Libera.Chat |
#lumiera |
3 |
Libera.Chat |
#plan9-gsoc |
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Libera.Chat |
#archlinux-tr |
3 |
Libera.Chat |
#phreaknet-asterisk |
3 |
Libera.Chat |
#misec |
3 |
Libera.Chat |
#fedora-aaa-activity |
3 |
Libera.Chat |
#linuxbbq |
3 |
Libera.Chat |
##anime-spoilers |
3 |
Libera.Chat |
#unknown |
α{ Ancient Disciples 📖: Matthew 🙏: ⊙👋💜➕🔥♫ }Δ7βω:ac797d34 | | Mature Civilized Scientific Discussion |
3 |
Libera.Chat |
#flossuk |
3 |
Libera.Chat |
#cvn-brickimedia |
3 |
Libera.Chat |
#webgl |
3 |
Libera.Chat |
##matthew |
3 |
Libera.Chat |
#altpwr |
3 |
Libera.Chat |
#openkeychain |
3 |
Libera.Chat |
#mythtv-de |
3 |
Libera.Chat |
#hackerrank |
3 |
Libera.Chat |
#wn-reporters-public |
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Libera.Chat |
#mirbsd |
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Libera.Chat |
##pcb |
ping superkuh when freenode ops arrive, I'll op them and de-op myself. |
3 |
Libera.Chat |
#vive |
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Libera.Chat |
#cliss21 |
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Libera.Chat |
#maryjane |
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Libera.Chat |
#shersec |
we like beer a lot |
3 |
Libera.Chat |
#tde-sysops |
3 |
Libera.Chat |
#wiktionary-simple |
3 |
Libera.Chat |
##greek |
Channel about/in Greek. See also ##ancientgreek and ##moderngreek . |
3 |
Libera.Chat |
#haskell-scandinavian |
Kanalen f{o,ö}r skandinavisk-tal{e,a}nde Haskell-{bru{g,k}e,använda}re. {Spør{g,}smål,Frågor} v{e,i}dr{ø,ö}r{e,a}nde andr{e,a} funk{ti,sj}onell{e,a} o{g,ch} deklarativ{e,a} spr{og,åk} o{g,ck}så v{e,ä}lkomm{en,na} ({da,no,sv}) |
3 |
Libera.Chat |
#kubuntu-unregged |
3 |
Libera.Chat |
#cvn-ko-scan |
위키미디어 CVN ( | 봇 명령어: | CVN 운영자를 !staff 로 호출할 수 있습니다. | 도움 (영어): #countervandalism | 스팸: #wikimedia-external-links | 새 계정 추적: #cvn-unifications | 블랙리스트 추가: CVNBot25 bl add USERNAME x=(시간 단위를 숫자로) r=(이유, 영어로) |
3 |
Libera.Chat |
#sailnavsim |
ahoy | |
3 |
Libera.Chat |
#fedora-fedmsg |
Live IRC feed of fedora message bus | | |
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Libera.Chat |
##nynorsk |
3 |
Libera.Chat |
#conemu |
conemu IT-Service | |
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Libera.Chat |
#centos-bottest |
Bot testing / playground |
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Libera.Chat |
#monit | |
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Libera.Chat |
#medialab |
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Libera.Chat |
#neticien |
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Libera.Chat |
#openttd |
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Libera.Chat |
#mircitaliacrew |
Canale IRC ufficiale di sviluppo alla Wiki di mIRC ( - News: mIRC 7.67) | Telegram: @mircitalia & @mircitaliacrew | | Ascolta "Radio Sabbia" con 1by1 Audio Directory Player |
3 |
Libera.Chat |
##thequietfolks |
NO KICKING ROCKS PLZ they're very accurately placed (now with 100% more hashtags) |
3 |
Libera.Chat |
#wikiquote-it |
Wikiquote o Wikicitazioni, il dizionario di citazioni in lingua italiana | | Discussioni e richieste |
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Libera.Chat |
#starlink |
3 |
Libera.Chat |
#zorg |
Take a good hard look at the mother fucking boat |
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Libera.Chat |
##deutsch-ops |
Administrative channel for ##deutsch | Please do not idle here, unless you want a problem in the main channel to be solved |
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Libera.Chat |
#pcforum | |
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Libera.Chat |
#nemomobile |
The people who develop decided not to use IRC anymore, the link to this IRC channel was removed from website |
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Libera.Chat |
#redhat-libera |
Red Hat group contact channel | Questions/feedback/escalations? Ask here |
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Libera.Chat |
#sdbug |
-=[ SDBUG | America's Finest BSD Users Group | Please stick around for replies | next meeting Thu Jan 2nd, 2025, 7pm @ Alesmith | bonus: run your own mail server discussion | ]=- |
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Libera.Chat |
#haskell-distributed |
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