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Top Channels

Network Name Topic Users
SkyChatz #sasl 3
freenode #nimdow 3
Libera.Chat #catircservices-staging 3
DALnet #eggdr0p DALnet Eggdrop Help Channel - LATEST STABLE RELEASE 1.9.5 - download it here: www.eggheads.org - don't msg @/+ | No eggdrop provided | we won't setup your bot for you. | speak only English.:: Like #DocsHelp okey 3
Libera.Chat #empty 3
Libera.Chat #chihaya BitTorrent tracker development :: https://github.com/chihaya/chihaya 3
SwiftIRC #punyuru 3
Libera.Chat ##podnutz 3
DALnet #mircaide DALnet's mIRCAide Channel Please ask your question in the channel and wait patiently for the answer. mIRC v7.51 has been released [http://www.mirc.com/news.html] 3
Libera.Chat #qbs 3
SwiftIRC #tmmpl 3
DALnet #e.l.i.t.e ┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐ 3
Libera.Chat ##uap UNIDENTIFIED AERIAL PHENOMENA >> UAPs and all things paranormal, a friend of grue.world 3
Undernet #cia welcome 3
Libera.Chat #potecito 3
DALnet #karbala Hmmmmm 3
DALnet #athens Welcome to #Athens , the capital and jewel of Greece (http://www.greece-athens.com) 3
SkyChatz #cgi Computer Generated Imagery 3
QuakeNet #perl.de 3
Libera.Chat #asterisk-ari General hangout for those doing stuff with Asterisk and ARI ( https://wiki.asterisk.org/wiki/display/AST/Getting+Started+with+ARI ) | Wish List: https://wiki.asterisk.org/wiki/display/AST/ARI+Feature+Wish-list | Online Community https://community.asterisk.org/ 3
DALnet #beni2 Bienvenido a #Beni2. 3
EFnet #dharma 3
Libera.Chat #amarok-de Amarok sofort verfügbar! | BITTE ETWAS GEDULD: https://userbase.kde.org/Amarok/Manual | 3
Libera.Chat #miraheze-commons 3
Libera.Chat #openpower-isa OpenPOWER ISA TWG Channel 3
DALnet #synology 3
Libera.Chat ##allthehugh 3
Libera.Chat #emfcamp-reviewers 3
SkyChatz #merchuan 3
EFnet #arma 3
Undernet #arequipa 3
SkyChatz #cybersindiket 3
Libera.Chat ##climate-news 3
freenode #paxtoncamaro91 3
Libera.Chat #nodecore-banter General NodeCore community banter and off-topic | https://nodecore.mine.nu | Bridged to Discord https://discord.gg/NNYeF6f | Mention "@help" to alert admins 3
Libera.Chat #openbar 3
DALnet #path ||||||||| www.path.com ||||||||| 3
SkyChatz #epl 3
SkyChatz #crmc 3
Libera.Chat #tomi2005 3
Undernet #amny 3
Libera.Chat #hha 3
IRC-nERDs #francais Bienvenue sur #francais ! Ici vous pouvez demander de l'aide et converser pour apprendre le français. | Traduction / Translate: @tl <de/from> <à/to> <texte/text> 3
DALnet #gtam 3
DALnet #agusan 3
DALnet #eggdropshell www.arieshosting.net Free shell account available...email: arieshosting@gmail.com...grab it Fast :) (Mabok) 3
DALnet #culinary If you had a 3D Printer, what would you make for your kitchen? Cooking, cook, chef, food, foodie, recipies, recipe 3
Undernet #constantinople 3
Libera.Chat #appcompat home of the DllCompat vista+ compatibility Project https://github.com/MyTDT-Mysoft/DllCompat 3
Undernet #duminica.in.familie 3