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Network Name Topic Users
Libera.Chat #ormaaj 🐄 3
SkyChatz #chinese 3
SkyChatz #centos 3
Libera.Chat #wikiquote-sr Добро дошли на IRC канал Викицитата на српском језику! D:D | Посетите: https://sr.wikiquote.org/wiki/Главна_страна | Скорашње измене: irc://irc.wikimedia.org/sr.wikiquote | Викимедија Србије: https://rs.wikimedia.org https://wikimedia.rs 3
EvilNET #dnsbl 3
SkyChatz #mp3album 3
SkyChatz #miri 3
SkyChatz #mon 3
Libera.Chat #dezentrale 3
SkyChatz #mircsocket 3
Libera.Chat #tincapp 3
Libera.Chat #linkping Leaving libera chat shit. You can reach rtn on Delta Chat on rtn@linkping.org 3
Libera.Chat #tandy Channel to talk about Tandy/Radio Shack Computers | Tandy 1000, TRS-80, CoCo, Model 100, MC-10, 2000, 6000, etc | https://indyz.tech/tandy/ | Tandy is Grandé 3
Libera.Chat #seattlerobotics 3
Libera.Chat #rezosup 3
Libera.Chat #armitage 3
Libera.Chat #systems http://www.reddit.com/r/systems 3
SkyChatz #unobwn 3
Libera.Chat #bemarc 3
Libera.Chat #django-social 3
Libera.Chat #osgeo-it OSGeo in italiano - http://it.osgeo.org - libera l'informazione geografica ! - accessibile via Matrix come #italia:osgeo.org 3
Libera.Chat ##outlanders 3
SkyChatz #ircshellznc Welcome to #IRCShellZNC - Private Customer Service Channel ::. | Please register nick to get free ZNC account - thanks - 3
Libera.Chat #teleirc 3
SkyChatz #crmc 3
SkyChatz #epl 3
Libera.Chat #wookieepedia Wookieepedia, the Space-Based Disagreements FANDOM powered by Wikia - https://starwars.fandom.com 3
Libera.Chat #quil 3
Libera.Chat ##unamesa 3
SkyChatz #cybersindiket 3
Libera.Chat #offtopic 3
SkyChatz #merchuan 3
Libera.Chat #tehlug Tehran GNU/Linux Users Group | http://tehlug.org | Subscribe to our mailing list: https://tehlug.org/maillist/ 3
Libera.Chat #slashem.de 3
SkyChatz #cgi Computer Generated Imagery 3
Libera.Chat ##nihongo 3
Libera.Chat ##buero Hier ist nicht so cool. 3
Libera.Chat #hacc hackers against climate change | next international call: August 25 18:00 UTC at meet.ffmuc.net/hacc.int | happy haccing 3
Libera.Chat ##deducteam 3
Libera.Chat #lopsa-tech 3
Libera.Chat #rxvt-unicode-dev 3
Libera.Chat #pythonpune 3
Libera.Chat #authzed Creators of SpiceDB, the open source fine-grained permissions database | https://authzed.com 3
Libera.Chat #hacker 3
SkyChatz #sasl 3
SkyChatz #muar 3
Libera.Chat ##waltscottjsm 3
Libera.Chat #kimai 3
SkyChatz #awekcun 3
Libera.Chat #simavr 3