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Network Name Topic Users
Rizon #jesus 3
Rizon #mf-channel Welcome to the MangaFox Channel | Try to keep the channel PG 133! | English Please~ | Avoid excessive spam! | All Mangafox Rules apply, and anyone with hop or higher can enforce rules till someone higher up decides what to do | No using other member's nicks | CL died here! That is all. <= I am alive thank you very much| 3
Libera.Chat #nao-admin 3
IRCnet #philosophie 3
IRCnet #deutsch 3
OFTC #magma IRC channel of magma (https://magma.lavafeld.org) -- Channel bridged with #magma:matrix.org 3
Rizon #pureye 3
Libera.Chat #fedora-fedmsg Live IRC feed of fedora message bus | http://fedmsg.com | http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Messaging_SIG 3
Undernet #tunisie bon ramadon que chaque rupture de votre jeûne soit un pas de plus vers le paradis... ( http://aladdin1.perso.worldonline.fr/commandes.html ) 3
IRCnet #npd 3
Libera.Chat #sailnavsim ahoy | https://8bitbyte.ca/sailnavsim/ 3
DALnet #mdma 3,4-methylenedioxy-methamphetamine 3
Rizon #millerboss |  🇺🇸  MAKE  🇪🇸  #MILL  🇦🇺  ERB  🇬🇧  OSS  🇨🇦  GREAT  🇵🇭  AGAIN  🇳🇱  | 3
Rizon #mlpstreams 3
Libera.Chat #miraheze-ballmedia-polcompball-feed 3
Libera.Chat #miraheze-ballmedia-polandball-feed 3
Rizon #anime-gundam 3
EFnet #musclecars 3
Rizon #ploo 3
Libera.Chat #cvn-ko-scan 위키미디어 CVN (https://w.wiki/99v) | 봇 명령어: https://w.wiki/99u | CVN 운영자를 !staff 로 호출할 수 있습니다. | 도움 (영어): #countervandalism | 스팸: #wikimedia-external-links | 새 계정 추적: #cvn-unifications | 블랙리스트 추가: CVNBot25 bl add USERNAME x=(시간 단위를 숫자로) r=(이유, 영어로) 3
Libera.Chat #miraheze-ballmedia-feed 3
IRCnet #onyxsoft 3
Libera.Chat #delphijustin Welcome delphians to the delphijustin community chat | https://delphijustin.biz | Try my shareware Uno game http://getuno.delphijustin.biz | Updated chat stream http://chatmp3.delphijustin.biz 3
Libera.Chat #kubuntu-unregged 3
Libera.Chat #musicbrainz-de MusicBrainz (German) | UTF-8 | IRC Log: https://chatlogs.metabrainz.org/libera/musicbrainz-de/ 3
Libera.Chat #haskell-scandinavian Kanalen f{o,ö}r skandinavisk-tal{e,a}nde Haskell-{bru{g,k}e,använda}re. {Spør{g,}smål,Frågor} v{e,i}dr{ø,ö}r{e,a}nde andr{e,a} funk{ti,sj}onell{e,a} o{g,ch} deklarativ{e,a} spr{og,åk} o{g,ck}så v{e,ä}lkomm{en,na} ({da,no,sv}) 3
Libera.Chat ##photoshop 3
Rizon #hi10anime (=´∀`)人(´∀‘=) Visit us at → http://hi10anime.com/ ▬▬▬ ლ(́◉◞౪◟◉‵ლ) Zash is recruiting for Daisei Fansub Group ▬▬▬ (ノ´ヮ´)ノ*:・゚✧ Anime Chart → http://anichart.net ┌(・。・)┘♪└(・。・)┐ 3
Rizon #benkyou what got you into learning japanese? | compete to make mistakes :) 3
freenode #proxy Join Freenode Hub - https://freenode.site (private, clean, simple with many great options) 3
OFTC #theholyroger Welcome to TheHolyRogerCoin, leading cryptocurrency coin? | RogerReport / RogerRadio @ https://bit.ly/3rNxxQn | 1 ROGER ^= 1 BCH? | DON'T GET SCAMMED! Do not send pizzas/coins to doctors/strangers. | ROGER Scrypt miner: https://bit.ly/2zwLMPj | Crypto chat, bitcoin, litecoin, dogecoin, blockchain, news, trump, transvestigating Roger Ver, Craig Wright 3
DarkWorld #5x5 Welcome to 5x5. / Our primary goal with this channel is for all our 10 contesters to interract and show "SPORTMANSHIP" here so GLHF PeepZ =) 3
freenode #zimbra 3
Libera.Chat ##greek Channel about/in Greek. See also ##ancientgreek and ##moderngreek . 3
Undernet #babadag Pace & Prosperitate! :o) ( The channel is OPEN just for friends !!! ) 3
Libera.Chat #stratis-storage 3
Rizon #darkness_light THGMB STILL GOING STRONG AFTER A QUARTER CENTURY (1996 - today) .. the legacy we left behind made the hcommunity what it is now / We Are Hentai!! <@sleeping_bunny> something - R.I.P. BRIAN RYU and Buns and Akira Toriyama 3
OFTC #debconf-nyc DC10 localteam channel | also #debconf-team for general orga stuff | also #debconf for general conference chat | http://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf10 | Cafepress: http://bit.ly/1EK1cV 3
Libera.Chat #ppsspp 3
Libera.Chat #ml 3
DarkWorld #2x2 3
Libera.Chat #largehadrosaurcollider 3
Libera.Chat #wiktionary-simple 3
OFTC ##/dev/arandom entropy for everyone: RANDomness EXchange via IRC; randexBot gives you! | MirPorts:tinyirc/sirc https://www.mirbsd.org/cvs.cgi/ports/net/irssi/files/randex.pl https://www.mirbsd.org/MirOS/dist/hosted/xchat-randex/randex.dll | sudo wget -O /dev/urandom https://call.mirbsd.org/rn.cgi?f=oftc:ar,seed=$RANDOM$(dd if=/dev/urandom bs=8 count=1 2>/dev/null | hexdump -ve '1/1 "%02X"') 3
Libera.Chat #github3.py https://github3.readthedocs.io/en/master/ 3
IRCnet #rattus 3
Undernet #laptaria_lui_enache care anotimp cere aniversare??? 3
EFnet #mathematics 3
IRCnet #dumanet 3