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Top Channels

Network Name Topic Users
Libera.Chat ##paintent-dark 3
IRCnet #bielsko-biala 3
IRCnet #peppis 3
Libera.Chat #aop 3
Libera.Chat #miraheze-feed-commons Recent Changes feed for commons.miraheze.org | #miraheze for assistance and #miraheze-cvt for counter-vandalism | Powered by FossBots | Bureaucrats and Administrators are opped | Broken log link? Let us know in #fossbots 3
Libera.Chat #lazy LMA Godakutz! 3
Rizon #strangewaifu 3
Libera.Chat #notveryreliable 3
Libera.Chat #libtcod Showcase or ask for help with your libtcod/python-tcod projects. | Repositories at https://github.com/libtcod | This channel is bridged with the roguelikes Discord (rld) server at https://discord.gg/jEgZtqB 3
IRCnet #psychedelic 3
Libera.Chat #quran 3
IRCnet #sel 3
IRCnet #cyberia 3
IRCnet #lain 3
KampungChat #johore Welcome To ( * |#JOHORE FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/myjohore2 New Flash : Salam Maulidur Rasul. "“Sesungguhnya Orang Yang Paling Dekat Denganku Pada Hari Kiamat Adalah Orang Yang Paling Banyak Berselawat Kepadaku” (Al-Nasai & Ibnu Hibban)." 3
Libera.Chat #gnome-boxes 3
Libera.Chat #gnome-bugs 3
Libera.Chat #gnome-calendar 3
IRCnet #demunray 3
Libera.Chat #gnome-empathy 3
Libera.Chat #gnome-engagement 3
Libera.Chat #gnome-gdm 3
Libera.Chat #gnome-guadec 3
DarkWorld #artea 3
Libera.Chat #xubuntu-council Xubuntu council channel | Please do not idle here. 3
Libera.Chat #gnome-music 3
Libera.Chat #gnome-nl 3
IRCnet #jumalsota 3
Libera.Chat #gnome-software 3
Libera.Chat #stablediffusion 3
Libera.Chat #siscd https://www.siscd.org/ 3
Libera.Chat #spring.io Unofficial Spring projects channel https://spring.io Don't ask to ask, just ask. 3
Libera.Chat #rockylinux-sig-ostree 3
Libera.Chat #randomness 3
Libera.Chat #arduino-redis Discussion on the Arduino-Redis library https://arduino-redis.com 3
Libera.Chat #ettercap This is the new IRC channel for Ettercap, the comprehensive man-in-the-middle attack suite - https://www.ettercap-project.org 3
Libera.Chat #ircbook 3
Libera.Chat #starcraft 3
Libera.Chat #iron 3
Libera.Chat #irctk The IRCTk IRC client channel: https://lab.abiscuola.com/irctk 3
Libera.Chat #emacs.si Emacs users group Slovenia | Next virtual online meeting on Saturday, 20 January 2024, 20:30 CET | Next LIVE in-person meeting on Thursday, 1 February 2024, 19:00 CET | https://Emacs.si 3
Libera.Chat #ssst 3
Libera.Chat #delphijustin Welcome delphians to the delphijustin community chat | https://delphijustin.biz | Try my shareware Uno game http://getuno.delphijustin.biz | Updated chat stream http://chatmp3.delphijustin.biz 3
Libera.Chat ##weather-us-ne EXPERIMENTAL | NOAA Active Weather Alerts for the state of Nebraska | For questions, help, and discussion: ##weather 3
Libera.Chat #miraheze-ballmedia-feed 3
Libera.Chat #miraheze-ballmedia-polandball-feed 3
Libera.Chat #miraheze-ballmedia-polcompball-feed 3
Libera.Chat #jakotakisystem (Untitled) 3
Libera.Chat ##epicgamerzone1337 im an epic gamer now youre an epic gamer now we're all epic gamers now epic epic epic gamer yeah 3
Libera.Chat #sparta 3