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Top Channels

Network Name Topic Users
SwiftIRC #malaysia ' Welcome To #MALAYSIA. Malaysian Largest/Biggest Room Of The SwiftIRC Community.' 3
Rizon #pureye 3
Libera.Chat ##agda 3
IRCnet #drepanum 3
Libera.Chat ##codenames its codenames | https://github.com/an-empty-string/codenames | acronyms and google are ok 3
SkyChatz #unobwn 3
Libera.Chat #ourinfiniteloop 3
freenode #olsr 3
Libera.Chat #p25 Welcome to #P25, all P25 topics are welcome, including Non-Affiliate Scan (NAS) and Encryption 3
Libera.Chat #peru 3
Undernet #jacksoow 3
freenode #bitcoincash 3
QuakeNet #kuha 3
Libera.Chat #pgina Note: If you're asking "How do i make the x64 ldapauth load?" The answer is "Install the x64 VC 2008 runtime (free download via MS)" 3
QuakeNet #etfgather 3
Libera.Chat #plesk https://www.plesk.com/plesk-generic/?utm_campaign=brand-rlsa&utm_source=google&utm_medium=ppc&utm_term=plesk 3
freenode ##brazil 3
Undernet #guru 3
Rizon #jesus 3
Rizon #/bant/ Welcome to #/bant/! - New /bant/ census results https://boards.4chan.org/bant/thread/3339598 :: feel free 2 invite more /bant/erz 3
QuakeNet #c++.de 3
Rizon #bitcoincanada Welcome to the unofficial Bitcoin Canadian IRC Rizon Channel! | Desktop Wallets: Windows=https://bitcoin.org/en/choose-your-wallet?step=5&platform=windows Linux=https://bitcoin.org/en/choose-your-wallet?step=5&platform=linux | Block Explorer: https://blockstream.info/ | Bitcoin Core: https://bitcoin.org/en/download| Rules are no flooding, no shilling, no colours, no Spam or ascii 3
IRCnet #freiburg 3
Rizon #gaybrosgonewild 3
Libera.Chat #hydrogen Happy drumming for life Hydrogen! http://hydrogen-music.org/ //**//**// Last release is 1.2.3 http://hydrogen-music.org/release-123 //**//**// https://github.com/hydrogen-music/ 3
Libera.Chat #gentoo-th Gentoo เป็นภาษาไทย 3
Libera.Chat #rexx 3
Undernet #zalau 3
EFnet #worldwar3 3
Libera.Chat #wtwrp WTWRP - We Think We aRe Pros - Libera (FreeNode) Outpost :: http://wtwrp.de/ :: Actual IRC: irc://wtwrp.de/#wtwrp 3
Libera.Chat ##persian 3
Undernet #50+ Bienvend@s a la sala de 50 o más años - Welcome to the young room of 50 or more years 3
IRCnet #blanko.ohjelmointi 3
EFnet #preppers 3
Undernet #healingcircle 3
Libera.Chat #ubuntu-no-offtopic Greit å rusle til #nerdekroken 3
Undernet #amici 3
Rizon #oldmen3 3
Undernet #savusauna 3
Libera.Chat #janmesh Joint Access Mesh Networking. Currently focusing on 802.11s wifi powered meshlocals and overlay networks over them like Yggdrasil. See https://openmesh.clewn.org (WIP, running currently in France) 3
freenode ##toilets 3
Libera.Chat #shell-hosting 3
freenode #pandas 3
freenode ##osdev 3
freenode #christianity 3
freenode #zimbra 3
QuakeNet #2029 3
Libera.Chat #shoutwiki-cvn ShoutWiki recent changes IRC feed 3
freenode #fosshost 3
Libera.Chat #shoutwiki-staff ShoutWiki staff channel | https://staff.shoutwiki.com 3