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Network Name Topic Users
Undernet #sunos Welcome ( www.SunOS.org ) 3
Libera.Chat #mircitaliacrew Canale IRC ufficiale di sviluppo alla Wiki di mIRC (www.mirc.com - News: mIRC 7.67) | Telegram: @mircitalia & @mircitaliacrew | https://t.me/s/mircitalia | Ascolta "Radio Sabbia" con 1by1 Audio Directory Player https://mpesch3.de/1by1.html 3
DALnet #satanism satanas lambit meum culus 3
Libera.Chat #neticien 3
Libera.Chat #medialab 3
DarkWorld #waroeng 3
OFTC ##random-waffle When I start to feel down about adulthood, I remind myself that I can have cake for breakfast anytime I want. 3
SwiftIRC #punyuru 3
Libera.Chat #projectgeist COMING SOON ... New Web Radio Talk Show ... Ep. 1 / Featuring: Karael -- Elven -- Assan -- ??? -- ??? -- ??? -- with your Host DJ Underscore | Suggested topics so far: Parallel universes, time travel, quantum computing, psychic abilities, astral travel - the show is "freestyle" (=everyone can talk about what they want; host will keep a structure so it doesnt get too chaotic) 3
Libera.Chat #ansible-website Discussions & development of the Ansible community website. 3
Rizon #katahane 3
Rizon #antimagicacademy [Welcome to discussion/editing support topic for Antimagic Academy Light Novel/Manga | Find the translations @ http://krytykal.org | Have fun and be nice. | If I'm not answering it means I'm probably soundly sleeping, you can leave me a memo. For more info on how to do it type /memoserv help -krytyk] 3
Libera.Chat #fsf.hu 3
Libera.Chat #baiyaoyuan 2024第五周(1/29-2/4) 3
Libera.Chat #alolise Bonjour (bonsoir) et bienvenue sur le salon #alolise le salon IRC du Groupe d'Utilisateurs Linux de la Ville de SAINT ETIENNE (42). Veuillez posez vos questions aprés avoir appelé un des opérateurs présent sur le salon (Chanserv est un robot), pour nous appeler taper exactement le nom de l'opérateur dans un message. Restez courtois lors de vos échanges, les opérateurs ont le kick/ 3
Rizon #anime.gr .aNiMe//GR || http://www.anime.gr/ || ALL HAIL IP.BOARD! || !rules !xdcc !search !tt !requests || TRADEMARK SONG: http://youtu.be/fAb7_PcmDGc || http://youtu.be/gnwHdpfP-us || http://youtu.be/hpjfhabVlJc || RIP vBulletin 2006-2012 || HATE AWARD GOES TO ANIME.GR ΓΕΙΑ ΣΑΣ 3
Rizon #devantho 3
Rizon #comfortable 3
Libera.Chat #ops 3
Rizon #clownworld 𓆏 𓆏 𓆏...[~~ top kek ~~]...𓆏 𓆏 𓆏 3
DALnet #chattychat welcome to #chattychat, where chat is a fun - Please speak English only :)... join #Netchat 3
Rizon #unoscreen Uno Players Anonymous 3
DALnet #n9 Selamat Datang Ke #N9 [ Negeri Sembilan Darul Khusus ] - To Avoid From Spammer Type //mode YourNick +RC 3
Libera.Chat #monit https://mmonit.com/monit/ 3
Libera.Chat #idlerpg-test The test game is now inactive. Please join #idlerpg and play the main game. 3
EFnet #wkt 3
IRCnet #otit.hallitus2020 3
Rizon #amongus Channel for people who want to play Among Us but have no friends 3
Libera.Chat #uk 3
Libera.Chat #centos-bottest Bot testing / playground 3
DALnet #new2mirc Welcome to #new2mIRC | Type /mode nick +CR to avoid spam 3
Libera.Chat #miraheze-mediawiki-engineers Welcome to the MediaWiki Team channel. Metrics: https://grafana.miraheze.org/d/GtxbP1Xnk/mediawiki | Alerts (new): https://grafana.miraheze.org/d/GtxbP1Xnk/mediawiki?viewPanel=43 | Alerts (Legacy): https://icinga.miraheze.org/monitoring/list/hosts?hostgroup_name=mediawiki 3
Zoite #hockey 3
Rizon #0sec-wares 3
Libera.Chat #conemu conemu IT-Service | www.conemu.de 3
Libera.Chat #sparta 3
DALnet #barcelona 3
Undernet #olympics PyeongChang Winter Games Feb. 2018 https://www.olympic.org/pyeongchang-2018 ( http://www.rio2016olympicsonline.com/ ) 3
Rizon #help.nl Welkom bij #help.nl, voor al je Nederlandstalige IRC-hulp | Lees eerst dit: http://s.rizon.net/FAQ | Nog vragen? Stel ze hier, en heb geduld. | Vraag niet of je een vraag mag stellen, vraag gewoon. 3
IRCnet #santerinfuksit 3
IRCnet #olut 3
Rizon #oldmen3 3
Libera.Chat ##epicgamerzone1337 im an epic gamer now youre an epic gamer now we're all epic gamers now epic epic epic gamer yeah 3
freenode #weechat-offtopic 3
Libera.Chat ##gozgeek What, me worry? 3
Libera.Chat ##nynorsk 3
Libera.Chat #linux-pwm 3
Rizon #gaybrosgonewild 3
OFTC #worldchat Welcome to #WorldChat English only 3
Rizon #/bant/ Welcome to #/bant/! - New /bant/ census results https://boards.4chan.org/bant/thread/3339598 :: feel free 2 invite more /bant/erz 3