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    #alpine-linux (551)
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  • The Open and Free Technology Community aims to provide stable and effective collaboration services to members of the community in any part of the world, while closely listening to their needs and desires.
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Top Channels

Network Name Topic Users
Libera.Chat #wiktionary-pl https://pl.wiktionary.org/ || Witamy na (prawie całkiem martwym) kanale IRC polskiego Wikisłownika! || Prośby do administratorów lepiej kierować na [[WS:PDA]]. 3
DALnet #trivia-fun |||||||||| Welcome to Trivia fun !trivia to start, !strivia to stop |||||||| 3
DALnet #ankara Welcome to #Ankara 3
SkyChatz #skyznc Selamat Datang Ke [ #Skyznc ]-[ S ]-[ K ]-[ Y ]-[ Z ]-[ N ]-[ C ]-[ #Skyznc ] 3
SkyChatz #utagha 3
Libera.Chat #noncesense-research-lab 3
SkyChatz #casino Hye gei gei sekalian 3
SkyChatz #chinese 3
SkyChatz #centos 3
SkyChatz #mp3album 3
SkyChatz #miri 3
DALnet #fb Selamat Datang Di Channel #FB @DALnet - NO!: Invite/Spam/Repeat/CAPS/Flood/Adv/BadWord - Register Nick: /ns register <password> <email> - Cegah Spam: /mode <nick kamu> +RC - Have a nice chat & enjoy here! :) 3
SkyChatz #mon 3
SkyChatz #mircsocket 3
DALnet #culinary If you had a 3D Printer, what would you make for your kitchen? Cooking, cook, chef, food, foodie, recipies, recipe 3
DALnet #eggdropshell www.arieshosting.net Free shell account available...email: arieshosting@gmail.com...grab it Fast :) (Mabok) 3
Libera.Chat #blu 3
DALnet #agusan 3
EFnet #newton 3
DALnet #gtam 3
Libera.Chat #uptone 3
SkyChatz #unobwn 3
DALnet #path ||||||||| www.path.com ||||||||| 3
SkyChatz #ircshellznc Welcome to #IRCShellZNC - Private Customer Service Channel ::. | Please register nick to get free ZNC account - thanks - 3
DALnet #indohackerlink xxxx Welcome to IndoHackerLink Community Channel IRC DALnet - Life is a matter of time to be hacked xxxx - Member of PartyCrack & Hackermail Groups! 3
SkyChatz #crmc 3
EFnet #sortland 3
SkyChatz #epl 3
SkyChatz #cybersindiket 3
SkyChatz #merchuan 3
Libera.Chat #tmplab /tmp/lab hackerspace :: Meetings Every Thursday @21:00 Paris Time - 30 avenue de Newburn 94600 CHOISY :: We're on riot #tmplab:riot.fuz.re 3
SkyChatz #cgi Computer Generated Imagery 3
DALnet #persib PERSIB JUARA 3
DALnet #quebec Welcome to #Quebec 3
Libera.Chat ##rfk Robot finds kitten. To play, type "help". | The grid is 30 by 15, and has 39 objects. Map: https://zgrep.org/taxreturns/rfk.txt 3
SkyChatz #sasl 3
DALnet #synology 3
SkyChatz #muar 3
Libera.Chat ##hackage-trustees https://gist.github.com/gwils/f786caf22cb9e90f3b387b6125946be3 | for erikd: https://hackage.haskell.org/packages/uploaders/edit | next-gen alpha UI: https://matrix.hackage.haskell.org/ng 3
SkyChatz #awekcun 3
Libera.Chat ##gaming We have moved to ##videogames! 3
SkyChatz #pandora 3
SkyChatz #jom 3
SkyChatz #feedback Devil Besides Me®~ 3
Libera.Chat #developers Can haz code! 3
DALnet #athens Welcome to #Athens , the capital and jewel of Greece (http://www.greece-athens.com) 3
SkyChatz #santai 3
SkyChatz #belon 3
SkyChatz #melayuku 3
DALnet #e.l.i.t.e ┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐ 3