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Network Name Topic Users
RetroNode #media 🎬 🎷🎸 🎶 A place to discuss music (and music videos), movies, TV shows, celebrities and all things media. Drop your youtube and other related links here! | rtn0's theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xnCVm6ibsi4 3
RetroNode #perl All about the Perl scripting language. 3
RetroNode #retro-interfaces All about retro looks & feels, and the feels they give you. <3 3
TechNet #videogames 3
TechNet #spacex 3
TechNet #canadian **CANADA** ☢ "We Like Beer" ☢ N♥E♠W♦S♣ 3
TechNet #darenet 3
TechNet #chatarea 3
TechNet #coffeeshop 3
TechNet #tilde.green-staff Staff channel for tilde.green 3
TechNet #uno! Wanna play uno? Rules: !unohelp rules and: !unohelp prawns. Start the game: !uno To join: jo For commands: !unocmds 3
TechNet #amiga @ AmigaBoing @ || Games DL: https://amigaboing.net/gc || RP9 DL: https://amigaboing.net/rp9 || Blog Ending Dec 2025: https://amigaboing.net/end2025 || Play Expo (4-5th Oct 2025) https://www.playexpoblackpool.com || Danger Mouse: https://amigaboing.net/dm :) 3
TechNet #netlog 3
TechNet #/ #Slash ::#chat #computertech #pirates #SalsLair #technet :: irc.chatnet.chat 3
TechNet #preppers Welcome to #preppers 🌿 Discussing survivalist prepping: tips, gear, skills, and community resilience. Stay prepared, stay informed! 💡 | Channel Rules: https://wiki.rizon.net/index.php?title=Preppers | Please identify with NickServ (/msg NickServ HELP for assistance) | Survival pdf's: http://home.3nd3r.net/pdf/ 3
Newnet #old-games 3
Newnet #friendly_vcds Come in. Be friendly. Fade2Blac is gone but not forgotten. 3
Newnet #ut99 .:ZfA:. Zarks Fallen Angels Official Unreal Tournament Server. https://zarksfallenangels.com 3
Newnet #beginner Newnet IRC - #Beginners - Need assistance? /join #newnet and we will try to assist you :) IRC topics only please. 3
Newnet #asia Discussion about Asia, Asian countries, its people, and its culture. 3
Newnet #netnews From the big USENET, independent Netnews networks, to standalone Netnews boxes; discuss about the Internet's original distributed threaded discussion boards protocol, its usage, management of servers, and subculture of people within. 3
Newnet #offline 3
Newnet #ladykey's_loch ,1If swimming is so good for you, how do you explain WHALES? 3
Newnet #whos_here 3
Newnet #gopher Burrow under and ahead; discuss Gopher-- the original port 70 rival to the World Wide Web, from its heyday to the present days, whether you have your own Gopherhole/Gopherhill or not. 3
Newnet #cyberelia cyberelia.net :: a small pubnix community 3
Newnet #canada Forget Stars and Stripes—We’ve got Maple Leafs and Politeness (and better beer)! Chat Canadian pride tonight! 🍁🖕 USA 3
IRC4Fun #computertech 3
IRC4Fun #eggdrop 3
IRC4Fun #canada 3
IRC4Fun #buzznet 3
IRC4Fun #mexico 3
IRC4Fun #buddhism 3
IRC4Fun #21 BLACK JACK! (Commands: !blackjack !join !hit !hold) - You need 2+ players. 3
IRC4Fun #testing-abc 3
IRC4Fun #cannabis 3
IRC4Fun #wordgames wordtwist [easy|medium|hard|evil] (def: medium) | wordshrink [easy|medium|hard|evil] (def: medium) -- Start a word-shrink game. Make new words by dropping one letter from the previous word and rearranging the remaining letters. | (boggle [command]) -- Play a game of Boggle. Commands: [easy|medium|hard|evil] stop|stats | wordquit 3
SkyChatz #islam 3
SkyChatz #chit-chat 3
SkyChatz #hitz.tv 3
SkyChatz #relex 3
SkyChatz #retis 3
SkyChatz #server 3
SkyChatz #vpn 3
SkyChatz #gempakbox 3
SkyChatz #allnitecafe 3
SkyChatz #selayang 3
SkyChatz #ios 3
SkyChatz #ual 3
SkyChatz #k.terengganu 3