Random Network
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  • Users: 552
  • Channels: 89 indexed
  • Top Channel:
    #theshed (54)
  • Last Indexed: 14 minutes ago
  • GeekShed is a free to use and family-friendly Internet Relay Chat network, capable of hosting chat rooms for a variety of purposes.
* related to indexed networks only

Top Channels

Network Name Topic Users
DALnet #redhat Community. Collaboration. Transparency. 3
EFnet #elpurroprod 3
Libera.Chat #sqitch 3
Libera.Chat #vive 3
Libera.Chat #cliss21 3
Libera.Chat #maryjane 3
Rizon #gayblackbutts 3
IRCnet #mayk.se 3
QuakeNet #relax_xonotic_eng 3
Rizon #hf-admins Are we there yet? 3
Libera.Chat #fg_cantene 3
SwiftIRC #ltr https://i.imgur.com/AKBwyzX.jpg 3
DALnet #negerisembilan Selamat Datang Ke #NEGERISEMBILAN [ Negeri Sembilan Darul Khusus ] - To Avoid From Spammer Type //mode YourNick +RC 3
Libera.Chat #shersec we like beer a lot 3
freenode #airsonic 3
IRCnet #parallax 3
Libera.Chat #eq 3
DALnet #sgsex For Singaporean to have fun, fantasy and roleplay sex. Visitors are allow, welcome to #sgsex and enjoy your stay with us! 3
Libera.Chat #ngircd ngIRCd • https://ngircd.barton.de • „To boldly go where no ircd has gone before“ 3
IRCnet #harmu 3
Libera.Chat #tde-sysops 3
QuakeNet #relax_tournament 3
IRCnet #nahkakypara 3
IRCnet #jumiklubi 3
HybridIRC #groupcam Welcome to #GROUPCAM Channel, you can share live camera link to each other. (+18) https://indialivechat.com/ 3
DALnet #alex 3
Libera.Chat #cycling 3
IRCnet #kukkaketo 3
IRCnet #huonoa_seuraa 3
DALnet #rickssatellite relax and have a bud (now available with 5g interference in select markets!) 3
Libera.Chat #wiktionary-simple 3
Libera.Chat #ml 3
EFnet #musclecars 3
EFnet #dwbots ( Welcome @ #DWBots :: {[Bots:} ON #DWBots \] {[} ZNC: ON #DWBouncers \]:: For requesting type ?request for bots type ?bots :: :: IRC Server https://darkworld. 3
DALnet #finalfantasy This channel has been recently re-opened by DALnet. 3
DALnet #altern8 Welcome to #Altern8 3
IRCnet #lama 3
IRCnet #goferomania 3
Rizon #awsumchan 3
Libera.Chat ##zppixradio Zppix Radio Podcast |  https://zppix.tk/radio.html 3
DALnet #mirchelpers Welcome to #mIRCHelpers, the resting den of DALnet's IRC Helpers. 3
Libera.Chat ##greek Channel about/in Greek. See also ##ancientgreek and ##moderngreek . 3
DALnet #startrekvoyager Intercombatmobile 3
QuakeNet #4on4.csgo 3
Libera.Chat #ubiquiti 3
Libera.Chat #mx-linux Community Channel for MX Linux distro (https://mxlinux.org). Current version: 21.1 Stick around, idle, help other users, chat. Don't be shy but dont expect an instant response as not everyones by their PC 24/7. 3
Libera.Chat #haskell-scandinavian Kanalen f{o,ö}r skandinavisk-tal{e,a}nde Haskell-{bru{g,k}e,använda}re. {Spør{g,}smål,Frågor} v{e,i}dr{ø,ö}r{e,a}nde andr{e,a} funk{ti,sj}onell{e,a} o{g,ch} deklarativ{e,a} spr{og,åk} o{g,ck}så v{e,ä}lkomm{en,na} ({da,no,sv}) 3
DALnet #kiwiirc Welcome #kiwiirc dalnet 3
IRCnet !y6m44epicfail 3
DALnet #lecturify Write 'start xyz' to start your first class with lbot 3