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Top Channels

Network Name Topic Users
Libera.Chat #shopware 3
Libera.Chat #dota 3
Libera.Chat #autorevision Home Page: https://autorevision.github.io/ | Github Page: https://github.com/Autorevision/autorevision | Get the latest release: https://github.com/Autorevision/autorevision/releases/latest 3
Libera.Chat #gnosis Good, Solid, Fast... GNOSIS | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-S14SjemfAg 3
Libera.Chat #suricata-dev Suricata Dev Talk -- User chat over at #suricata -- Forum: https://forum.suricata.io/c/developers 3
Libera.Chat #tasvideosdev Tech talk for https://github.com/TASVideos/tasvideos 3
Libera.Chat #zoy 3
Libera.Chat ##foss-it ◈ Canale dedicato all'OpenSource (software & filosofia), GNU/Linux ed Informatica in generale ⯌ [GNU] ⧐ https://www.gnu.org/ ⯌ [Linux] ⧐ http://www.kernel.org/ ┋┋ [MainLine] 6.2-rc5 ┋ [Stable] 6.1.7 - 6.0.19 [EoL] ┋┋ ⯌ [Free Software Foundation] ⧐ https://www.fsf.org/it 3
Libera.Chat #input.club Registered so a random person doesn't take it over. Message ifohancroft about taking over the channel ownership. 3
Libera.Chat #guacamole 3
Libera.Chat #talk Welcome to #Talk 🌟 Discussing Tech, Culture, Politics, Health, Hobbies, and More! 🎨🌍💡 3
Libera.Chat #script?cie Math™️ 3
Libera.Chat #flug Freiburg Linux User Group 3
Libera.Chat #yavdr-development 3
Libera.Chat ##nixos-anime 3
Libera.Chat #appcompat home of the DllCompat vista+ compatibility Project https://github.com/MyTDT-Mysoft/DllCompat 3
Libera.Chat ##roehrenbude 3
Libera.Chat #outerspace-tms http://tms.outerspace.dyndns.org/ 3
Libera.Chat #greatfet 3
Libera.Chat #xmoto :: welcome to #xmoto | homepage: https://xmoto.tuxfamily.org/ | discord: https://discord.gg/W33yTUd 3
Libera.Chat ##toilets 3
Libera.Chat #kde-maui 3
Libera.Chat #prolog 3
Libera.Chat #edev 3
Libera.Chat #1 3
Libera.Chat #arianne-faiumoni 3
Libera.Chat #macuahuitl 3
Libera.Chat ##sfgiants Welcome to San Francisco Giants Baseball | https://giants.mlb | Home to dondon (kind of) 3
Libera.Chat #emb-premium 3
Libera.Chat ##bootstrap 3
Libera.Chat #mineclonia 3
Libera.Chat #bdsm-darkroom 3
Libera.Chat #zoo-project http://zoo-project.org/ 3
Libera.Chat #calculate 3
Libera.Chat ##fdt solo l'eco 3
Libera.Chat ##criminology 3
Libera.Chat #linuxxx 3
Libera.Chat #lug 3
Libera.Chat #unixboard 3
Libera.Chat ##perlcafe 3
Libera.Chat #tullinge 3
Libera.Chat #coconuts elegist has returned! 3
Libera.Chat ##pcj 3
Libera.Chat #freepbx-dev 3
Libera.Chat #bluzgi 2025 iChuj. | EEch, lubmil, Domin i 2 boty | | kurwa mać. | raz na wozie, raz pod wodą | walę tynki kurwa mać | Życie bez Seby nie ma sensu 3
Libera.Chat #lugaru Lugaru -- The Rabbit's Foot! | https://gitlab.com/osslugaru/lugaru | https://osslugaru.gitlab.io 3
Libera.Chat #sympl sympl.io || wiki.sympl.io || forum.sympl.io 3
Libera.Chat ##proglangdesign 3
Libera.Chat #fdio-meeting No meetings currently in progress 3
Libera.Chat ##nitterbot-test 3