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Top Channels

Network Name Topic Users
Libera.Chat #cryptol 3
Libera.Chat #drupal-uk A vestige of the home of tea and chit-chat 3
Libera.Chat ###hackers https://google.com.au If you've joined, please idle! Free ZnC ;) All your Favorite, Chatters, Topics & IRCBots ;) Have Fun! Welcome to ###Hackers!!! :) 3
Libera.Chat #davao Welcome to #Davao City. For channel help Join #PinoyHelp for assistance. 3
Libera.Chat #korean 3
Libera.Chat #el_azubi 3
Libera.Chat #kde-utils Welcome to #kde-utils | Please don't report bugs here, use bugs.kde.org instead | https://community.kde.org/KDE_Utils 3
Libera.Chat #kcemu KCEmu | https://kcemu.sf.net/ 3
Libera.Chat #barcelona City, not the football team. 3
Libera.Chat #rdflib 3
Libera.Chat #gentoo-uk-ops 3
DALnet #stfu Cards Against Humanity - !cai.start to begin. 3
Libera.Chat #gopass 3
DALnet #chatterz 3
Zeolia #thiercelieux Les Loups-Garous de Thiercelieux - Démarrez le jeu avec !partie 3
Libera.Chat #wikipedia-ja-admins (UTF-8) ウィキペディア日本語版 管理者用チャンネル | UTF-8 | チャンネル入室制限実施 | 玄関チャンネル: #wikipedia-ja-admins-entrance 3
Libera.Chat #mikaela.info Aminda.eu & associated projects/activities | Chat CoC & info: https://aminda.eu/discuss | Relay list: https://gitea.blesmrt.net/mikaela/gist/src/branch/master/irc/matterbridge/myrelays.md 3
Libera.Chat #koji-smoky-dingo Koji Smoky Dingo - Plugins and Utilities for the Koji Build System | https://github.com/obriencj/koji-smoky-dingo 3
DALnet #pinoybnc Welcome to #PinoyBNC! in Light, Harmony and Truth! IOFG Philippines 3
DALnet #violet '(¯`·._(¯`·._( , , . :: Radio LepakFM Bukan Sekadar Muzik :: Stream :: http://LepakFM.org/ @ Request From Web : Http://Request.LepakFM.org . , , )_.·´¯)_.·´¯) 3
DALnet #tunisie.help This channel is for help 3
DALnet #pup Welcome to #PUP 1f1f1fPolytechnic University of the Philippines! 3
Libera.Chat #gnuradio-dev 3
Libera.Chat #tasker 3
Libera.Chat #wikipedia-scn 3
Libera.Chat ##kolonija I need estrogen 3
DALnet #ksah Kolej Sultan Abdul Hamid , since 1908 3
DALnet #ranau Selamat Datang Ke Ranau :)~~~ 3
DALnet #deathrow 3
Libera.Chat #wikipedia-en-aiv 3
Libera.Chat #wiktionary-hr Dobro došli na IRC kanal Wikirječnika (Wječnika) na hrvatskome jeziku! <:-) | Posjetite: https://hr.wiktionary.org/wiki/Glavna_stranica | Nedavne promjene: irc://irc.wikimedia.org/hr.wiktionary 3
Libera.Chat #tildeverse 3
Libera.Chat #conf_call 3
DALnet #soldf https://xkcd.com/1782/ 3
Libera.Chat ##is-haskell 3
Libera.Chat #mabox 3
Libera.Chat ##weather-us-nv EXPERIMENTAL | NOAA Active Weather Alerts for the state of Nevada | For questions, help, and discussion: ##weather 3
Libera.Chat #eggdrop-fr ..·.·::::::::: Entraide pour les Eggdrops, Tcl et shells -| https://www.eggdrop.fr |- :::::::::·.·..  -| dernier script ajouté : advoice v1.3 - https://tinyurl.com/2zx9kayo 3
Libera.Chat #platal 3
Libera.Chat #cvn-wp-ru https://ru.wikipedia.org/ | Help: #countervandalism | To ping staff, use !staff followed by your request 3
Libera.Chat #naemon-devel naemon developers - community channel #naemon 3
Libera.Chat #crawl-octolog 3
Libera.Chat #gnulinux GnuLinux é um canal voltado para troca de experiências.Não importa qual é usa distribuição preferida o importante é ser livre! 3
Libera.Chat #ganeti 3
Libera.Chat #airflow 3
DALnet #hacked Active-Matrix stopped by! He's doing well! | Also: <MatriXBandit> Shoutout to the old folks - Cimmerian, sunflr7, Dosspider, Phoenix, and fuck knows how many others. If anyone ever wants to drop me a line, (censored)@gmail.com | This has been a fun year. 3
DALnet #horas 3
DALnet #msiahelp Welcome to #MsiaHelp - State Your Question And Wait Patiently For a Helper Assist You. 3
Libera.Chat ##sociology 3
Libera.Chat #wiktionary-pl https://pl.wiktionary.org/ || Witamy na (prawie całkiem martwym) kanale IRC polskiego Wikisłownika! || Prośby do administratorów lepiej kierować na [[WS:PDA]]. 3