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Top Channels

Network Name Topic Users
OFTC #guix-jp/welcome 3
OFTC #guix-jp/guix 3
OFTC #guix-jp/random 3
OFTC #envenenaos 3
OFTC #guix-jp/general 3
OFTC #offtop 3
OFTC #debian-homeassistant-commits Packaging commits and bots. Please do not talk in this channel. 3
OFTC #dg-ux 3
OFTC ##gemujo 3
OFTC #dgux 3
OFTC #monero-offtopic 3
OFTC #brainpain IRC bridge 3
OFTC #usa Any chatter related to the United States of America is welcome here. 3
OFTC #why2025-nocnoc 3
OFTC #eventlet-removal New location: #openstack-eventlet-removal 3
OFTC #burris 3
OFTC #bt2perf 3
OFTC #debian-mobcom 3
OFTC #debian-cooking fooood! | https://salsa.debian.org/debian/debian-cookbook | 🍳 3
OFTC #learnmodu The official LearnModu chatroom! Admins online, @paint 3
OFTC #mx 3
OFTC #debian-hare Debian Hare Team 3
OFTC #portis howdy 3
IRC4Fun #computertech 3
IRC4Fun #eggdrop 3
IRC4Fun #canada 3
IRC4Fun #buzznet 3
IRC4Fun #mexico 3
IRC4Fun #buddhism 3
IRC4Fun #21 BLACK JACK! (Commands: !blackjack !join !hit !hold) - You need 2+ players. 3
IRC4Fun #testing-abc 3
IRC4Fun #cannabis 3
IRC4Fun #wordgames wordtwist [easy|medium|hard|evil] (def: medium) | wordshrink [easy|medium|hard|evil] (def: medium) -- Start a word-shrink game. Make new words by dropping one letter from the previous word and rearranging the remaining letters. | (boggle [command]) -- Play a game of Boggle. Commands: [easy|medium|hard|evil] stop|stats | wordquit 3
Rizon #tbuno Welcome to TBuno. Start uno type - uno - good luck and enjoy the game. 3
Rizon #anime-madness 3
Rizon #tus KGNE:TUS | Celebrating 15 YEARS of Akane & Gouda Jouji | TOGETHER FOREVER <33333 | KISS ME LLAMA | TOUCH ME NACHLADER | LICK ME GOUDA | FIGHT ME KYLE 3
Rizon #wrestling WWE Hall of Famer Pete Rose dead at 83. 3
Rizon #nyaa 3
Rizon #psychology Discussion about secrests of human psyche. All professional and non-proffesional psychologists are welcome! 3
Rizon #coders-irc-lounge DANGER https://www.coders-resources.net/ DANGER 3
Rizon #anirena 3
Rizon #mus/a/k mus/a/k - Egg and friends' chillhaus || Blog: http://eggy.moe/music || Repo: http://eggy.moe/piracy || Resources: https://pastebin.com/Vzn5iLjy | http://pastebin.com/nkk0qsYz || Music chat takes priority over PoE chat 3
Rizon #buddhism For any seeking refuge in the buddha, the dharma, the sangha. .||. https://buddhism-chat.org 3
Rizon #mal ... http://data.whicdn.com/images/58048807/anigif_enhanced-buzz-30367-1365173787-12_large.gif | http://i.imgur.com/Fwo0DXP.gif 3
Rizon #mac Discuss Mac/Apple stuff! Idle or help or PM LoneWolf367. RIP Steve Jobs 1955-2011. 3
Rizon #weebfaggots 3
Rizon #meiporo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V8uykWA1uUI 3
Rizon #mercury my chat 3
Rizon #outsidewonder Enter, have some fun... Maybe you'll like it... 3
Rizon #nb 3