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Top Channels

Network Name Topic Users
IRCnet #blanko.ohjelmointi 3
EFnet #plex 3
OFTC #osm-de-ot Der OSM-Offtopic-Channel. Friedlich bleiben und Spaß haben. 3
EFnet #elpurroprod 3
EFnet #mp3countryjukebox 3
OFTC #linux-rcu Concurrency magic tricks 3
freenode #android-de 3
Libera.Chat #gshock 3
Libera.Chat #limjunlong 3
OFTC #lunarbnc Welcome to #LunarBNC! × Feel free to stay in here to chat or idle! 3
EFnet #tor 3
Libera.Chat #ilugd 3
EFnet #mexico 3
IRCnet #bielsko-biala 3
Libera.Chat #rmll RMLL IRC channel 3
EFnet #30+bar&grille Welcome To #30=bar&grille | RIP Thundrblt | 3
freenode #nexus5 3
freenode #meego 3
OFTC #py3status py3status v3.51 | home: https://github.com/ultrabug/py3status | docs: https://py3status.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ 3
EFnet #wheelz.biz 3
freenode #sl0th 3
QuakeNet #etfgather 3
Libera.Chat #chiyo 3
Libera.Chat #dogecoin-dev 3
EFnet #gaywisconsin 3
EFnet #gaybears 3
EFnet #gcomm 3
EFnet #gcladders 3
EFnet #bearforest 3
EFnet #rlxnet 3
Rizon #flexcake.moe 3
IRCnet #freiburg 3
EFnet #ukdnb 3
Libera.Chat #lidarr 3
Libera.Chat #dxirc dxirc is a simple yet capable cross-platform IRC client | https://dxirc.org | https://dxsolutions.org | dxirc 1.50.0 přinese hafo novinek 3
OFTC #sisu <http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu/> <http://sisudoc.org/> <http://search.sisudoc.org/> 3
EFnet #lurker 3
EFnet #hash 3
EFnet ##christian 3
EFnet #bible-trivia-quiz 3
OFTC #mch2021-logistics 3
freenode #makerspace.se 3
Libera.Chat #lwan Lwan 0.6 tagged! Get it while it's hot :) 3
Libera.Chat #nederland 3
EFnet #skjærstad 3
Libera.Chat #caliopen 3
Rizon #destiny destiny.vision will be delinked on Oct 16th, 2019. REASON: Not enough time to manage the server on this Network. 3
Libera.Chat #libreplanet-temuco Bienvenido a LibrePlanet Temuco, una organización de defensores del Movimiento por el Software Libre. Si aún no hay nadie conectado, por favor se paciente. 3
Libera.Chat #calyxos-infra Matrix Bridge has been disabled, https://gitlab.com/CalyxOS/calyxos/-/issues/1936 3
freenode #nemysis 3