Libera.Chat |
#avination |
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Libera.Chat |
##unsw |
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Libera.Chat |
#jenni |
jenni the irc bot | project is dead, use Sopel instead |
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Libera.Chat |
#gssp |
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Libera.Chat |
#cutthecord |
Official support channel for CutTheCord, a Discord Android client mod. | ASK YOUR QUESTION AND STAY IF YOU WANT AN ANSWER | | Yes, a support channel on IRC is ironic. |
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Libera.Chat |
#flood |
Paste large amounts of text that would not be permissible in other channels | Don't paste useless stuff | Beware of IRC network throttling | For even larger amounts of text, consider a paste site like or |
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Libera.Chat |
##codeflip |
we're in #flipcode |
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Libera.Chat |
#dxirc |
dxirc is a simple yet capable cross-platform IRC client | | | dxirc 1.50.0 přinese hafo novinek |
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Libera.Chat |
#inportb |
cepheus was still here (2021/05/20). just squatting from freenode, use memoserv or /msg if i'm here |
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Libera.Chat |
#queer |
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Libera.Chat |
#nanog |
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Libera.Chat |
#sdr |
Warning. Ask vappy 2 get #unbounced_channel cod. Related with software defined radio maths & algorithms. |
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Libera.Chat |
#rackspace |
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Libera.Chat |
#skyfarm |
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Libera.Chat |
#eev |
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Libera.Chat |
#ubuntu+1-maint |
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Libera.Chat |
#mauduit |
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Libera.Chat |
##horney |
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Libera.Chat |
##turkish |
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Libera.Chat |
#linuxmint-chat |
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Libera.Chat |
#futebol |
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Libera.Chat |
#fswdb |
The Free Software Database <> - Upgraded on July 26, 2024 [ver. 218 : <>] |
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Libera.Chat |
#limjunlong |
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Libera.Chat |
#social-es |
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Libera.Chat |
##redneckdentist |
MSM Is The Virus! |
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Libera.Chat |
#lorbunity-mods |
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Libera.Chat |
#waybox |
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Libera.Chat |
##hifi |
Welcome to ##hifi - For all of your audio hardware needs! |
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Libera.Chat |
#stockmarkets |
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Libera.Chat |
##c++-social |
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Libera.Chat |
##computerscience |
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Libera.Chat |
##countryalwayssunny |
SunAfterRain 的交流群 | 和 Telegram 群組 及 Discord 伺服器 連接 |
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Libera.Chat |
##cptviraj |
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Libera.Chat |
##dannys712 |
DannyS712's IRC chat room | Stay safe | | | |
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Libera.Chat |
##ellhnisti |
Χαῖρε! Ἐνθάδε μόνον τῇ ἀρχαίᾳ ἑλληνικῇ γλώσσῃ γράφομεν. Ἔστι καὶ τὸ ##ancientgreek . |
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Libera.Chat |
##geekchat |
Chat for geeks. All geek related topics welcome, just don't be a dick. |
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Libera.Chat |
##hal_expats |
Welcome to ##HAL_expats (formerly IBM ex-pats) on libera IRC network. #IStandWithUkraine 🇺🇦. |
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Libera.Chat |
##homematic |
Homematic Heimautomatisierung | vorab mal | heute waren schon 5 user hier, wenn sie nicht alle nach 10 Minuten wieder verschwunden waeren muessten wir wegen ueberfuellung schliessen ;-) Man kann auch nen bouncer wie ZNC verwenden um staendig eingeloggt zu bleiben, was die Chance einen Gespraechspartner zu finden dramatisch erhoeht |
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Libera.Chat |
##inlimbo |
🕷️ In Limbo: Brexit Testimonies from EU citizens 🕸️ 🕸️ channel guide: 🕷 #IStandWithUkraine 🇺🇦 |
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Libera.Chat |
##l235 |
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Libera.Chat |
##l235-secondary |
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Libera.Chat |
##loa |
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Libera.Chat |
##marcha-disco |
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Libera.Chat |
##mrbenc |
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Libera.Chat |
##newtcg |
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Libera.Chat |
##opertestbed |
Actively testing Please help by adding global pages to watch |
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Libera.Chat |
##solotalents-channel |
Welcome to Solotalents’ Channel. Main language is german, english is ok, too. No hate, we respect all kind of humans and respect all animals. |
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Libera.Chat |
##startrek |
possible future migration destination from #startrek |
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Libera.Chat |
#-greyzone- |
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Libera.Chat |
#antix-translators |
antiX translations and more. Please simply start writing, stay in channel so you can read when later on somebody answers, which may take some hours. |
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