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  • Users: 6,534
  • Channels: 2,081 indexed
  • Top Channel:
    #jakarta (418)
  • Last Indexed: 5 hours ago
  • Started in 1994 as an alternative to the overburdened networks of the time, DALnet has grown into a vibrant community and is widely regarded as the most "friendly" of the major IRC networks.
* related to indexed networks only

Top Channels

Network Name Topic Users
Rizon #peace long live the kings 3
Undernet #sunos Welcome ( www.SunOS.org ) 3
Undernet #sorin 3
Undernet #cybercafe Welcome to #CyberCafe ! Enjoy our free coffee \\`/! Have a great chat;)! ( 1st lang=Eng ) 3
Undernet #gotrice? 🍚 3
Rizon #awsumchan 3
Undernet #cimitir_de_amintiri 3
Undernet #easter 3
Undernet #conseil-magboum Prout prout 3
Rizon ##robots AI ##robots rocking on Rizon 👈🤖👉 https://youtube.com/watch?v=SGex55Sxi6A 3
Undernet #legion 3
Undernet #ub Welcome to #UB ( www.unban.ro ) 3
Undernet #foryou 3
Undernet #ireal 3
Rizon ##australia one 3
Undernet #sha 3
Rizon #drudge DrudgeReport.com headline streaming 3
Undernet #m3tin2 ''Imposibilul Poate Fi Impartit Oricand In Posibilitati'' 3
Undernet #topoloveni 3
Rizon #towerofpower 3
Rizon #bobbydrake 3
Undernet #dynamycfm 3
Undernet #painandpunishment 3
Undernet #gg 3
Undernet #lily 3
Rizon #vtubers sex z vtuberkami 3
Undernet #cia 3
Rizon #dailyship Day 2 of learning Rust by myself 3
Rizon #vidlii :^) 3
Newnet #gopher Burrow under and ahead; discuss Gopher-- the original port 70 rival to the World Wide Web, from its heyday to the present days, whether you have your own Gopherhole/Gopherhill or not. 3
Undernet #bihor 3
Rizon #thevillageidiom 3
Undernet #biz 3
Undernet #bangladesh 3
Undernet #d1-2 3
Rizon #gpt 3
Undernet #gayromania 3
Rizon #vidyaspeakeasies Video Games Yo. | https://is.gd/JoWf[12:00.55] Topic: Video Games Yo. | https://is.gd/JoWfjy | Under Construction | Room BGM: http://spritelayerradio.com:8020/namkocom.mp3 & https://youtu.be/MtZz9px e-wM | https://youtu.be/NnUDQVQJOcg 3
Undernet #unionlatina 3
Undernet #treetest 3
Undernet #amirc 3
Undernet #asstomouth 3
Undernet #corner 3
Undernet #deal1 3
Rizon #ozcasino Welcome :) Register - /notice thriller register password. Identify - /notice thriller ident password. Play Roulette, Coins, Blackjack, Single player or multi player, Poker, Keno, Horses and more, good luck ENJOY! 3
Undernet #cafechat 3
Undernet #konstantinopolis " Fatih Sultan Mehmet HAN " Ya Ben İstanbul'u Alacağım Ya İstanbul Beni Either I Will Take Istanbul Or Istanbul Will Take Me 3
Undernet #uck 3
Undernet #cyberspace 3
Rizon #pettanco 3