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Top Channels

Network Name Topic Users
Libera.Chat #xviavi IRC bots 3
EFnet #dmb 3
Libera.Chat #xcl https://github.com/shadowcat-mst/nxcl https://github.com/shadowcat-mst/xcl 3
Libera.Chat #cri-o 3
Libera.Chat #yorick 3
EFnet #artbell 3
Libera.Chat #sunriser 3
Libera.Chat #bagolu 3
EFnet #xpt2000 3
Libera.Chat #sumurai8 Duistere types zijn hier niet toegestaan! Gelieve in ieder geval het licht aan te zetten als je hier binnenkomt. 3
EFnet #circus 3
SwiftIRC #ikick [ Welcome to iKick's support channel! ][ Site: www.iKick.eu ][ News: iKick closed - http://forum.swiftirc.net/viewtopic.php?f=26&t=14763&p=213466#p213466 ] 3
Libera.Chat #ltb-project LDAP Tool Box project 3
Libera.Chat #krkrsdl2 Welcome to the channel for Kirikiri SDL2. After asking your question, please stay logged on to receive your response. 吉里吉里SDL2のチャンネルへようこそ。 あなたの質問をした後、あなたの返答を受け取るためにログオンしたままにしてください。 3
Libera.Chat ##combinatorics 3
Libera.Chat #xelf 3
Libera.Chat #meet.coop 3
Libera.Chat #gnu-mx 3
Libera.Chat #undercore-united IRC Channel for the Undercore Minetest server | undercore.greenxenith.com:30000 | Discord Server: https://discord.gg/HwHRZZJ 3
EFnet #uf 3
Libera.Chat #cvn-wp-en-newpages en-Wikipedia new pages monitor | help or info: #countervandalism | Say "!staff" for help/voice in this channel | If bot is broken report in #countervandalism or add MiszaBot to this channel via "computer dest add #cvn-wp-en-newpages newpages cmds" 3
EFnet #warez3d 3
EFnet #cyberparty 3
SwiftIRC #kampung Welcome to KAMPUNG@SwiftIRC - Enjoy your chatting & Please obey the rules -' 3
Libera.Chat #nothudmol 3
EFnet #radiohead 3
EFnet #polen99 tillbaka hos Telia med 6Ã¥rs bindningstid... | Kan vi höras en dag om det? Jag fundear på att ringa t.om. 3
EFnet #cw-craft 3
Libera.Chat #hellomouse-uni SOON™️ 3
Libera.Chat #fisired Canal IRC de la comunidad de software libre fisiredera. Licenciatura en Física Aplicada, USAC. ¡Bienvenidos fisirederos! 3
Libera.Chat #picocms Pico is a stupidly simple, blazing fast, flat file CMS. ~ Please state your question and be patient, don't ask to ask. This channel is often idle. ~ Channel logs at https://colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_logs/picocms ~ http://picocms.org/ ~ https://github.com/picocms/Pico 3
EFnet #sat-benelux 3
EFnet #gamez Free Games: [ Matrix bridge has free game feeds +15 sources https://matrix.to/#/#SiNGULARiTY:matrix.org ] 3
Libera.Chat #cville 3
EFnet #sandefjord 3
Libera.Chat #gamergate 3
Libera.Chat ##folksprak 3
EFnet #assassins 3
Libera.Chat ##ootc.gen 3
EFnet #thewarmth 3
Libera.Chat #zaurus 3
Libera.Chat #pygame 3
Libera.Chat #fauve https://fauvenoir.github.io/dedale/ Dédale 1.0.0 est sorti 3
Libera.Chat ##jailbreak 3
Libera.Chat #amirc AmIRC 3.8 released | auth to nickserv to talk | Official AmIRC Channel | https://amirc.org/ 3
Libera.Chat #linuxie Irish Linux Users chat - petty tyrant free zone 3
Libera.Chat ##c++-meeting-cwg WG21 Core Working Group 3
Libera.Chat #lugor 3
Libera.Chat #jdrdiscuss Pour parler de Jeux de Rôle 3
EFnet #openshells 3