Random Network
* related to indexed networks only

Top Channels

Network Name Topic Users
Libera.Chat ##rfk Robot finds kitten. To play, type "help". | The grid is 30 by 15, and has 39 objects. Map: https://zgrep.org/taxreturns/rfk.txt 3
Libera.Chat #ubuntu-ir Iranian Ubuntu Community: http://www.ubuntu-ir.org | Ask questions the smart way: https://wiki.ubuntu-ir.org/wiki/Smart_Questions | Channel Logs: https://irclogs.ubuntu.com 3
OFTC #mythic 3
Undernet #monica 3
KampungChat #idlerpg 3
DALnet #vampyreinn Welcome to the VampyreInn - pull up a stool, light a bloodcandle, order some comestibles, and relax... we cater to all tastes. 3
Rizon #cyberdynesystems #CyberDyneSystems - The official channel of irc.cyberdynesystems.net a part of the Rizon IRC Network - 139 days stable uptime and counting! 3
OFTC #pcl http://www.pointclouds.org -- Point Cloud Library (PCL). Code sprints in progress: SRCS, NVCS, DINCS. Accepting applications for ORCS and VLCS. 3
HybridIRC #hinduladies 3
IRCnet #chatsubo 3
Rizon #fsm .:Welcome to the First United Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster!:. ~Your minister today will be Chibisuke~ Questions about the faith? Visit the high priest at www.venganza.org http://ftw.generation.no/img/me_side_big.jpg ? 3
Undernet #don 3
Libera.Chat #uptone 3
Libera.Chat #blu 3
DALnet #gayplace GayPlace : The Un#gayDomain Channel! : #GayPlace (18+) 3
Rizon #thesociety Welcome to The Society Scansubs! Channel is a bit under construction for now, but more information will be announced soon! 3
Libera.Chat #badgeteam 3
freenode #x264dev 3
DALnet #unhas 3
IRCnet #kommandiitti 3
OFTC #raspbian 3
OFTC #oddprotocol 3
DALnet #zero #Zero – A quiet void, a space of solitude. Entry is restricted. Respect the silence. 3
Libera.Chat #milislinux "Milis Linux İşletim Sistemi - 2.3 sürümü https://mls.akdeniz.edu.tr/indir - https://mls.akdeniz.edu.tr/en/download" 3
Libera.Chat ##bordel 3
QuakeNet #relax_tournament 3
QuakeNet #relax_xonotic_eng 3
Undernet #zen 3
Libera.Chat #portal 3
Undernet #romanialibera Welcome / Bun venit pe #romanialibera ( facebook.com/romanialibera.undernet.org ) 3
QuakeNet #relax_flood Relax clan shitposting channel | Basic IRC etiquette applies | Bridged to discord https://discord.gg/3vckFZpBk8 3
Undernet #delusion 3
QuakeNet #relax_xonotic 3
DALnet #pelacorn This channel has been recently re-opened by DALnet. 3
freenode #lwjgl 3
Libera.Chat #miraheze-ballmedia-polandball-feed 3
HybridIRC #holimeinfun 3
Rizon #flexcake.moe 3
OFTC #debianfr A quand la release de la sarge?! http://www.debianplanet.org/node.php?id=1131 3
OFTC #alpine 3
Libera.Chat #germantmw old germantmw.de channel | join #themanaworld or #themanaworld-dev to reach some more people | development: https://git.themanaworld.org/mana/ 3
DALnet #gangbangrp 3
Libera.Chat #renderdoc 3
Rizon #247hd 247HD Fantasy Football League: ybal46 & 07l1ai // REGISTRATIONS ARE OPEN!!!! // Streampage - http://www.247hd.tv/forums/view.php?pg=webtemplate // Mobile streampage - http://www.247hd.tv/forums/view.php?pg=m-webtemplate 3
Libera.Chat ##chess-ru Шахматы: на доске, на lichess, freechess, и др. Пишите на https://ru.wikibooks.org/wiki/Категория:Настольные_игры ? 3
freenode #samygo 3
Libera.Chat #atreus Atreus, the travel ergo mechanical keyboard | https://shop.keyboard.io/products/keyboardio-atreus 3
Undernet #pordenone Benvenuti a tutti nel canale ufficiale di Pordenone,Citta Nel Veneto. ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pordenone ) 3
DALnet #unknown 3
freenode #scifi 3