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Top Channels

Network Name Topic Users
QuakeNet #directadmin 3
QuakeNet #legions.euprivate 3
OFTC #portis howdy 3
QuakeNet #camkiffen 3
IRCnet #kalakaverit.fi 3
QuakeNet #readmore https://dsc.gg/CODWARS - https://dsc.gg/5on5csgo - https://dsc.gg/5on5cs < 3
IRCnet #eimsbush 3
IRCnet #otit.hallitus2015 3
freenode #clamav 3
QuakeNet #creative 3
QuakeNet #rimjob.priv "Finns det ingen smalare breda en den breda?" 3
Rizon #battletech 3
Rizon #shut-in-film 3
Rizon #sexwithfryingpans It's just like old times, buddy 3
IRCnet #pinball <APic> Twilight Zone + Theatre of Magic <APz> Contact, Stellar Wars, Flash, Bally Star Trek, Viking, Mars Trek, Buck Rogers, Fire!, Big guns, Mousin' Around, Robocop, Judge Dredd, Twilight Zone, Jackbot, Fish Tales, Doctor Who, Who Dunnit… 3
QuakeNet #etcfg 3
Libera.Chat #wikipedia-en-cbngdebug 3
Rizon #fodarray File list: https://litter.catbox.moe/b40el4.txt | Global usage: 1856MB/512000MB (0%) | Commands are sent via PM, check the tab above the chat. 3
IRCnet #lappeenranta 3
Libera.Chat ##english-offtopic NOTE: Channel not currently in use 3
IRCnet #gamescom 3
QuakeNet #l0wfly.priv 3
QuakeNet #fullyramblomaticmud 3
QuakeNet #tcj 3
QuakeNet #phitt 3
IRCnet #triviant 3
QuakeNet #bbigg 3
Libera.Chat ##pissnet-wallops wallops everything starting with ! to pissnet | please do not abuse | bridged from pissnet | if anyone is abusing please report them | if you have any problems, contact chmod 3
Rizon #tmd-games Lluvia is Dead again! -- WE SHOULD INVITE " PUSSY " OH YEAH! http://i.imgur.com/AdNut.png - DOM DOM DOMDOM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cpsrhpVp3a4 3
IRCnet #ilmailu 3
Rizon #zoids-anime 3
freenode #cubieboard 3
Rizon #tabb 3
IRCnet #tea 3
QuakeNet #rbout 3
QuakeNet #unlucky Pup says blabla 3
Libera.Chat ##linux-general 3
QuakeNet #id 3
QuakeNet #nattmacka 3
Libera.Chat #lacie-nas Free software on LaCie / Seagate NAS devices 3
QuakeNet #uthgard.mods 3
IRCnet #it-alalla.on.rahaa 3
QuakeNet #sport 3
QuakeNet #~radioaalto~ 3
Libera.Chat #montreal montreal hackers 3
IRCnet #secret_poking_room 3
QuakeNet #detmold #detmold memorial 3
Libera.Chat ##off-topic 3
Libera.Chat ##weather-us-ms EXPERIMENTAL | NOAA Active Weather Alerts for the state of Mississippi | For questions, help, and discussion: ##weather 3
freenode ##audio 3