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Network Name Topic Users
Undernet #scienceworld 3
Rizon #ohned Pokeworld Zieht Um Link: http://widget00.mibbit.com/?settings=23609968ddb6fab628061cb2bb017b20&server=globechat.de:6667&channel=%23globechat&noServerTab=false&autoConnect=true&nick= 3
Rizon #ba-ussr Blue Archive's USSR Guild secret hangout spot! || Upcoming banners : https://hina.loves.midokuni.com/Summary/Banner || Re-localization patch : https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1f1sYp1wEglPkXkQqpp6wppci0IWxqZod (authored by https://twitter.com/TL2TJ) 3
Rizon #sportsentertainment 3
Undernet #joint 3
Rizon #mfc Chillin spot ... music and pr0n! | our REQ list : www.protectedtext.com/aGGy?boobs - The new hideout. 3
Rizon #aeris_og 3
Rizon #ircxx 3
Undernet #karpos 3
Rizon #funcubetv Website: https://funcube.space/ - Chat Links: https://funcube.space/links - WELCOME TO THE NEW CHATROOM! - cmds - !np !radio !timebomb <user> !seen .top10 lines #funcubetv 3
Rizon #heilhina Secret channel for the Heil Hina club on Blue Archive Global/EU server, ID: 666 | Upcoming banners: https://hina.loves.midokuni.com/Summary/Banner | Newfag guide: https://rentry.org/how2playba | Delocalization patch: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1f1sYp1wEglPkXkQqpp6wppci0IWxqZod | Other links: https://rentry.org/bagguides 3
Rizon #bulbaworld 3
Undernet #quebecpot 3
Rizon #xrel.ohne.emperor Welcome @ even more unofficial xREL-Channel | no DLs & no invite & no Emperor & no premium req! | everybody loves #xREL.ohne.Emperor 3
Undernet #computerhelp 3
Undernet #wifi 3
Rizon #bitcoin-debug 3
Undernet #torino 3
Rizon #chat&cafe !?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Relax chat cafee !?!?!?!?!?!?!?! 3
Rizon #monkeypox BREAKING: Trump expected to sign executive order mandating all aliens from outer space be called "extra undocumented terrestrials" 3
Rizon #мęţąłнęąđş ВĄЙĞ ÝØŲГ НĘĄĐ!!! 3
Rizon #tabb 3
Undernet #russian 3
Rizon #fodarray File list: https://litter.catbox.moe/6hysjn.txt | Global usage: 19MB/512000MB (0%) | PMs sent only when you're in channel 3
Libera.Chat #shoogle https://shoogle.net/ - Quasi the Yellow Pages in modern 3
Libera.Chat #ygg Yggdrasil Tools | World-Builder | Virtual Tabletop | Sound-board | ygg.tools 3
Libera.Chat ##agda 3
Libera.Chat #wtwrp WTWRP - We Think We aRe Pros - Libera (FreeNode) Outpost :: http://wtwrp.de/ :: Actual IRC: irc://wtwrp.de/#wtwrp 3
Libera.Chat #grip https://sourceforge.net/projects/grip/ – latest release: 4.2.4 (2022-11-28) | We recommend using gnudb.gnudb.org as the new lookup server. See https://gnudb.org/info.php 3
Libera.Chat #donger-dev 3
Undernet #radiopirate 3
Libera.Chat #emacs.tw 3
Libera.Chat #projectcabal Future website: http://project-cabal.org | Main repo: https://github.com/project-cabal/cabal 3
Libera.Chat #hacc-infra-pub hackers against climate change infrastructure pub. bei uns gibts zum trinken nix. 3
Libera.Chat #subline Next full moon meeting podcast: https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/subline-meetings-12025-03-25.2T0700Z | Last meeting video: 12025/02/24.1/subline-meetings 5m 9mb https://envs.sh/tG8.mp4 3
Libera.Chat #rss 3
Libera.Chat #prologin Prologin, le concours national d'informatique 3
Libera.Chat #trolug IRC Channel der Troisdorfer Linux User Group http://trolug.de/; Besuche auch unseren XMPP Channel auf xmpp:trolug@conference.jabb3r.org?join 3
Libera.Chat ##romspy 3
Libera.Chat ##shindom 3
Libera.Chat #gabelstaplerfahrer 3
Undernet #who 3
Libera.Chat #etherboot 3
Libera.Chat #outhouse We used to live here (sort of). 3
Libera.Chat #deaf 3
Libera.Chat ##common-cold 3
Libera.Chat #nmglug "New Mexico GNU & Linux Users Group 🏜 🏔 nmgl.ug/meetings" 3
Libera.Chat #icfp-contest 3
Libera.Chat #hha 3
Libera.Chat #tomi2005 3