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Network Name Topic Users
Libera.Chat ##lumey *click click* 3
Libera.Chat #qownnotes QOwnNotes | http://www.qownnotes.org | Please report issues at https://goo.gl/LhHLZt | If you ask questions here please make sure to stay online so you can get answers 3
Libera.Chat #naev 3
Libera.Chat #gleam-lang 3
Libera.Chat #techz 3
Libera.Chat #reprap.fr 3
Libera.Chat #django-wiki 3
Libera.Chat #wiktionary-fr Bienvenue sur le canal du Wiktionnaire (https://fr.wiktionary.org). Plus de trois millions de pages ! 3
Libera.Chat #prepedia Bye freenode! Welcome to Libera.Chat! | Aktuelles: Nichts Neues | Technik: Nichts Neues | Bitte hab etwas Geduld, falls du nicht gleich eine Antwort auf deine Frage bekommst. Wir sind nicht immer am Rechner. Warte einfach etwas. Abends ist fast immer jemand hier. 3
Libera.Chat ##linux-ua Найкращий чат УАнету! rm -rf windows 3
Libera.Chat ##weather-us-ct EXPERIMENTAL | NOAA Active Weather Alerts for the state of Connecticut | For questions, help, and discussion: ##weather 3
Libera.Chat #1zu160 Modellbahn in Spur N. Das schönste Hobby der Welt! - Wann fängst du an? 3
Libera.Chat #lubuntu-es Soporte de Lubuntu en Español | Acerca de: https://lubuntu.me | Manual: https://manual.lubuntu.me | ¡Lanzamiento de Lubuntu 23.10 ! https://lubuntu.me/mantic-released | Offtopic: #lubuntu-offtopic | Contribuir: #lubuntu-devel | Idiomas internacionales: https://lubuntu.me/links | Lista de correo: https://lists.ubuntu.com/lubuntu-users | Telegram: https://t.me/lubuntues 3
Libera.Chat #kosmonum Welcome to the public channel of KOSMONUM. For more information visit https://kosmonum.space 3
Libera.Chat #ubuntu-fr-party Événements Ubuntu-fr | Ubuntu party parisienne : 8-10 mai 2020 https://www.ubuntu-party.org/ | Premier Samedi du Libre : 4 avril 2020 https://premier-samedi.org/ | Liste de discussion https://listes.ubuntu-fr.org/info/orga-up-paris 3
Libera.Chat #zenwalk-users A refuge for former zenwalk users after the Freenode takeover. 3
Libera.Chat #ultravideo Home of the Ultra Video Group and projects like Kvazaar HEVC encoder | https://discord.gg/fZpub7BPUA | ultravideo.fi | github.com/ultravideo 3
Libera.Chat #prosa 3
Libera.Chat #linuxheilbronn 3
Libera.Chat #foundriesio Welcome to the foundries.io IRC channel | Web: https://foundries.io 3
Libera.Chat ##weather-us-me EXPERIMENTAL | NOAA Active Weather Alerts for the state of Maine | For questions, help, and discussion: ##weather 3
Libera.Chat ##yoshimi Yoshimi * unofficial * 🎛🎛🎹🎛🎛| Yoshimi is a software audio synthesizer | https://yoshimi.github.io/ | Help and Documentation: https://yoshimi.sourceforge.io/help.html | Mailing List: https://www.freelists.org/list/yoshimi 3
Libera.Chat #nnels 3
Libera.Chat #xviavi IRC bots 3
Libera.Chat #xcl https://github.com/shadowcat-mst/nxcl https://github.com/shadowcat-mst/xcl 3
Libera.Chat #yorick 3
Libera.Chat #sunriser 3
Libera.Chat #bagolu 3
Libera.Chat #sumurai8 Duistere types zijn hier niet toegestaan! Gelieve in ieder geval het licht aan te zetten als je hier binnenkomt. 3
Libera.Chat #ltb-project LDAP Tool Box project 3
Libera.Chat #krkrsdl2 Welcome to the channel for Kirikiri SDL2. After asking your question, please stay logged on to receive your response. 吉里吉里SDL2のチャンネルへようこそ。 あなたの質問をした後、あなたの返答を受け取るためにログオンしたままにしてください。 3
Libera.Chat ##combinatorics 3
Libera.Chat #xelf 3
Libera.Chat #meet.coop 3
Libera.Chat #gnu-mx 3
Libera.Chat #undercore-united IRC Channel for the Undercore Minetest server | undercore.greenxenith.com:30000 | Discord Server: https://discord.gg/HwHRZZJ 3
Libera.Chat #cvn-wp-en-newpages en-Wikipedia new pages monitor | help or info: #countervandalism | Say "!staff" for help/voice in this channel | If bot is broken report in #countervandalism or add MiszaBot to this channel via "computer dest add #cvn-wp-en-newpages newpages cmds" 3
Libera.Chat #nothudmol 3
Libera.Chat #hellomouse-uni SOON™️ 3
Libera.Chat #fisired Canal IRC de la comunidad de software libre fisiredera. Licenciatura en Física Aplicada, USAC. ¡Bienvenidos fisirederos! 3
Libera.Chat #cville 3
Libera.Chat #gamergate 3
Libera.Chat ##folksprak 3
Libera.Chat ##ootc.gen 3
Libera.Chat #zaurus 3
Libera.Chat #pygame 3
Libera.Chat #wisconsin Discussion about Wisconsin. You don't have to live here, but it helps! 3
Libera.Chat ##jailbreak 3
Libera.Chat #amirc AmIRC 3.8 released | auth to nickserv to talk | Official AmIRC Channel | https://amirc.org/ 3
Libera.Chat #linuxie Irish Linux Users chat - petty tyrant free zone 3