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Top Channels

Network Name Topic Users
freenode ##rsync 3
DALnet #agusan 3
DarkWorld #dwvps 3
Libera.Chat #serf 3
DALnet #funzone WeLcOmE to Funzone!! 3
Libera.Chat #python-docs-fr Traduction de la documentation de Python en français 3
OFTC #debianfr A quand la release de la sarge?! http://www.debianplanet.org/node.php?id=1131 3
OFTC #osmf-personnel-committee OSMF Personnel Committee 3
DarkWorld #debian Welcome to#Debian, Its unofficial channel of Debian , Please visit - https://www.debian.org/ =) To learn basic Linux commands plz visit https://darkworld.network/tutorials/linux-commands/ || 3
DALnet #sibu |Services |Online| Welcome To DALnet #SIBU | Selamat Datang Ke | **| [ S ]-[ I ]-[ B ] [ U ] 3
OFTC #oddprotocol 3
Libera.Chat #hamradio-za For discussion about ham radio with a South Africa context | No Politics, Discrimination or Trolling Please | Join from Element/Matrix with command '/join #hamradio-za:libera.chat' 3
DarkWorld #counterstrike ( Welcome to #CounterStrike :: Stay here and enjoy. :: Network channel #DarkWorld :: General help channel #Help ) - [-WEB-]: https://darkworld.games - [-WIKI-]: https://wiki.darkworld.network 3
OFTC #raspbian 3
QuakeNet #friends.uo 3
freenode #openemu 3
DALnet #anjung The.Ganja.Man 3
DarkWorld #news Welcome to #News / We are updating this channel with World News, for gaming news #dwgames :) 3
IRCnet #santerinfuksit 3
DarkWorld #css 3
Rizon #thevirtualasylum Welcome to the Virtual Asylum. A Bunch of Vtuber Hatting Scum. 3
Libera.Chat #tcpip 3
DALnet #pc Welcome to #PC. All about Software and Hardware. Need help? Ask your question in main. 3
DarkWorld #ircnow 3
IRCnet #olut 3
Libera.Chat #chex Channel of <|-|3>< :: YOU'RE REALLY COOL 😎 AND IM BACK OUUUUUT! 3
DarkWorld #chess 3
DALnet #eggdropshell www.arieshosting.net Free shell account available...email: arieshosting@gmail.com...grab it Fast :) (Mabok) 3
DarkWorld #c++ 3
Rizon #stalker Rizons #1 HNN Support Network - 1983 WORLD WAS A SEGFAULT. || NOON TO THREE 3
DarkWorld #battlefield 3
DarkWorld #ubuntu 3
Rizon #konnect Welcome to the relay to KonnectChat. 3
Undernet #cimitir_de_amintiri 3
DarkWorld #counter.strike 3
QuakeNet #freddegredde 3
DarkWorld #bouncers 3
OFTC #pcl http://www.pointclouds.org -- Point Cloud Library (PCL). Code sprints in progress: SRCS, NVCS, DINCS. Accepting applications for ORCS and VLCS. 3
Libera.Chat ##dogecoin dogecoin the next generation 3
Undernet #slovenia 3
tawx #messenger Messenger 3
OFTC #mythic 3
Rizon #peace long live the kings 3
freenode #mt76-devel 3
QuakeNet #sockspls 3
DALnet #myquran 3
Libera.Chat #postgresql-it 3
IRCnet #philosophie 3
Libera.Chat ##malaysia We are on ##AllNiteCafe 3
IRCnet #trek.hu 3