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Top Channels

Network Name Topic Users
Libera.Chat ##aut_rel ⸎ autism related ⸎ 3
Libera.Chat #luny 3
EFnet #freethought2 .... 3
freenode ##calculus 3
Rizon #drudge DrudgeReport.com headline streaming 3
freenode #bytemark 3
Libera.Chat #kde-kgeotag KGeoTag developer and user channel 3
freenode #plotly 3
Rizon #towerofpower 3
Rizon #bobbydrake 3
Rizon #mobilesuitgundamanothernc 3
Libera.Chat #hackinscience HackInScience.org chan: don't hesitate to highligh mdk if you need help ;) 3
IRCnet #mk24 3
EFnet #theswamp 3
freenode #3dsdev 3
Libera.Chat #cslounge-social-justice 3
Undernet #unixw11 3
Undernet #mensan 3
Libera.Chat #hacc-muc moved to hackint, find us there (also at #hacc-muc) 3
Libera.Chat #portland Welcome to Portlandia. 3
Undernet #chatlatinos 3
Rizon #vrchat Welcome to #vrchat! Discussions on VR(Chat), Tech, Linux, Programming and other 3
Libera.Chat #spamm-fraktion 3
Rizon #vtubers sex z vtuberkami 3
Libera.Chat #sequel 3
Libera.Chat #plug-office 3
Rizon #dailyship Day 2 of learning Rust by myself 3
Rizon #vidlii :^) 3
Libera.Chat #wikimedia-in This channel is dedicated for Wikimedia movement in India. 3
freenode #deutrechtseconnectie 3
Rizon #thevillageidiom 3
Libera.Chat ##basteln-ooe Friendly discussions around open-source, making, crafting, building, and tinkering with a regional focus on Upper Austria. Be excellent to one another. 3
Libera.Chat #armbian-amlogic armbian - Linux for ARM development boards | Amlogic SoC | www.armbian.com | This channel is relayed to the equivalent Discord channel 3
IRCnet #cafebsd 2
IRCnet #avalon Oscars Tonight! Kat 4/23 Adi: 0/23 Athotis: 2/23 Foxdie: 1/23 2
IRCnet #god×luciferr 2
IRCnet #tiera 2
IRCnet #kafa gon ćpun 2
Undernet #paradise Welcome To #PARADISE ! :D ( https://radioplay.ro/ ) 2
Undernet #bnh 2
Undernet #trader Manager has logged back in. Channel unlocked. Please login regularly to avoid getting your channel purged 2
Undernet #oralworship https://forum.pornbox.com/download/file.php?id=152395 2
IRCnet #delphi 2
Undernet #sendox Welcome To #SendoX Old UnderNet Channel. Enjoy! 2
Undernet #taboosex 2
OFTC #cakeage Next game time: tbd 2
IRCnet #phreak 2
Undernet #fcdinamo FCD în ADN .Fii printre primi lideri ai galeriilor Dinamo ( www.FCDinamo.ro ) 2
IRCnet #magenband 2
IRCnet #terapiaeläin 2