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Network Name Topic Users
QuakeNet #3x3 Welcome to #3x3 ::: Find your wars for (CSGO/CS 1.6/etc.) 3
Rizon #ravencoin Welcome to the unofficial Ravencoin IRC Rizon Channel|Wallet: https://ravencoin.org/wallet/ |Block Explorer:https://ravencoin.network/ |Asset Explorer: https://ravencoin.asset-explorer.net/ |Run A Node:https://www.reddit.com/r/Ravencoin/comments/9joe9m/help_keep_the_ravencoin_network_strong_and/ |no flooding, no colours, no stupid ascii crap, no repeats/spam, NO ALL CAPS TYPING 3
freenode #shitfliez 3
freenode ##fosdem 3
IRCnet #kervo 3
EFnet #alt.binaries.flac 3
freenode #katasamedi 3
Rizon #nowhere You are nowhere, please enjoy your stay. No_One's Bot testing channel. 3
Libera.Chat ##wrong ##Wrong offtopic | All you need to know - patience, persistence, perseverance, practice, perfection | Sustainable Reliable : Personal & Workgroup Computing | Standards PC Hardware + Free and Open Software | Academic Applied Scientific Methodology | Electronics, Radio & TV | Internet Services Systems Operations | Expert Technical & Business Support | Unix, BSD, GNU, Linux | Ontopic #Wrong 3
OFTC #peterz Gelukkig nieuwjaar! 3
DALnet #princess Welcome to: #princess | Topic: Some days I feel like my fairy godmother forgot to check her voicemail! 3
OFTC #debconf-subs Feel free to pick up any video and start working without needing to inform anybody :) | http://amara.org/en/teams/debconf/ | More info: https://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/Videoteam/Subtitles | https://meetings-archive.debian.net/pub/debian-meetings/2018/miniconf-hamburg/ 3
freenode #mgba 3
QuakeNet #tdu.fi 3
QuakeNet #hideandseek 3
QuakeNet #darling 🫥 3
Undernet #tropical-chat 3
QuakeNet #fatal 3
freenode #fitgame 3
QuakeNet #tietoisuus 3
freenode ##libertarian 3
Undernet #roberto 3
QuakeNet #aikamatkustus 3
freenode #omnios 3
EFnet #hjelp 3
Rizon #funcubetv Website: https://funcube.space/ - Chat Links: https://funcube.space/links - WELCOME TO THE NEW CHATROOM! - cmds - !np !radio !timebomb <user> !seen .top10 lines #funcubetv 3
DALnet #telkomsel 3
freenode #sunshine-support 3
freenode #p4team 3
IRCnet #sle06 3
QuakeNet #aikakapselit 3
Libera.Chat #gentoo-in Gentoo in India 3
QuakeNet #boootti.hirsipuu 3
SkyChatz #arsenal 3
QuakeNet #planetarion 3
KampungChat #devhosting Welcome to #DevHosting, Official DevHosting channel over KampungChat. For more info please visit our website https://devhosting.org | Admins: fizi - Superfly 3
freenode #apropos 3
DALnet #knl 3
KampungChat #dwgames Welcome to #DWGames, its a Official channel of DarkWorld.Games over KampungChat. For gaming news and updates please visit https://darkworld.games to get yourself updated with latest games news. 3
OFTC #fedora Fedora's official IRC presence is on Libera.Chat - feel free to join us there! 3
OFTC #phillw Welcome, this channel is the reserve of our libera suite. If you cannot access that system please ping and be patient. 3
QuakeNet #poitsila 3
KampungChat #dwbouncers Request a free ZNC Bouncer at #DWBouncers. Please make a webrequest for bouncer at https://bouncers.darkworld.network , wait for admins to approve your ZNC. On approval your will get znc details in email . 3
Rizon #aeris_og 3
Undernet #meet 3
freenode #covid 3
IRCnet #ictp10sag 3
IRCnet #🍄 3
Undernet #veteran 3
IRCnet #klodzko 3