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Top Channels

Network Name Topic Users
Libera.Chat #locumsacrum 3
freenode ##dieses 3
Rizon #icez 3
freenode #securityonion 3
EFnet #battlefield2042 https://battlefieldtracker.com/bf2042 -=- https://www.instagram.com/reel/C0zFCqbMLk7/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== 3
EFnet #gbdev2-ot 3
SkyChatz #codex 3
QuakeNet #destiny 3
Rizon #hf-admins Are we there yet? 3
freenode #zncbncshell 3
Rizon #stremio Welcome to #Stremio - The unofficial channel on rizon for stremio; a torrent streaming and downloading client that can replace netflix easily. Has Trakt.tv and Debrid Support - Addons: https://stremio-addons.com/ 3
QuakeNet #mousesports www.mousesports.com 3
OFTC ##random-waffle When I start to feel down about adulthood, I remind myself that I can have cake for breakfast anytime I want. 3
freenode #atlassian 3
Libera.Chat #sabayon Sabayon GNU/Linux official legacy IRC chan. (You can find us in luet.slack.com) 3
Undernet #teologie Welcome to channel #teologie ( www.partos.ro ) 3
QuakeNet #kthd 3
Rizon #zuidmeetup Doc for the metup PELASE READ and Edit if need be: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jfJUObj0hd66MUuQVenuACSFiJ9lWfG9L36kUP8Wqcc PLEASE FILL THIS IN https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1iTh4VLz4re-SKrPrSQpDBTcAnKxrqII5cd1bvxY80kE 3
Rizon #🍂 🍂🍂🍂 unicode ftw 🍂🍂🍂 3
freenode #amiga Amiga Rules! 3
freenode #cakephp 3
freenode #rendition https://web.archive.org/web/20041221163534/http://www.renditionrevival.com/index.php 3
SkyChatz #twitter 3
KampungChat #fizi 3
QuakeNet #2025 3
freenode #neo 3
freenode #revolutionary 3
Libera.Chat #stratis-storage 3
freenode #firefox-unregistered 3
KampungChat #dwshells 3
freenode #bitcoin-workshops 3
freenode #freenode-staff-discussion 3
SkyChatz #masjid 3
freenode #emerging-threats 3
QuakeNet #2027 3
CollectiveIRC #irpg https://imgur.com/gallery/qL6ybaV 3
Libera.Chat #everyone-op Hi! You're successor according to ChanServ (With the ability to use the set command), so do whatever you want! 3
EFnet #punx Irc.ZENet.Org 3
OFTC #soleus.bestuur Soleus telefoonnummer: +31207173895 | https://meet.soleus.nu/soleus-bestuur 3
IRCnet #spacesynth 3
Libera.Chat #github3.py https://github3.readthedocs.io/en/master/ 3
OFTC #glt Grazer Linuxtage; 5+6 April 2024 Fr:Workshops Sa:Talks; https://linuxtage.at/ @linuxtage @gltlive #glt 3
freenode ##islam Welcome! As-Salam-u-Alaikum! | وَالَّذِينَ جَاهَدُوا فِينَا لَنَهْدِيَنَّهُمْ سُبُلَنَا ۚ وَإِنَّ اللَّهَ لَمَعَ الْمُحْسِنِينَ | We shall guide those who strive in Our cause to the paths leading straight to Us. Surely God is with those who do good. | Al-'Ankabut - The Spider, Surah 29:69, Ahmed Ali 3
Rizon #blacknite 3
SkyChatz #kickers 3
Libera.Chat #osgrid-dev 3
QuakeNet #tea4 3
QuakeNet #bumtsibum 3
EFnet #do.not.fucking.whois.me 3
IRCnet #faui2k4 3