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Network Name Topic Users
Libera.Chat #colombia 3
Libera.Chat #coreshells https://CoreShells.net - Psybnc, Eggdrop, Shells, Vps, Hosting, Domain Provider. - ( www.ShellHosting.co.uk ) || For contact admin order : Ders 3
Libera.Chat #dalek 3
Libera.Chat #daslinux 3
Libera.Chat #dshield 3
Libera.Chat #duplicati www.duplicati.com - A free backup client that securely stores encrypted, incremental, compressed backups on cloud storage services and remote file servers. 3
Libera.Chat #efika 3
Libera.Chat #esp32-offtopic ESP32 SoC Offtopic | Forums: ESP32.com | Link Dump: ESP32.net | News: http://twitter.com/esp32net | Main channel: #ESP32 3
Libera.Chat #flat 3
Libera.Chat #gibusbar Welcome to #GibusBar, enjoy music, beer and chattering / Bienvenue au #GibusBar, profitez de la musique, de la bière et des conversations 3
Libera.Chat #graces 3
Libera.Chat #gridcoin-help Gridcoin [GRC] v5.4.8.0-leisure | Rewarding BOINC Contribution | Official homepage: https://gridcoin.us | Report abuse to the OPs with !operators & use /ignore 3
Libera.Chat #hrwiki-forum 3
Libera.Chat #hyperion 3
Libera.Chat #japan 3
Libera.Chat #lithuania 3
Libera.Chat #loafbot 3
Libera.Chat #m27 3
Libera.Chat #marcha 3
Libera.Chat #mx-linux Community Channel for MX Linux distro (https://mxlinux.org). Current version: 21.1 Stick around, idle, help other users, chat. Don't be shy but dont expect an instant response as not everyones by their PC 24/7. 3
Libera.Chat #nfl 3
Libera.Chat #nomadbsd NomadBSD: Quick and easy FreeBSD Desktop on a (USB) stick --> https://nomadbsd.org/ 3
Libera.Chat #not-##freebsd 3
Libera.Chat #nsa 3
Libera.Chat #openbsd-it https://www.openbsd.org/69.html 3
Libera.Chat #ourinfiniteloop 3
Libera.Chat #p25 Welcome to #P25, all P25 topics are welcome, including Non-Affiliate Scan (NAS) and Encryption 3
Libera.Chat #peru 3
Libera.Chat #pgina Note: If you're asking "How do i make the x64 ldapauth load?" The answer is "Install the x64 VC 2008 runtime (free download via MS)" 3
Libera.Chat #plesk https://www.plesk.com/plesk-generic/?utm_campaign=brand-rlsa&utm_source=google&utm_medium=ppc&utm_term=plesk 3
Libera.Chat #qnap Unofficial QNAP channel for users helping each other. 3
Libera.Chat #rexx 3
Libera.Chat #shell-hosting 3
Libera.Chat #shoutwiki-cvn ShoutWiki recent changes IRC feed 3
Libera.Chat #shoutwiki-staff ShoutWiki staff channel | https://staff.shoutwiki.com 3
Libera.Chat #singularityviewer 3
Libera.Chat #sktechworks Saskatoon Techworks is located at 412 44th Street! Come visit us Tuesday nights after 7:00PM! E-Mail the board at thespace@sktechworks.ca. 3
Libera.Chat #snes9x 3
Libera.Chat #swissalps 3
Libera.Chat #telegram 3
Libera.Chat #tuempel 3
Libera.Chat #ubuntu-ma 3
Libera.Chat #veron-a18 Welcome to #VERON-a18 - discuss anything to do with HAM, club related stuff... NO politics please | Visit #PI4GV for tech and experiments | more info: https://verongv.nl 3
Libera.Chat #wikidata-rfd 3
Libera.Chat #wollino Benvenuti nel canale IRC ufficiale di Wollino (https://t.me/Wollino) Per evitare questioni di qualsiasi natura, AUTOVOICE a parte, NON assegnerò PRIVILEGI (@AOP) (%HOP) (+VOP) A NESSUNO. (www.mirc.com - client di chat consigliato) Buone Discussioni a tutti! 3
Libera.Chat #zwave 3
Libera.Chat ##nix Multi Network Relay Channel for Community Linux Support. Idle and show your support. 3
Libera.Chat #amigosdealdair 3
Libera.Chat #opensuse-conference 3
Libera.Chat #webtv 3