Rizon |
#truneet |
3 |
DALnet |
#eggdropshell |
www.arieshosting.net Free shell account available...email: arieshosting@gmail.com...grab it Fast :) (Mabok) |
3 |
Libera.Chat |
##podnutz |
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Rizon |
#d&b-chat |
|||||| #D&B-CHAT |||||| Welcome² #D&B-CHAT ~ !newdnb ~ http://dnbrizon.phpnet.us/ |||||| #D&B-CHAT |||||| |Best hosting deals : irc.calmdowngeek.net #gigebox / www.gigebox.com ...ask Obi-Wan to hook you up! |
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Rizon |
#azgedairc |
Welcome to #AzgedaIRC || Website: https://www.azgedairc.com || Server: irc.azgedairc.com || Everyone is welcome! |
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Rizon |
#rofl |
** #RoFL https://rofl-subs.co.uk ** News: no news ahead | Bot: !list | http://freeweb4.mine.nu/xdcc/ |
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Libera.Chat |
#qbs |
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Rizon |
#johnny-englishsubs |
Welcome to Johnny-englishsubs! | News: https://johnnyenglishsubs.wordpress.com/ | New release: Attacker You! 45 |
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DALnet |
#fb |
Selamat Datang Di Channel #FB @DALnet - NO!: Invite/Spam/Repeat/CAPS/Flood/Adv/BadWord - Register Nick: /ns register <password> <email> - Cegah Spam: /mode <nick kamu> +RC - Have a nice chat & enjoy here! :) |
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DALnet |
#serres |
on DALnet since 1997 (First founder GeNeRaL1) . we miss the old mates :) * http://tinyurl.com/ybaymfy3 * Contact serres@gmail.com |
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DALnet |
#ankara |
Welcome to #Ankara |
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DALnet |
#trivia-fun |
|||||||||| Welcome to Trivia fun !trivia to start, !strivia to stop |||||||| |
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#nti-stockholm |
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#kashishfm |
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DALnet |
#kosovo |
Welcome to Kosovo |
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#hadena |
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Rizon |
#quarantine |
Channel closed down |
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#enes |
https://bit.ly/videjka | https://rate.sx/ |
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DALnet |
#pcsupport |
Elon's IAC talk #2 | 09/29/2017 04:30:00 UTC |
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Rizon |
#shikkaku |
"Dead mode" -edition | After translating over 100 episodes of hentai, it's time to retire | http://shikkakufansubs.com/ | Released: Mahou Shoujo Erena 03 |
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Rizon |
#godless-subs |
<[ Godless-Subs ]> [Current Projects: Minecraft is more important that fagsubbing ;^)] [Amaama Volume 3 Released] - http://sub.yuuki-chan.xyz/ |
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DALnet |
#mircscripters |
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Rizon |
#shenlong-subs |
[Shenlong-Subs] trustable subs for the "Dragon Ball" anime series — Website: www.shenlongsubs.wordpress.com — All Releases: https://nyaa.si/view/408296 (Son Goku Arc 1-28) - https://nyaa.si/view/477326 (Red Ribbon Army Arc 29-68) - https://nyaa.si/view/1055399 (Fortuneteller Baba Arc 69-83) Latest releases: Dragon Ball - 83 - Dragon Ball Super - 002 |
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Rizon |
#megava |
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Rizon |
#kemonofriends |
Youkoso Kemono Friends! | News: Kemurikusa is my best friend now |
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Rizon |
#finfags |
End of an era - We softsubbed Frame Arms Girl - https://nyaa.si/user/finFAGs - Magnets: https://pastebin.com/raw/xewum1Tz |
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#alinw15 |
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#ameagare |
[AmeAgare Fansub] Rilisan:Soon™ Site:https://ameagare.fansubs.pw IRC is ded |
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#italy |
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#antimagicacademy |
[Welcome to discussion/editing support topic for Antimagic Academy Light Novel/Manga | Find the translations @ http://krytykal.org | Have fun and be nice. | If I'm not answering it means I'm probably soundly sleeping, you can leave me a memo. For more info on how to do it type /memoserv help -krytyk] |
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Rizon |
#perak |
Welcome to #Perak Darul Ridzuan... |
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Rizon |
#cafebarcelona |
Ich glaub ich steh im Wald https://s.diath.me/de89s ist aus langeweile eingefügt worden!! |
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IRCnet |
#minoru1 |
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Rizon |
#mechagucastadium |
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DALnet |
#new2mirc |
Welcome to #new2mIRC | Type /mode nick +CR to avoid spam |
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DALnet |
#n9 |
Selamat Datang Ke #N9 [ Negeri Sembilan Darul Khusus ] - To Avoid From Spammer Type //mode YourNick +RC |
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DALnet |
#chattychat |
welcome to #chattychat, where chat is a fun - Please speak English only :)... join #Netchat |
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DALnet |
#mental-health |
Mental Health Peer Support And Chat |
3 |
Rizon |
#battle-arena |
Topic is 'Welcome to Battle-Arena. Type !help for information on game commands. All game functions use ! in front. !away and !back have a purpose, use them when AFK and not AFK. Text colors can be stripped from messages in IRC client options. Note: if BattleMaster isn't here the game is offline:( |
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DALnet |
#gayplace |
GayPlace : The Un#gayDomain Channel! : #GayPlace (18+) |
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DALnet |
#wircd |
Welcome to wIRCd Pull up a chair and enjoy :) Quote:(YOu CaNt FiX StUpId) |
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Rizon |
#destiny |
destiny.vision will be delinked on Oct 16th, 2019. REASON: Not enough time to manage the server on this Network. |
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Rizon |
#elysiumsubs |
<<< Welcome to ElysiumSubs | Recruits Info - #ElysiumRecruits | Radio - #ElysiumRadio | www.elysiumsubs.com | New Haruhi has been released! Check website for download | Triggers: !find, !info >>> |
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Rizon |
#thewand&circlet |
MGCYOA Roleplay Channel. Use quotes when to speak in first-person. /me for actions. All OOC activity goes into #MGCYOA. OOC rule: You roleplay as one of your characters rolled within the MGCYOA. Do not use meta knowledge or break the 4th wall. IC Rule: No getting physical inside the Pub. Bounties: http://piratepad.net/MGBountyBoard |
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DALnet |
#indohacker |
Welcome to #IndoHacker | Rules: No Spam, No Flood, No Invite, No SARA, No War | www.IndoHacker.co.id proxy SOCK update: http://www.kaskus.co.id/showthread.php?t=6791198 | Remote OFF | Sis channel #encrypt & #BotServ |
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DALnet |
#posh |
Welcome-Scramble game is on-Enjoy your stay. Free Psybnc, Free Games Bot, Free Stats Bot Available. Thanks |
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Rizon |
#ucctf |
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Rizon |
#eiran.mod |
Welcome To eIRan Supplies Chaneel || Prio1: http://secura.e-sim.org/battle.html?id=4594 || Bouns Regoin Prio 1 : Southeastern Iran || SUPP : ON || |
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IRCnet |
#jacksoow |
3 |
Rizon |
#infinitynow |
DevOps room, #endchan main room, If you want to help dev/admin/etc, give us your gitgud & trello name - https://gitgud.io/groups/InfinityNow |
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