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Top Channels

Network Name Topic Users
Libera.Chat #bronsonville THE MULLATA, THE BUNDA, THE SAMBA - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DY_l0zsdpzg 3
Libera.Chat #networksofphilly 3
Libera.Chat #coagul Les logiciels libres à DIJON et en Côte d'Or | prochaine rencontre : http://coagul.org/drupal/calendrier | micro blog https://framasphere.org/people/84b168204036013341ca2a0000053625 | lettre d'information : http://outils.coagul.org/c-public.php 3
Rizon #999 3
Rizon #helldive 3
Libera.Chat #nao-admin 3
Libera.Chat #diaspora-enrichment-center When diaspora* gives you bugs, don't make bug tickets. Make diaspora* take the bugs back! 3
Libera.Chat #ops 3
QuakeNet #pokemongo 3
Rizon #ozcasino Welcome :) Register - /notice thriller register password. Identify - /notice thriller ident password. Play Roulette, Coins, Blackjack, Single player or multi player, Poker, Keno, Horses and more, good luck ENJOY! 3
QuakeNet #fragbite 3
Libera.Chat #akiraux Native Linux App for UI/UX Design built in Vala & Gtk | https://www.patreon.com/akiraux | https://github.com/akiraux/Akira 3
QuakeNet #stuttgarts-finest 3
QuakeNet #firing.qw 3
Libera.Chat #conkeror Conkeror has not officially moved from Freenode, and at this time it's unclear if or when this will happen, or even if Conkeror is still at all active as a project. I am holding this for the project if/when needed. 3
Libera.Chat #haskell-es 3
Libera.Chat #irken Irken - the full-featured tiny hackable IRC client / https://github.com/dlowe-net/irken/ 3
Rizon #jhacking General Hacking/Security - http://www.javahacking.org | Feel free to ask your programming-related questions here -- but you may want to wait a while for an answer. 3
Rizon #pettanco 3
Libera.Chat #fedora-mktg 3
Libera.Chat ##russian-ops 3
QuakeNet #filur 3
QuakeNet #fgh 3
QuakeNet #teammega 3
QuakeNet #soldat.devs Soldat Developers Network | Forums - http://forums.soldat.pl | Wiki - http://wiki.soldat.pl | For non-dev chat please join #soldat | Soldat 1.7.1 released https://forums.soldat.pl/index.php?topic=44383 3
Rizon #mastersofhardcore 3
QuakeNet #diablo2.fi 3
Libera.Chat #playstation 3
Libera.Chat #defcoin 3
Libera.Chat #ambassador The IRC client built on the Unified XUL Platform | Current version is 1.3.0 | https://github.com/Ascrod/ambassador | Ambassador needs a new developer! See https://forum.palemoon.org/viewtopic.php?f=65&t=26883#p215737 for details 3
QuakeNet #uprising Uprising discord 420 blaze shit https://discord.gg/0h0IOvz2md31nCzj 3
Libera.Chat #dylan 3
Libera.Chat #mcgill 3
Libera.Chat #ubuntu-it-party Canale dedicato agli eventi di ubuntu-it || Nessun evento in corso ne in programma || https://ubuntu-it.org || Per il supporto: /join #ubuntu-it 3
QuakeNet #geocaching.dk 3
QuakeNet #discs 3
Rizon #vgstation /vg/station13 links: https://gist.github.com/PJB3005/3c36175f4c0df15493659c9b0aef83b9 | IRC mostly functions as relay from Discord #code-talk now. | Highlight N3X15 or PJB if you need heads knocked. 3
QuakeNet #theradio The Radio OFFLINE | soitin: http://hosting4.quoservers.fi:8050/listen.pls | selain: http://theradio.dy.fi/ 3
Libera.Chat #stm32-rs 3
Rizon #yhl 3
QuakeNet #hitzradio.com 3
QuakeNet #babylon.art 3
QuakeNet #jbc Sehr viel Sonne --> Sehr viel Eis essen! 3
QuakeNet #mystic-progress 3
Libera.Chat #denemo "If no one is here email denemo-devel@gnu.org" 3
Libera.Chat #apr Apache Portable Runtime (APR) | https://apr.apache.org/ 3
Rizon #addiction add test 3
QuakeNet #tud LANGamers online starting Friday March 7th, 2025 @ 9PM CET. 3
QuakeNet #xvim.nwn 3
Libera.Chat #clojurescript 3