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Top Channels

Network Name Topic Users
Libera.Chat #webos-internals 3
Libera.Chat #scribus-dev 3
Libera.Chat ##ly_lct LY_LCT eskadrilė 3
Libera.Chat #sharex ShareX | | | | 3
Libera.Chat #popeyspades 3
Libera.Chat #de-toog Welkom aan de toog, terwijl je gezellig aan het lurken bent willen de andere gasten graag weten wie je bent. Zorg er voor dat je herkenbaar bent aan je gebruikersnaam. Alle telefoons achterlaten in het bakje of uitzetten. Foto's of opnames van gesprekken is niet toegestaan. Proost! Cheats: | Crypto:'Deze misdaadbende geeft randen een vervaarlijk uitzien'(12) 3
Libera.Chat #merc-devel 3
Libera.Chat #wikipedia-de-rc 3
Libera.Chat #vedder 3
Libera.Chat #openzfs-osx 3
Libera.Chat #openstack-neutron 3
Libera.Chat #defcon 3
Libera.Chat ##villagegreen 3
Libera.Chat #doom 3
Libera.Chat #minecraft-ub 3
Libera.Chat ##chinese Wlecom to ##chinese,国人irc频道,可随意聊天,欢迎来水~ 3
Libera.Chat #epel-devel 3
Libera.Chat #krulix 3
Libera.Chat #osgrid-dev 3
Libera.Chat #everyone-op Hi! You're successor according to ChanServ (With the ability to use the set command), so do whatever you want! 3
Libera.Chat #cinny 3
Libera.Chat #fengari 🐺 φεγγάρι - The Lua VM written in JS for Node and the browser :: 3
Libera.Chat 3
Libera.Chat ##wrong ##Wrong offtopic | All you need to know - patience, persistence, perseverance, practice, perfection | Sustainable Reliable : Personal & Workgroup Computing | Standards PC Hardware + Free and Open Software | Academic Applied Scientific Methodology | Electronics, Radio & TV | Internet Services Systems Operations | Expert Technical & Business Support | Unix, BSD, GNU, Linux | Ontopic #Wrong 3
Libera.Chat #geomoose | logs: 3
Libera.Chat #spiceworks Hello! Tech_Angel is almost always around, just tag me to get my attention! 3
Libera.Chat #mock Mock is a Redhat/Fedora tool used to build RPM package in chroot; upstream, 3
Libera.Chat #sfttech 3
Libera.Chat #mageia-de Deutscher Support für Mageia - Willkommen :-) | Mageia, the magic! - | Aktueller Mageia Release: Version 8 | Wiki: | Forum: 3
Libera.Chat #librebmc |- LibreBMC Project -| | by OpenPOWER Foundation 3
Libera.Chat #csf 3
Libera.Chat #un/loquer 3
Libera.Chat 3
Libera.Chat #nix(e)da StarWars: telnet:// | 3
Libera.Chat #cslounge-mtg 3
Libera.Chat #coinbase 3
Libera.Chat #dmarc 3
Libera.Chat #python-nl 3
Libera.Chat ##dev-ouzo Ouzo Software Solutions Community College -- aka Peter, Paul und Mermsi -- Las-Vegas-Rule 3
Libera.Chat #coolkidsclub Cool Kids Club. for tardanis owners only. <dongs> lets just all get a bong and get stoned <englishman> He bought a segway, he knows what lube is <dongs> baseflight is fucking dead, naze is fucking dead, go play with 8bit multiwii shit some more <@inittab> i has a little tip <Crash-1> I think dji sell impedance pills now <airbot_li> need another color in my office:) 3
Libera.Chat #klumpfot It's the end of the world as we know it and I feel fine^Wterrible 3
Libera.Chat #lalugs 3
Libera.Chat #fossil 3
Libera.Chat #porteuslinux 3
Libera.Chat ##ethereum 3
Libera.Chat #jdteam JDownloader team chat 3
Libera.Chat #redeslibres 3
Libera.Chat #c64-meta 3
Libera.Chat #radiosuomi Ehtoota! Tämä on peri-syntikunta, eli vastaamme täällä kaikkien ylen (eli Suomen PBS:n) kanavien ns. huutolaatikoista vuosina 2012/13 – 2017. Opin jotain mielenkiintoista tänään itsestäni; Matildan, Meten ja Tildan päivänä. 🤌. E-mail Beatnikki: 3
Libera.Chat #lobsters-boil 3