DarkWorld |
#ircnow |
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DarkWorld |
#css |
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DarkWorld |
#news |
Welcome to #News / We are updating this channel with World News, for gaming news #dwgames :) |
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DarkWorld |
#counterstrike |
( Welcome to #CounterStrike :: Stay here and enjoy. :: Network channel #DarkWorld :: General help channel #Help ) - [-WEB-]: https://darkworld.games - [-WIKI-]: https://wiki.darkworld.network |
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DarkWorld |
#debian |
Welcome to#Debian, Its unofficial channel of Debian , Please visit - https://www.debian.org/ =) To learn basic Linux commands plz visit https://darkworld.network/tutorials/linux-commands/ || |
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DarkWorld |
#dwvps |
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DarkWorld |
#mirc |
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DarkWorld |
#dwvpn |
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DarkWorld |
#shell |
Join #DWShells for Shell request |
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DarkWorld |
#america |
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DarkWorld |
#games |
Welcome to #Games https://darkworld.games -|- #COD -|-CounterStrike -|- #CallOfDuty -|- #Dota -|-#Minetest -|-#MineCraft -|- #DarkGames -|- #Tournament -|- #Funbots -|- |
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DarkWorld |
#cs |
( Welcome to #CS :: Stay here and enjoy. :: Network channel #DDWGames :: General help channel #Help ) - [-WEB-]: https://darkworld.games/counter-strike-1-6/ -- Main Channel - #DWGames |
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DarkWorld |
#cod |
( Welcome to #COD :: Stay here and enjoy. :: Network channel #DarkWorld :: General help channel #Help ) - [-WEB-]: https://darkworld.games - [-WIKI-]: https://wiki.darkworld.network |
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DarkWorld |
#europe |
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DarkWorld |
#arena |
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DarkWorld |
#callofduty |
( Welcome to #CallOfDuty :: Stay here and enjoy. :: Network channel #DarkWorld :: General help channel #Help ) - [-WEB-]: https://darkworld.games - [-WIKI-]: https://wiki.darkworld.network |
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DarkWorld |
#csgo |
( Welcome to #CSGO :: Stay here and enjoy. :: Network channel #DDWGames :: General help channel #Help ) - [-WEB-]: https://darkworld.games/csgo/ [-Main Channel - #DWGames -] |
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DarkWorld |
#szajbus.prv |
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DarkWorld |
#anaconda |
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DarkWorld |
#ansible |
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DarkWorld |
#kuwait |
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DarkWorld |
#india |
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DarkWorld |
#4x4 |
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DarkWorld |
#3x3 |
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DarkWorld |
#2x2 |
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DarkWorld |
#waroeng |
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DarkWorld |
#chatzone |
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DarkWorld |
#cafebleu |
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DarkWorld |
#coffee |
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DarkWorld |
#algorithms |
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DarkWorld |
#cheers |
Cheers everyone ! \o\ /o/ |o| \o/ |
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DarkWorld |
#dwtutorials |
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DarkWorld |
#tutorials |
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DarkWorld |
#dwfun |
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DarkWorld |
#korea |
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DarkWorld |
#cs2 |
Hi and welcome to the CS2 (Counter-Strike 2) Official Channel). Updates on news, ideas & a good nice chats. // Looking forward to enjoy & to partnering up with several partnerships, CS2 is gonna change FPS games as we know it =). NEWS: Public release soon, go to refrag.gg to play & train so long =). |
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DarkWorld |
#spawn |
SpawN @ soundcloud.com [https://soundcloud.com/user-464379782] - Graff, Beats & Instrumentals. |
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DarkWorld |
#tryptamine |
It's the trips which counts! |
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DarkWorld |
#friendzone |
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DarkWorld |
#ali |
Welcome To #Ali Official Network Channel IF You Need Znc Join Us On #Darkworld & #DwBouncers ! STAY BLESSED |
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DarkWorld |
#paklead |
Welcome To #PakLead Official DarkWorld Team Channel ! Members & New recruits and anyone interested in joining our Team can join/stay in this channel. Thanks !! For more info https://wiki.darkworld.network |
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DarkWorld |
#artea |
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Libera.Chat |
#shoogle |
https://shoogle.net/ - Quasi the Yellow Pages in modern |
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Libera.Chat |
#ygg |
Yggdrasil Tools | World-Builder | Virtual Tabletop | Sound-board | ygg.tools |
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Libera.Chat |
##agda |
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Libera.Chat |
#wtwrp |
WTWRP - We Think We aRe Pros - Libera (FreeNode) Outpost :: http://wtwrp.de/ :: Actual IRC: irc://wtwrp.de/#wtwrp |
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Libera.Chat |
#grip |
https://sourceforge.net/projects/grip/ – latest release: 4.2.4 (2022-11-28) | We recommend using gnudb.gnudb.org as the new lookup server. See https://gnudb.org/info.php |
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Libera.Chat |
#donger-dev |
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Libera.Chat |
#emacs.tw |
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Libera.Chat |
#hacc-infra-pub |
hackers against climate change infrastructure pub. bei uns gibts zum trinken nix. |
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