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Top Channels

Network Name Topic Users
SkyChatz #pandora 3
Libera.Chat #zool-corp 3
Libera.Chat ##mathphilosophy 3
SkyChatz #jom 3
Libera.Chat ##spam 102. 3
SkyChatz #feedback Devil Besides Me®~ 3
Libera.Chat #libre.dev-private 3
Libera.Chat #queeriouslabs 3
Libera.Chat #anarchyplanet visit us at irc.anarchyplanet.org ;) 3
Libera.Chat #gentoo-ro 3
SkyChatz #santai 3
Libera.Chat #uclibc uclibc.org - a micro libc for embedded systems 3
Libera.Chat #audiovisual Methods, tools, languages, ideas, chitchat about everything related to audiovisual digital arts. Come hang with us, and please spread the word! Migration from freenode in progress.. 3
Libera.Chat #libreoffice-fi 3
SkyChatz #belon 3
SkyChatz #melayuku 3
Libera.Chat #autistenchat Raum rund um das Thema Autismus. Bitte seid achtsam zueinander. Wir haben neue Räume: #autistenchat-lgbtq und #autistenchat-technik fühlt euch frei beizutreten wenn diese für euch interessant sein könnten. 3
SkyChatz #anti-spam 3
Libera.Chat #mindspace_en 3
Libera.Chat #svobodneslovniky 3
Libera.Chat ##civil-politics 3
Libera.Chat #wikipedia-hr-p Dobro došli na IRC kanal Wikipedije na hrvatskome jeziku! <:-) | Posjetite: https://hr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedija:Ophoditelji | Nedavne promjene: irc://irc.wikimedia.org/hr.wikipedia 3
Libera.Chat #yunohost-doc 3
Libera.Chat ##adventofcode 3
Libera.Chat ##databending All Things Databending | https://databending.org/ | https://databending.org/links.html Respect To The Benders! 3
EvilNET #gotham Welcome to #gotham InterNetwork Linking Project! [server] irc.gotham.chat | ipv6.gotham.chat 6667 & SSL/TLS 6697 - [website] https://www.gotham.chat - [discord] https://bels.at/GothamDiscord - [connect] https://www.gotham.chat/connect 3
Libera.Chat #fossasia 3
SkyChatz #flags 3
EvilNET #music-cafe 3
SkyChatz #jiserv 3
Libera.Chat #jxfire Welcome to JXFire, a not-so-Java-with-some-Kotlin RPG. | Source code: https://github.com/Lauwenmark?tab=repositories | Home of Many Esoteric Talks(tm) | Beware of the Three-Dots Attacks(tm) ! 3
Libera.Chat ##geistnet-a 3
SkyChatz #kuantan 3
EvilNET #idlerpg /msg IdleRPG REGISTER <char name> <password> <ability(b, w, p or r)> <char class> Webpage http://evilnet.idleirpg.site/players.php | #irpghelp 3
Libera.Chat #armbian-broadcom armbian - Linux for ARM development boards | Broadcom SoC | www.armbian.com | This channel is relayed to the equivalent Discord channel 3
Libera.Chat #balccon 3
Libera.Chat #interpeer Interpeer Project | https://interpeer.org 3
Libera.Chat #mptcp-ci 3
SkyChatz #jcfichaven 3
Libera.Chat #linuxchixar 3
SkyChatz #novelist 3
Libera.Chat #maadixnet 3
SkyChatz #motus 3
Libera.Chat #kde-bugs-activity 3
Libera.Chat #ethereum-markets 3
Geekshed #ukrainewar Reddit Live Thread: https://www.reddit.com/live/18hnzysb1elcs/ | Wiki Map - https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/4f/2022_Russian_invasion_of_Ukraine.svg | official game of the channel: https://pixelforest.itch.io/farmers-stealing-tanks 3
Libera.Chat #sfzformat 3
Libera.Chat #dxpb Distributed XBPS Package Builder - an up-and-coming project - https://github.com/dxpb/dxpb-clj - status: development toward AMVP - Ping Vaelatern to offer help 3
Libera.Chat ##omgmanatees RIP ##omgmanatees 3
Libera.Chat #kde-welcome Are you interested in contributing to KDE? Ask any questions! We are happy to help! See https://community.kde.org/Get_Involved 3