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Top Channels

Network Name Topic Users
Libera.Chat #megaglest-lobby This is the in-game chat used by the MegaGlest game https://megaglest.org. The main project channel is #megaglest - please join us there, too. | Player activity: http://play.mg/showPlayers.php 3
Libera.Chat ##blackhats 3
Libera.Chat #kodi-tvos 3
Libera.Chat #mailscanner MailScanner official channel. Please post question and wait (we may be in a different timezone). https://www.mailscanner.info 3
Libera.Chat #charm 3
Libera.Chat #freedreno 3
Libera.Chat ##devious Welcome to ##devious -- you probably want #devious 3
Libera.Chat #duangle 3
Libera.Chat #bits.coop 3
Libera.Chat #libyaml 3
Libera.Chat #convos-core 3
Libera.Chat #jquery-ot 3
Libera.Chat ##blackmesa 3
Libera.Chat #nvm https://nvm.sh - node version manager - latest version: v0.40.1 https://github.com/nvm-sh/nvm/releases/tag/v0.40.1 - please stick around and your question will be answered! 3
Libera.Chat ##gozgeek What, me worry? 3
Libera.Chat #adfinis 3
Libera.Chat #omaha 3
Libera.Chat #pantoufleurs 3
Libera.Chat #scratch 3
Libera.Chat #fsfepotteries Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) Potteries | Information: https://fsfe.org/potteries | Matrix: https://matrix.to/#/#potteries:fsfe.org | A local group based in the UK around the North Staffordshire region, part of the wider European Free Software movement. 3
Libera.Chat #vouch Vouch Proxy an SSO and OAuth login solution for web applications https://github.com/vouch/vouch-proxy 3
Libera.Chat #wikisource-zh 中文維基文庫群 zh.wikisource.org | 與telegram群保持互聯 3
Libera.Chat #quassel-dev 3
Libera.Chat #gentoo-it 3
Libera.Chat #kdarkness 3
Libera.Chat ##squirreljme Off-topic Discussion for SquirrelJME, for help and official updates please visit #squirreljme! [ https://squirreljme.cc/ ] [ IDENTIFY to speak ] 3
Libera.Chat #wikipedia-en-software 3
Libera.Chat #hydrabusteam 3
Libera.Chat ##lovetocode999 3
Libera.Chat ##planningparty DarkUranium's channel for friends interested in planners (including for pathfinding), AI (including traditionally pattern-recognition things like neural networks), procedural content generation, and more. 3
Libera.Chat #theoutlane 3
Libera.Chat #ubuntu-cz 3
Libera.Chat #mymonero 3
Libera.Chat #deegree Welcome to deegree, an OSGeo project. Visit the main project page at https://www.deegree.org and our wiki at https://github.com/deegree/deegree3/wiki with lots of extra info. Check out a running system at https://www.deegree.org/demo/ and follow us on twitter @deegree_org. 3
Libera.Chat #friendlyelec 3
Libera.Chat #netbsd-it Canale italiano di supporto di NetBSD (reduci e non). Ponete le vostre domande in canale e attendete risposta. Fate i bravi e ringraziate quando la gente vi aiuta ;) || NOTA: Canale semi-ufficiale || Download: https://www.netbsd.org/releases/ || Changelog: https://www.NetBSD.org/changes/ || English is welcome, but keep it in Italian :) 3
Libera.Chat ##communication I couldn't believe this channel name was available. Not an active chan yet, but /msg memoserv send aloo_shu <your idea> if you're having one, or ping me here & say hello. If you can dig Paul Watzlawick and Marshall Rosenberg, then perhaps we'd click. 3
Libera.Chat #yolops 3
Libera.Chat #lugmoe.de 3
Libera.Chat #loligrub Canal IRC officiel de LoLi GrUB ASBL (Logiciels Libres Groupe Utilisateurs Borains) - http://www.loligrub.be 3
Libera.Chat #encoded 3
Libera.Chat #pyconza PyConZA 2023 will be in Durban on the 5th & 6th of October 2023 - https://za.pycon.org/ - online and in-person tickets available soon 3
Libera.Chat #tremfusion 3
Libera.Chat #sitola 3
Libera.Chat #alpine 3
Libera.Chat #themesh The Mesh - floating in space: an odyssey of 2022; a contemplative experience of 2024 3
Libera.Chat ##makenorskgreatagain An IRC channel for Norwegian speakers and learners | Er du glad i norsk? Velkommen til vår norskspråklige IRC-kanal. 3
Libera.Chat #fmg 3
Libera.Chat #gaming 3
Libera.Chat #ubuntu-cat Canal IRC del LOCO català (Comunitat d'Ubuntaires) | Wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CatalanTeam | Pàgina web : https://www.ubuntu.cat | Aquest canal es registra a http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ 3