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Top Channels

Network Name Topic Users
freenode #treenode treenode.net - Free your node by planting a seed! - irc.treenode.net - Treenode the ever growing network where you can learn and collab with other trees and grow with God. 3
freenode #blender-fr #blender-fr is: Blender Francophone | utf8 | compilations: https://blender.community/c/graphicall/?sorting=hot 3
freenode #snes 3
DALnet #pornhub 3
freenode #openstack-ansible 3
freenode #mesos 3
freenode #pf 3
freenode #5by5 3
freenode ##oneplusone 3
freenode ##crawl 3
freenode #x264dev 3
freenode #lwjgl 3
freenode #wikimedia-cloud 3
freenode #scotlug 3
freenode #dashpay-dev Former Dash (Digital Cash) development #. Development discussion https://discordapp.com/invite/GcGccBp 3
freenode #futebol (#Futebol) Inter 3-1 Caxia ¦ São Berna 0-3 Palme ¦ São Luiz RS 0-2 Ypira ¦ Inhum 1-1 Atlét GO ¦ Brusq 0-0 Chape ¦ Atlét Alago 0-4 Vitór ¦ Votup 2-3 Ituan ¦ Vasco 0-1 Flame ¦ PSG 4-1 Lille ¦ Juven 2-1 Grêmi ¦ Feyen 0-0 NEC ¦ Atlét Madri 1-0 Athle Bilba ¦ CRB 8-0 CEO 3
freenode #ees_team3 3
freenode #backups 3
freenode #autoit Welcome to #Autoit! - https://www.autoitscript.com/site/ - You must register to talk 3
freenode #jarochos ~ bienvenidos a jarochos en ~ freenode 3
freenode #junethack 3
freenode ##assembly 3
freenode #mk.ctf.staff 3
freenode #mk.ctf 3
freenode #chanstat To invite Bot to your channel, use the following command: /invite ChanStat #channel. 3
freenode #redhat 3
DALnet #downunder %,`%%,`%%,`%%, Welcome to #downunder aussie chat channel `%%,`%%,`%`% %, 3
DALnet #cocks Poor flustered archeologist. :D https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PZU4wiXBIWM 3
freenode #vbots Welcome to #vbots - News: To request a bot, type: /msg TestBot request #channel - you need 2 or more users and be an op in the channel 3
freenode #megaznc NOTE: We had some problems with the provider and our data was lost along with our server, we do not have a return date at the moment. 3
DALnet #bunaken About The island: https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pulau_Bunaken 3
freenode #tesla This is the unofficial channel for Tesla the AI/Tech company. | IRC Server: slyktech.irc-nerds.net | Channels: #tesla | Tesla Stock: !$ tsla | https://www.tesla.com | https://reddit.com/r/teslamotors 3
freenode #android-germany 3
freenode #android-de 3
freenode #7live 3
UnifiedChat #anime 3
freenode #prankcallradio 3
Rizon #tus KGNE:TUS | Celebrating 15 YEARS of Akane & Gouda Jouji | TOGETHER FOREVER <33333 | KISS ME LLAMA | TOUCH ME NACHLADER | LICK ME GOUDA | FIGHT ME KYLE 3
freenode ##xmopx 3
freenode #xmopx 3
freenode #jacksoow Voce esta no cantinho do jacksoow na Rede Freenode 3
freenode #interirc Canal Oficial do Sistema InterIRC Relay Chat - Official InterIRC Relay Chat System Channel - E-Mail: interirc@interirc.net 3
freenode #tanaweb [#Tanaweb] Cultura Lazer e Diversão! Instagram: @tanaweb_ Hospedagens/VPS: http://mega.tanaweb.org WApp: https://whatsapp.tanaweb.org Telegram: https://t.me/canaltanaweb ATENÇÃO: O ministério da saúde adverte frequente + o #tanaweb 3
freenode #cebolinha #Cebolinha Suporte ao CeBoLiNhA Script <> Dúvidas? Fale com nossos Helpers (@) no canal ou em PVT. <> Versão v9.6 em https://sites.google.com/site/cebolinhascript/cebscript Acesse nossa fan page www.facebook.com/CebScript 3
DALnet #friendz May your cup runneth over with blessings. 3
freenode #turismistoric 3
freenode #losowy-motoryzacja 3
freenode #losowy-komputery 3
freenode #losowy-elektronika 3
freenode #losowy-urbex 3