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Top Channels

Network Name Topic Users
IRCnet #pt 3
IRCnet #helsec 3
IRCnet #profivps 3
Libera.Chat #python-nl 3
IRCnet #bytegeiz 3
EFnet #paradise 3
IRCnet #mk24 3
IRCnet #basementos 3
Rizon #wagies wage 3
Rizon #inferna.turkey 3
Rizon #psychology Discussion about secrests of human psyche. All professional and non-proffesional psychologists are welcome! 3
IRCnet #over20 3
Libera.Chat ##btrfs 3
IRCnet #ownit-v6 3
OFTC #allnitecafe Welcome to #AllNiteCafe English only 3
Rizon #kever.ws 3
Rizon #tf2g 3
EFnet #fewona 3
IRCnet #wandhoch 3
Libera.Chat ##toilets 3
Libera.Chat #mklug Milton Keynes Linux User Group 3
IRCnet #flush flush c'est cool 3
EFnet #cod 3
Libera.Chat #lugorde Linux User Group Oberhausen Rheinland e. V. (https://lugor.de) 3
IRCnet #rauschkinda 3
EFnet #wurst 3
Libera.Chat #ubuntu-cat Canal IRC del LOCO català (Comunitat d'Ubuntaires) | Wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CatalanTeam | Pàgina web : https://www.ubuntu.cat | Aquest canal es registra a http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ 3
Libera.Chat #kde-maui 3
Libera.Chat #prolog 3
Rizon #vnds DH IS DEAD VNDS IS OVER time to go home | vn3ds dream is dead: http://gbatemp.net/threads/w-i-p-vn3ds-visual-novel-interpreter-for-3ds-homebrew.396564/ 3
EFnet #mysql Don't ask to ask, just ask! -- MySQL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc -- http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/mysql -- https://downloads.mariadb.org 3
Libera.Chat ##mathphilosophy 3
EFnet #qsn 3
QuakeNet #salainenprojekti 3
Libera.Chat #i2p-dev 3
EFnet #scuba 3
Libera.Chat #gaming 3
QuakeNet #metalradio.de 3
Libera.Chat #mainehams Jump islands 3
Rizon #zeonic-corps #Zeonic-Corps| R.I.P. Deacon_Blues | Keeping our composure since 2004! 2014; 10 year anniversary!| ZC Fansubs: Mobile Suit Gundam (0079) - [DVD/JP audio/ENG sub]: http://bit.ly/1jq2aQx | [Blu-ray/JP+ENG audio/ENG sub]: http://x.co/4qBO7 3
Rizon #gotham Welcome to #gotham on Rizon! [server] irc.gotham.chat | ipv6.gotham.chat 6667 & SSL/TLS 6697 - [website] https://www.gotham.chat - [discord] https://bels.cf/GothamDiscord - [connect] https://www.gotham.chat/connect - ENGLISH ONLY! 3
EFnet #drittserver.net 3
IRCnet #hiptek 3
Libera.Chat ##copyright Discuss copyright and intellectual property, and read new posts from r/Copyright 3
QuakeNet #supernashwan Welcome to Relictown.. home of the Relics 3
Libera.Chat #bourse 3
Rizon #help.nl Welkom bij #help.nl, voor al je Nederlandstalige IRC-hulp | Lees eerst dit: http://s.rizon.net/FAQ | Nog vragen? Stel ze hier, en heb geduld. | Vraag niet of je een vraag mag stellen, vraag gewoon. 3
EFnet #hexero 3
Libera.Chat #mostlyabsurd 3
Libera.Chat #fmg 3