Random Network
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  • Users: 6,500
  • Channels: 2,098 indexed
  • Top Channel:
    #jakarta (427)
  • Last Indexed: 2 hours ago
  • Started in 1994 as an alternative to the overburdened networks of the time, DALnet has grown into a vibrant community and is widely regarded as the most "friendly" of the major IRC networks.
* related to indexed networks only

Top Channels

Network Name Topic Users
IRCnet #irc-klapse 3
EFnet #musclecars 3
OFTC #voidlinux Reconvene on libera.chat, see https://voidlinux.org/ for more information. 3
QuakeNet #infinitygame 3
QuakeNet #quake.rage 3
Libera.Chat ##hifi Welcome to ##hifi - For all of your audio hardware needs! 3
Undernet #tijuana 3
IRCnet #ruhr.pm 3
EFnet #wkt 3
EFnet #oldscene 3
Rizon #emule Join ircchat.emule-project.net for the official support, P2P emule Official Client: http://www.emule-project.net/home/perl/general.cgi?l=1&rm=download Unofficial eMule clientss: eMulePlus v1.2e: https://sourceforge.net/projects/emuleplus/ & https://github.com/irwir/eMule/releases/tag/eMule_v0.60c-community - Serverlist (add to addresses.dat): https://pastebin.com/UPpwdBG1 3
Rizon #node.js 3
Libera.Chat #hacc-muc moved to hackint, find us there (also at #hacc-muc) 3
Libera.Chat #portland Welcome to Portlandia. 3
Rizon #konoha »»Talky Channel Thing no Jutsu!«« .:Is Junsui a homophoipce? Has shini quit IRC? ANSWERS TO THESE QUESTIONS AND MORE!!:. We are continuing our epic battle against brazil! PM an op to help! 3
OFTC #slynet 3
freenode #cebolinha #Cebolinha Suporte ao CeBoLiNhA Script <> Dúvidas? Fale com nossos Helpers (@) no canal ou em PVT. <> Versão v9.6 em https://sites.google.com/site/cebolinhascript/cebscript Acesse nossa fan page www.facebook.com/CebScript 3
QuakeNet #bürger*innenkrieg 3
Libera.Chat #procyberian https://procyberian.xyz Next Generation Free Software 3
QuakeNet #jaim 3
SwiftIRC #chat 3
OFTC #turris Turris OS 6.0 is now released! 3
SwiftIRC #chat-world Welcome to #Chat-World 3
Libera.Chat #spamm-fraktion 3
freenode #lafibre 3
OFTC #debian-trademark The Debian trademark delegation has been folded into the Debian treasurer delegation effective 2024-02-09. Please email treasurer@d.o where you need help. 3
Libera.Chat #sequel 3
Libera.Chat #plug-office 3
OFTC #lyx LyX - The document processor | LyX 2.2.3 is ready! 3
OFTC #linux-security 3
OFTC #nethunter 3
QuakeNet #joto-scans 3
Libera.Chat #lowellmakes set #MA Makerspace Since 2013! Welcome New England Makers/hackers 3
EFnet #mysql Don't ask to ask, just ask! -- MySQL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc -- http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/mysql -- https://downloads.mariadb.org 3
EFnet #qsn 3
Libera.Chat #rexx 3
Rizon #tits-n-explosions 3
EFnet #hexero 3
OFTC #kandoo-iran 3
Rizon #irix-offtopic 3
OFTC #mxlinux [https://mxlinux.org] Unofficial fan channel 3
Rizon #gcon Welcome to GCon, BotP and Gatchaman chat! 3
IRCnet #astronomie 3
OFTC #openstack-ko 3
Rizon #♥ 3
Libera.Chat #ho HAPPY NEW YEAR 3
OFTC #ontario 🍁 Ontario, Canada 🇨🇦 | 📆 http://etherpad.opendev.org/ontario-events | 🌎 http://netsplit.de/channels/?chat=ontario | 👥 Jitsi: http://meet.evolix.org/ontario 3
Libera.Chat #wikimedia-in This channel is dedicated for Wikimedia movement in India. 3
IRCnet #dbug 3
EFnet #2027 3