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  • Users: 6,638
  • Channels: 2,104 indexed
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    #jakarta (426)
  • Last Indexed: An hour ago
  • Started in 1994 as an alternative to the overburdened networks of the time, DALnet has grown into a vibrant community and is widely regarded as the most "friendly" of the major IRC networks.
* related to indexed networks only

Top Channels

Network Name Topic Users
SkyChatz #uworld 3
SkyChatz #motus 3
SkyChatz #novelist 3
SkyChatz #jcfichaven 3
SkyChatz #kuantan 3
SkyChatz #jiserv 3
SkyChatz #flags 3
SkyChatz #anti-spam 3
SkyChatz #melayuku 3
SkyChatz #belon 3
SkyChatz #santai 3
SkyChatz #feedback Devil Besides Me®~ 3
SkyChatz #jom 3
SkyChatz #pandora 3
SkyChatz #awekcun 3
SkyChatz #muar 3
SkyChatz #sasl 3
SkyChatz #cgi Computer Generated Imagery 3
SkyChatz #merchuan 3
SkyChatz #cybersindiket 3
SkyChatz #epl 3
SkyChatz #crmc 3
SkyChatz #ircshellznc Welcome to #IRCShellZNC - Private Customer Service Channel ::. | Please register nick to get free ZNC account - thanks - 3
SkyChatz #unobwn 3
SkyChatz #mircsocket 3
SkyChatz #mon 3
SkyChatz #miri 3
SkyChatz #mp3album 3
SkyChatz #centos 3
SkyChatz #chinese 3
SkyChatz #casino Hye gei gei sekalian 3
SkyChatz #utagha 3
SkyChatz #jiwangchat 3
SkyChatz #lundang 3
SkyChatz #melayu 3
SkyChatz #bmp 3
SkyChatz #boom 3
SkyChatz #opera Welcome to #Opera | Opera Mini/Mobile | Download latest stable version : https://www.opera.com/download | Forum : https://forums.opera.com/ 3
SkyChatz #myop 3
SkyChatz #football 3
SkyChatz # |[ Welcome ]| to # @ SkyChatz.Org - Respect Operators & Users - Fantasy : !CMD !HELP - Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/skychatz - Web Services : https://services.skychatz.org - Enjoy Your Stay , Thanks! 3
Geekshed #gravitygunonly 3
Geekshed #bots Bot parking, development, testing and help/support :-) If you are abusive to other users in this channel, you will find yourself permanately removed from it. | This is a TESTING channel. Unless you are testing, scripts should be turned off. | NO AMSG cause the owner says so ;) 3
Geekshed #phil Do you need hairloss counseling? Talk to SicoBNC. 3
Geekshed #arttravel Welcome to the Travel room! Art, Photography and travel groups!!!!!! 3
Geekshed #gamahcode http://gamahgpl.org -=- Join us on Freenode @ #gamahcode This room is not affiilated with #jupiterbroadcasting, offtopic JB chat can happen in #jupitercolony -=- Rule1: gbot is only bot! - Rule2: Fuck politics! - Rule3: Refrain from butthurtedness! | I identify as an FN FAL 3
Geekshed #chills *Welcome to #Chills!! 3
Geekshed #jupiterdev https://gitlab.jupitercode.io A channel for the developers and members of the JB community to collaborate on and help out with JB projects. There is also a Telegram group available by invite. 3
Geekshed #gryffindor V: | Jan. 11th phpBB Up. -TBlog | Kith: !streamlist, !wut, !emote help | !things for list of emotes, !sml for stream master list | !daww for cute things 3
Geekshed #snyggast Välkommen till #snyggast. Statistik: https://negerboll.com/snyggast/ 3