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Network Name Topic Users
QuakeNet #hitzradio.com 3
Rizon #networking Anything and everything computer networks/telephony. Expect to be hit on by Inside. 3
Rizon #heart-of-madness 3
QuakeNet #jbc Sehr viel Sonne --> Sehr viel Eis essen! 3
QuakeNet #mystic-progress 3
Rizon #snkplaymore KOF All Stars End of Season was on Oct 30, 2024. RIP. 3
Rizon #windows #Windows - Rizon Microsoft Windows Chat and Support Community | WINDOWS 11 FAN CLUB | Idle for questions to be answered. Post your question, if someone is around, they will answer! | STOP USING WINDOWS XP, 7 & 8.1 2020 | <CatButts> XP master race | Please post multiple line pastes in Pastebin.com, then provide link | RIP WINDOWS 7 3
Rizon #efnet 3
DALnet #windowsxp/vista Welcome to #WindowsXP/Vista. All versions of windows supported. No one really reads this. We do not assist. | Now Selling: "Make America an Asshat Again" hats. $9.99 CAD/$0.10 USD 3
Rizon #ctr CTRAnime - Rizon's finest S Y M P H O G E A R fangirl channel | XDCC ANNOUNCES IN #XDCCLEECH ON XERTION | Complaints about FakeEtzimal should be directed to Etzimal. He's a real go-getter. 3
Rizon #labaze 3
Rizon #gayblackbutts 3
Rizon #hf-modders HF-Modding/Translation Club Since 2006| Part of : #hf-network | Server Status: [ UP ] | Current Project : [Illusion] Honey Select | Next Game : [Illusion] <Not Announced Yet>- | News : -We currently releasing our mods in anime-sharing.com as well, give it a hit | To notify a member, please write there name exactly as it 3
QuakeNet #kesäleiri 3
QuakeNet #goldenleague 3
Rizon #pwq pwq - stay classy ♥ 3
Rizon #vnds DH IS DEAD VNDS IS OVER time to go home | vn3ds dream is dead: http://gbatemp.net/threads/w-i-p-vn3ds-visual-novel-interpreter-for-3ds-homebrew.396564/ 3
EFnet #sandefjord 3
Rizon #gotham Welcome to #gotham on Rizon! [server] irc.gotham.chat | ipv6.gotham.chat 6667 & SSL/TLS 6697 - [website] https://www.gotham.chat - [discord] https://bels.cf/GothamDiscord - [connect] https://www.gotham.chat/connect - ENGLISH ONLY! 3
Rizon #friend 3
QuakeNet #fackinel 3
EFnet #gamez Free Games: [ Matrix bridge has free game feeds +15 sources https://matrix.to/#/#SiNGULARiTY:matrix.org ] 3
QuakeNet #chemistry 3
QuakeNet #schlaaand 3
Rizon #action https://clips.twitch.tv/FaithfulIncredulousPotTBCheesePull history of the entire world, i guess https://youtu.be/xuCn8ux2gbs 3
Rizon #fsm .:Welcome to the First United Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster!:. ~Your minister today will be Chibisuke~ Questions about the faith? Visit the high priest at www.venganza.org http://ftw.generation.no/img/me_side_big.jpg ? 3
Rizon #cyberdynesystems #CyberDyneSystems - The official channel of irc.cyberdynesystems.net a part of the Rizon IRC Network - 139 days stable uptime and counting! 3
EFnet #sat-benelux 3
QuakeNet #netdivision 3
Rizon #anidex-dev Anidex Development | Discuss features, bugs, etc | Contact: anidex.moe@gmail.com 3
Rizon #hogwarts Welcome to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry [Network Relay To: irc.irc-nerds.net] 3
QuakeNet #tiempokanava 3
QuakeNet #banned-brigade 3
Rizon #saiei [ saiei 再映 ~classic anime raws (no subs!)~ http://saiei.edwardk.info | saiei website is gone ] [ Requesting: Seeders ] 3
EFnet #cw-craft 3
Rizon #tsuki-subs Hi, welcome to #tsuki-subs! Our parent group is #hatsuyuki. We don't do anything except gather moss. 3
Rizon #soulseek Soulseek P2P Program unofficial channel on Rizon - Clients: Original Client- Windows: https://www.slsknet.org/SoulseekQt/Windows/SoulseekQt-2019-7-22-64bit.exe Linux: https://www.slsknet.org/SoulseekQt/Linux/SoulseekQt-2018-1-30-64bit-appimage.tgz & Recommended - https://nicotine-plus.github.io/nicotine-plus/ 3
EFnet #polen99 tillbaka hos Telia med 6Ã¥rs bindningstid... | Kan vi höras en dag om det? Jag fundear på att ringa t.om. 3
QuakeNet #3dmax 3
Rizon #haro-ssl 3
Rizon #doyouguyslikecoffee Do you folks like coffee? 3
Rizon #cinoss 3
QuakeNet #aos 3
Rizon #0x40 0x40 Hues IRC and Discord || Say hi to get our attention! || https://0x40hues.blogspot.com/ || Decidedly Dead 3
Rizon #vegadark Canal de VegaDark. http://www.vegadark.com | Twitter: https://twitter.com/VegaDark | Facebook: https://facebook.com/VegaDark | Google+: https://plus.google.com/+VictorVegaDark | Blog: http://blog.vegadark.com/ 3
Rizon #/dev/null 3
Rizon #userab 3
QuakeNet #fmsuomi 3
Rizon #brutalexistenceradio FRIDAY NIGHT!!-METAL MARK'S VAULT AT 10PM TILL 1AM(EDT-USA-LIVE) ON http://metalmark.listen2myradio.com AND (VLC/WINAMP) 3