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Top Channels

Network Name Topic Users
IRCnet #kaedefc 3
EFnet #bantown 3
IRCnet #dadd9 3
Libera.Chat #2600london 3
EFnet #spmpdev 3
Libera.Chat ##vicelords Tue 03/11 6PM PST: Resurrection of the Daleks 3
Undernet #lastmanstanding 3
Libera.Chat #ubuntu-be 3
Libera.Chat #2025 3
QuakeNet #rbout 3
Undernet #revolutions-radio 3
Undernet #noi-doi 3
Rizon #mechagucastadium 3
Libera.Chat ##mtb ~ Mountainbike Channel ~ Community rund ums Bike und mehr ~ because golf and football only require one ball. ~ 3
QuakeNet #unlucky Pup says blabla 3
IRCnet #$b%"%$%^%97o@8j|aw(b 3
Libera.Chat #bun Unofficial bun IRC channel | https://bun.sh | Latest version: 1.2 (https://bun.sh/blog/bun-v1.2) 3
Libera.Chat #cmf https://github.com/masscollabs/cmf Convergent Maintainer Framework 3
IRCnet #$b1x$l$nac(b 3
EvilNET #rixhosting https://rixhosting.com/vps-hosting/ - VPS Hosting - Shared Premium Hosting - Dedicated Servers - IRC Server: irc.rixhosting.com channel #RixHosting 3
Libera.Chat #faust-bot 3
IRCnet #nadoka_check 3
QuakeNet #nattmacka 3
Libera.Chat ##club-ops 3
IRCnet #tosiakinijiura 3
Libera.Chat #linux-es Canal de Linux en Castellano | ¡Pregunta primero y espera después! | paste-bin: https://0x0.st/ - https://paste.rs/ | Permitido otros idiomas y offtopic 3
Newnet #30+hugz Welcome to #30+Hugz  —Since 1996, The place for intelligent, friendly, virus-free conversation. 😷 3
IRCnet #rubima 3
IRCnet #$b@o<vbb(b 3
Libera.Chat #tsar TSAR: welcome to our new IRC home 3
Rizon #cafebarcelona Ich glaub ich steh im Wald https://s.diath.me/de89s ist aus langeweile eingefügt worden!! 3
Libera.Chat #ngircd ngIRCd • https://ngircd.barton.de • „To boldly go where no ircd has gone before“ 3
QuakeNet #uthgard.mods 3
HybridIRC #circuitoatp 3
Libera.Chat #neozones it is the opinion of the neozones community that "pioneering open source communcation" is a more noble goal than having a radio station* | The Disocrd-IRC bridged bot, irceeneozones, is very kindly hosted by Piper (yarrie) of https://yarrie.net - thank you! 3
Libera.Chat ##keigo [haiku] Japanese ones are like "A leaf droppedかな" -- sneep 2014-04-25 3
IRCnet #kärkmört 3
Libera.Chat #vellumo 3
Undernet #onstanture 3
EvilNET #sacredland 3
Libera.Chat #wikiforge-feed 3
EFnet #playstation4 3
QuakeNet #sport 3
Undernet #blackgames Manager has logged back in. Channel unlocked. Please login regularly to avoid channel getting purged. 3
Libera.Chat ##foxwells 3
Libera.Chat #kronosnet kronosnet support and development channel - http://www.kronosnet.org 3
EFnet #allillegal 3
Libera.Chat #tml 3
Libera.Chat #minimalo 3
IRCnet #ircnet.hu 3