main dependency is https://github.com/kushaldas/johnnycanencrypt | Tumpa 0.10.0 released 4
Libera.Chat #ci20 4
Libera.Chat #mageia-board 4
EFnet #virtualworld 4
DALnet #amman The nearer a man comes to a calm mind, the closer he is to strength. *Marcus Aurclius* 4
EFnet #dinosaurs 4
Libera.Chat #coconuts elegist has returned! 3
IRCnet #lahti.hacklab.fi 3
IRCnet #assynet 3
Libera.Chat #tullinge 3
Undernet #key welcome ( www.key.com ) 3
Libera.Chat ##perlcafe 3
Libera.Chat #unixboard 3
Libera.Chat #lug 3
Libera.Chat #linuxxx 3
Undernet #music&love 3
Libera.Chat #wikipedia-en-cbngrevertfeed 3
Libera.Chat #jsony 3
Libera.Chat #indieweb-travel 3
Libera.Chat ##criminology 3
IRCnet #skrolli-haksorointi-2 3
IRCnet #unidad 3
Libera.Chat ##fdt solo l'eco 3
Libera.Chat #calculate 3
IRCnet #vnc 3
Undernet #foonet We offer stable Dedicated Servers, IRC Services, Hosting Services, Domain Services. ( #programmer - irc.whitehat.ro ) 3
IRCnet #!!! 3
IRCnet #jailhouse 3
IRCnet #vtest 3
Libera.Chat #zoo-project http://zoo-project.org/ 3
Libera.Chat #bdsm-darkroom 3
Undernet #losan 3
Libera.Chat #mineclonia 3
Libera.Chat ##bootstrap 3
IRCnet #antifa 3
IRCnet #asd 3
Libera.Chat #cvn-wp-hr https://hr.wikipedia.org/ | Help: #countervandalism | To ping staff, use !staff followed by your request 3
IRCnet #toiviontie1 3
IRCnet #varikset 3
IRCnet #oi3v 3