Libera.Chat |
#wiktionary-pl | || Witamy na (prawie całkiem martwym) kanale IRC polskiego Wikisłownika! || Prośby do administratorów lepiej kierować na [[WS:PDA]]. |
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DALnet |
#trivia-fun |
|||||||||| Welcome to Trivia fun !trivia to start, !strivia to stop |||||||| |
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DALnet |
#ankara |
Welcome to #Ankara |
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SkyChatz |
#skyznc |
Selamat Datang Ke [ #Skyznc ]-[ S ]-[ K ]-[ Y ]-[ Z ]-[ N ]-[ C ]-[ #Skyznc ] |
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SkyChatz |
#utagha |
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Libera.Chat |
#noncesense-research-lab |
3 |
SkyChatz |
#casino |
Hye gei gei sekalian |
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SkyChatz |
#chinese |
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SkyChatz |
#centos |
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SkyChatz |
#mp3album |
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SkyChatz |
#miri |
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DALnet |
#fb |
Selamat Datang Di Channel #FB @DALnet - NO!: Invite/Spam/Repeat/CAPS/Flood/Adv/BadWord - Register Nick: /ns register <password> <email> - Cegah Spam: /mode <nick kamu> +RC - Have a nice chat & enjoy here! :) |
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SkyChatz |
#mon |
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SkyChatz |
#mircsocket |
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DALnet |
#culinary |
If you had a 3D Printer, what would you make for your kitchen? Cooking, cook, chef, food, foodie, recipies, recipe |
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DALnet |
#eggdropshell | Free shell account it Fast :) (Mabok) |
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Libera.Chat |
#blu |
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DALnet |
#agusan |
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EFnet |
#newton |
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DALnet |
#gtam |
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Libera.Chat |
#uptone |
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SkyChatz |
#unobwn |
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DALnet |
#path |
||||||||| ||||||||| |
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SkyChatz |
#ircshellznc |
Welcome to #IRCShellZNC - Private Customer Service Channel ::. | Please register nick to get free ZNC account - thanks - |
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DALnet |
#indohackerlink |
xxxx Welcome to IndoHackerLink Community Channel IRC DALnet - Life is a matter of time to be hacked xxxx - Member of PartyCrack & Hackermail Groups! |
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SkyChatz |
#crmc |
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EFnet |
#sortland |
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SkyChatz |
#epl |
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SkyChatz |
#cybersindiket |
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SkyChatz |
#merchuan |
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Libera.Chat |
#tmplab |
/tmp/lab hackerspace :: Meetings Every Thursday @21:00 Paris Time - 30 avenue de Newburn 94600 CHOISY :: We're on riot |
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SkyChatz |
#cgi |
Computer Generated Imagery |
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DALnet |
#persib |
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DALnet |
#quebec |
Welcome to #Quebec |
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Libera.Chat |
##rfk |
Robot finds kitten. To play, type "help". | The grid is 30 by 15, and has 39 objects. Map: |
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SkyChatz |
#sasl |
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DALnet |
#synology |
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SkyChatz |
#muar |
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Libera.Chat |
##hackage-trustees | | for erikd: | next-gen alpha UI: |
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SkyChatz |
#awekcun |
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Libera.Chat |
##gaming |
We have moved to ##videogames! |
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SkyChatz |
#pandora |
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SkyChatz |
#jom |
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SkyChatz |
#feedback |
Devil Besides Me®~ |
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Libera.Chat |
#developers |
Can haz code! |
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DALnet |
#athens |
Welcome to #Athens , the capital and jewel of Greece ( |
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SkyChatz |
#santai |
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SkyChatz |
#belon |
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SkyChatz |
#melayuku |
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DALnet |
#e.l.i.t.e |
┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐ |
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