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  • Users: 12,442
  • Channels: 1,697 indexed
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    #alpine-linux (547)
  • Last Indexed: An hour ago
  • The Open and Free Technology Community aims to provide stable and effective collaboration services to members of the community in any part of the world, while closely listening to their needs and desires.
* related to indexed networks only

Top Channels

Network Name Topic Users
HybridIRC #z lol - curiosity, is fascinating 2
Rizon #ataraxia 2
Rizon #wishmaker 2
Rizon #rscode 2
freenode ##hack 2
Rizon #tsukuyomi-superiority Welcome to you lurking here and downloading precious, valuable porn. Commands are !@find (words go here) - !new - !list. Main site is still under construction and I have no idea when it'll be done as I'm still in the process of finishing <100 tanks and re-creating 4,000+ files to torrents. Please donate on Paypal to thedark@email.com, my bots need your support! 2
freenode #suxen 2
freenode #autotools 2
Rizon #mexico 2
freenode ##ocaml 2
IRCnet #laber 2
Rizon #/c/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wc7EDxs76sw | ir/c/ | CHEEEEEEEEEENN | supa supa kawaii channel | ;o | hawaii desu ne~ |Kawaii New Year 2
IRCnet #spi 2
Undernet #radiopirate.net 2
freenode #dreambox 2
freenode #oculus 2
DALnet #space Space is almost as cool as the Section 31 movie. 2
freenode #anaconda 2
freenode #lakkatv 2
DALnet #buddhistdebate #buddhistdebate Religious chat & debate open to those of all religions, faith systems, or none, e.g. Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, &c., with a focus on the Buddhist worldview and the Lord Buddha, His Dhamma/Dharma, and the Sangha. 2
Rizon #pirater 2
Zoite #omegamc 2
freenode #centralperk 2
Rizon #jllim 2
Rizon #aussietrivia 2
DALnet #tbilisi Welcome to Tbilisi. Capital Of Georgia 2
Undernet #vvv-power 2
Rizon #veniceunleashed 2
Undernet #horse_trained_holes 2
Rizon #iron 2
freenode #yast 2
freenode ##pcb 2
Rizon #winapi 2
Rizon #foodgrills 2
Rizon #syntaz 2
Rizon #spiral-knights 2
Undernet #photoshop Adobe Photoshop Help and Web Graphics - english preferred.' 2
freenode #kde-windows 2
freenode #spring 2
Rizon #har.tr 2
IRCnet #haapavesi 2
freenode #monolithium The Monolithium Operating System | https://notabug.org/coderain/monolithium 2
freenode #canonical-sysadmin 2
DALnet #chataholics Welcome to #Chataholics Chat on Main n Make Friends ... Enjoy your stay here 2
freenode #pglast 2
Rizon #provag zolee b+ legközelebb várd meg, amíg válaszolnak! ][ Az AnimeAdvent és a Hidden Leaf Team közös IRC csatornája - Channel of AnimeAdvent and Hidden Leaf Team, Hungarian fansub groups | Feliratot ne kérj! http://videa.hu/videok/vicces/dr.-ulvefunyiro-humor-hulyules-reszeg-GRKSpEzsBbcRR5Vu - Sikerekben gazdag 2009-es évet kíván a #provag csapata! 2
Undernet #starbucks- 2
freenode #minsk-hackerspace 2
freenode ##esperanto 2
Rizon #chanema 2