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Top Channels

Network Name Topic Users
Libera.Chat #wikimedia-nordic 3
Libera.Chat #lineage 3
Libera.Chat ##polprog 3
Libera.Chat #dabench Welcome to the carpal tunnel! 3
Libera.Chat ##statusio 3
Libera.Chat #gentoo-pt 3
Libera.Chat ##magicbox 3
Libera.Chat #cslounge-q 3
Libera.Chat #cubicle 3
Libera.Chat #teeworlds 3
Libera.Chat #nano 3
Libera.Chat #serf 3
Libera.Chat #python-docs-fr Traduction de la documentation de Python en français 3
Libera.Chat #hamradio-za For discussion about ham radio with a South Africa context | No Politics, Discrimination or Trolling Please | Join from Element/Matrix with command '/join #hamradio-za:libera.chat' 3
Libera.Chat #tcpip 3
Libera.Chat #chex Channel of <|-|3>< :: YOU'RE REALLY COOL 😎 AND IM BACK OUUUUUT! 3
Libera.Chat #expo Caving and global warming conversation 3
Libera.Chat #wikisource-hr Dobro došli na IRC kanal Wikizvora na hrvatskome jeziku! <:-) | Posjetite: https://hr.wikisource.org/wiki/Glavna_stranica | Nedavne promjene: irc://irc.wikimedia.org/hr.wikisource 3
Libera.Chat #mpg123 mpg123 1.32.10 | https://mpg123.org | https://sourceforge.net/p/mpg123/mailman 3
Libera.Chat #wikimania-abuse-log All AbuseFilter hits on Wikimania wiki; use `!subscribe wikimania.wikimedia.org [filter id]` to get notified for given filter; Documentation: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:MusikBot/AbuseFilterIRC 3
Libera.Chat #windrop This is *NOT* a help channel.If you need help with your Windrop/Eggdrop you can join #eggdrop | Here you can chat join part idle. 3
Libera.Chat #webeux 3
Libera.Chat #python-cs Vitejte v mistnosti o programovacim jazyce Python | http://python.cz | Logy: http://irc.python.cz | Vice nez 5 radku textu vkladejte napr. pres http://dpaste.com/ |! Authoritative namespace owners msg wereii 3
Libera.Chat #bouldering For all talk bouldering and free climbing. 3
Libera.Chat #tyrian The official opentyrian <https://github.com/opentyrian/opentyrian> channel is on OFTC (as #opentyrian, not #tyrian). This is being held for safekeeping on the off chance the appropriate parties want it too. 3
Libera.Chat #caliu 3
Libera.Chat #indieweb-travel 3
Libera.Chat #dui 3
Libera.Chat #erlang-lisp 3
Libera.Chat #pistache 3
Libera.Chat ##ef Electrocute Forell 3
Libera.Chat ##dd-wrt 3
Libera.Chat #tcmaker Oh wow this channel still exists? | Twin Cities Maker | tcmaker.org 3
Libera.Chat #bitcoin-fr 3
Libera.Chat #jeuxlibres JeuxLibres.net - Des jeux libres, pour tous ! 3
Libera.Chat #services 3
Libera.Chat #datenspuren 3
Libera.Chat #frosted [ Free Operating Systems for Tiny Embedded Devices | https://github.com/insane-adding-machines/frosted | bit.ly/1MnHzev | https://fosdem.org/2017/schedule/event/iot_frosted/ ] 3
Libera.Chat #quassel-test 3
Libera.Chat #bass 3
Libera.Chat #multirpg-offtopic 3
Libera.Chat #maryland 3
Libera.Chat #master_msb 3
Libera.Chat #translatewiki-rc translatewiki.net live changes feed 3
Libera.Chat #github3.py https://github3.readthedocs.io/en/master/ 3
Libera.Chat #stratis-storage 3
Libera.Chat #sabayon Sabayon GNU/Linux official legacy IRC chan. (You can find us in luet.slack.com) 3
Libera.Chat #locumsacrum 3
Libera.Chat #kafka 3
Libera.Chat #gentoo-in Gentoo in India 3